Thursday, August 02, 2012

Free kibbles


GM to spend $600 million of taxpayer's money promoting European soccer.


I've posted a number of predictions describing how bad the coming collapse will be, but this might be the worst I've seen:
"In a recent interview to talk about his New York Times best-seller Aftershock, Wiedemer says, “The data is clear, 50 percent unemployment, a 90 percent stock market drop, and 100 percent annual inflation… starting in 2013.”

Before you dismiss Wiedemer’s claims as impossible or unrealistic, consider this: In 2006, Wiedemer and a team of economists accurately predicted the collapse of the U.S. housing market, equity markets, and consumer spending that almost sank the United States. They published their research in the book America’s Bubble Economy."
Calling the year of the collapse is bold. The article contains a link to the Wiedemer interview.

Four hundred thousand customers dropped pay TV this year.


Ohio Gov. Kasich wants to cut the income tax by raising the sales tax, or as he puts it, closing loopholes. No thanks. No new taxes. Cut spending and cut the income tax.

"60 House Bills to Name Post Offices, Zero To Fix Mail Service" Just as you would expect.

The feds tax Olympic medals.


Another study shows that as atmospheric CO2 increases, more is being captured in carbon sinks like growing forests.

Global warming frauds blame melting street lights on global warming when they were caused by a dumpster fire.


Kofi Annan resigns as envoy to Syria. This is good news. He's a war-monger. Syrian rebels using heavy weapons.


You something weird is going on when establishment Republicans embrace a tea party candidate. It turns out the tea party candidate worked for the FTC. He's just a typical big-government Republican.

Now Obama is claiming to be descended from a slave on his white mother's side. It couldn't be on his black father's side because his father was Kenyan. And not just any slave.
"The ancestry website revealed an interesting new wrinkle Monday into President Barack Obama's roots, announcing that he is a descendant of the first African documented slave."
How convenient that he discovered this right before an election in which he badly needs energized black voters. Of course, there are few assumptions in the analysis...

This is good...


The media has been bashing Mitt Romney for six months. I wonder why his image isn't that popular.


Fire union blames staffing for failure respond effectively to fire. I doubt this would ever happen with free-market fire fighters.

So it was swine flu in Butler County.


Don't mess with Chick-fil-A. The company enjoyed record sales yesterday as supporters of traditional marriage appreciated their CEO's stance on traditional marriage with their dollars. Or maybe the message should be don't mess with traditional marriage. Gay activists are making a big mistake with this kiss-in protest. All this will show is how much small the gay activist movement is compared traditional marriage supporters. The press will give the gay activists much more press - I didn't notice the press announcing Chick-fil-A appreciation day in advance - and a few locations might draw big crowds, but across the country, this protest will be tiny compared to Chick-fil-A appreciation day.

Will OpenGL become the new gaming standard over DirectX? Let's hope so. That would break Microsoft's virtual monopoly computer games, and that might break its virtual monopoly on the desktop. Then we could see some real innovation on the desktop for the first time in over a decade.

In an attempt to defend themselves from government aggression, cigarette companies shift the market to mini-cigars. The anti-smoking crowd, like the writers of this supposed unbiased news article, call this a loophole in the law. Regular people call it legal.

RIM just surrendered its last selling point by giving Indian security access to its previously secure communications. Security was the only feature it had going for it compared to smart phone competitors. Bye-bye RIM.

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