Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dayton Construction

Here's the last post on what I've learned is named the Great Miami Boulevard project.

Wednesday the closed the main route between my house and downtown. No warning. No notice. I just drove up to it, and it was closed. Friday was unusual because people actually worked. They didn't work on getting the new road open. The worked on destroying more of the roads in the neighborhood. They ripped up the pavement at every intersection around here, then they took the weekend off. Stripping that pavement on Friday made every road more dangerous, it causes significant wear and tear on cars, and it's an inconvenience for the people paying for the construction. This illustrates the dangerous, depraved indifference the people in power, the politicians and the top bureaucrats, have toward the people.

Here's a picture of the intersection right in front of the Art Institute.
You can see the stripped pavement. Also, going forward, drivers have to perform a U-turn around this torn up island to go left on Forest, where the oncoming car is coming from.

I also took pictures of a couple clusters of idle equipment. I've talked a lot about the idle equipment, but I don't think I've done a good job getting pictures.

This was taken today, Sunday, so I'm sure people will claim that workers don't work on Sunday, but in the private sector, they do. When people are investing their own money, they don't squander it by allowing equipment to sit idle all weekend. Government does that because politicians are spending other people's money, money they have stolen at the point of the government's gun. Besides which, this idle equipment is typical every day, not just on weekends. There's also more equipment sitting idle I didn't bother to photograph.

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