Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Free kibbles


Thomas Sowell explains that the rich have lost more income in this depression than anybody else.
"But the government's own Congressional Budget Office has just published a report whose statistics flatly contradict this claim. The CBO report shows that, while the average household income fell 12 percent between 2007 and 2009, the average for the lower four-fifths fell by 5 percent or less, while the average income for households in the top fifth fell 18 percent. For households in the "top one percent" that seems to fascinate so many people, income fell by 36 percent in those same years."
The one percent is a symbol. The ruling class is much smaller than that. I guarantee the CEO of Goldman-Sachs didn't lose any income because the Fed is funneling money to his bank. The same is true for many banks and corporations. I also guarantee that the head of the AFL-CIO and the SEIU didn't lose any income because they're protected by Obama. The people who are in bed with the government, our rulers who are not politicians, are still getting richer while everybody else gets poorer. This is why I keep saying even the rich, other than the ruling class, are going to end up poor. This is why I keep saying the US is moving towards feudalism.


Scientists protest cuts in the stolen money government doles out to them. Dramatically cutting government funding of science will be the best thing to happen to science since the Renaissance.


Now they're trying to scare us about seal flu. You can't make this stuff up.

Peter Schiff on the real consequences of Obamacare.
"Now that the Supreme Court has given its narrow blessing to the Affordable Care Act, the big question is whether it will deliver the benefits that its proponents promise. Unfortunately, as it is now constructed, the plan will backfire causing fewer healthy people to buy insurance, raise premiums for those who do, destroy employment opportunities, cripple the health insurance industry, and weaken the economy."
That's just what Obama wanted. Schiff does an excellent job breaking this down.

States already rationing drugs for Medicaid.


IPCC author lies to Congress about IPCC findings.  Why not? Congress lies to us every day.


Judge for Colorado shooter erases information that shooter was being cared for by the University of Colorado psychiatrist and exempts the university from having to provide records. Must be nice. We wouldn't want the serfs to know that government's shrinks are transforming people into mass murderers with Big Pharma's drugs.

Government prepared to shoot down airliner over misplaced camera. Isn't it obvious this makes us less safe?


Significant percentage of illegal immigrants not deported by Obama went on to commit more crimes.
"All told, 16 percent of the nearly 47,000 illegal immigrants the administration was notified of but declined to deport between 2008 and 2011 under its Secure Communities program have gone on to be charged with other crimes, the committee said."
That's not a small number.


Obama formalizes support for Syrian rebels.


To distract people from his spending and therefore tax increases, Obama tries to portray Romney as a tax hiker with a really bizarre argument.

Ten ironic positions liberals take.

I think the more Obama calls Romney a felon, the more voters he will turn off. His fake niceness is his last asset, and he's throwing it away.

Obama is strong-arming companies into illegally failing to give notice on impending layoffs.
"Obama's Labor Department on Monday issued "guidance" to the states, telling them that a federal law requiring advance notice of mass layoffs does not apply to the layoffs that may occur in January as a result of automatic budget cuts known as "sequestration.""
More thuggery and lawlessness from the most lawless administration of my lifetime.

Isn't it sad that Obama makes people wish Hillary had become president? But while it may seem we've sunk as far as we can, it's not true. We will almost certainly sink further. We're rapidly heading towards Hayek's rise of the strongman, assuming Obama isn't the strongman. In fact, I'll take it one step further. No matter who is president from now on, that president will become the strongman when the US collapses. Every person we elect is the strongman waiting for the right circumstances to emerge.


As hot as July was, it was only the fourth hottest July on record.
"The average number of days in August that reach temperatures of 90 or above is four. For the month of July, that number is seven. July went far above that average with 19 days total this year."
We only average four days of 90 or higher in August. It hasn't been like that for the last ten years. I'd say it's closer to ten. It seemed that way when I was a kid too.
"There were 2.86 inches of rainfall during the month of July, 1.32 inches less than the average of 4.18."
So even the drought wasn't as bad as the alarmists are making out, though our grass looks terrible.
"The year-to-date rainfall measurement for the Dayton area is 17.3 inches. That is 8.19 inches less than the average rainfall of 25.49 inches at this time of the year."
That's worse. No wonder the river is so low.

In a good reminder that the war on drugs is a phenomenal failure, local police seize large shipment of marijuana while hundreds of others proceed without interruptions.

Now they're trying to scare us about a local outbreak of swine flu, or not.


This government web page on interstate highways contains information that is two decades out of date. At the top it says the information is dated. Ya think?

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