Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Free kibbles


Union bosses are just as filthy, stinking rich as the CEOs they demonize.


This graph of long-term unemployment is devastating to Obama.
Mitt Romney should make a bumper sticker out of this.

Steve Forbes interviews Jim Rogers.


In the lame duck session, Congress may or may not stop the largest tax increase in US history scheduled to occur on Jan. 1, 2013.

Boehner, who has already raised the debt ceiling twice with no cuts to show for it, is once again posturing about demanding cuts. I bet people are falling for it too.


Apple uses government's grant of intellectual monopoly to crush a competitor.


Greeks withdraw 700 million euros from banks in preparation for Greece pulling out of the eurozone. We could see a bank run.


Yet another study links climate to solar activity. We're getting news every day it seems.


Writer makes fun of Americans for being more worried about cyber-threats than terrorism, but this makes perfect sense. Terrorism has never been a big threat in America. The government just uses terrorism as an excuse to loot and bully us. But cyber-security is a real issue. It seems like every other week somebody steals millions of credit card numbers. Anonymous hacks some computer and publishes all their emails. Identity theft is a growing crime. Americans should be worried about cyber-security, but we should end this outrageous war on terror that is making us prisoners in our own country.


Because the US is no longer a symbol of freedom and good, foreign kids no longer dream of America.


Obama is getting rich by being president.
"He has a hefty stake in JP Morgan Chase, the megabank that just made a bad $2 billion bet. Obama has an account worth between $500,000 and $1 million.
Despite the nation's $15.6 trillion debt, he is a believer in government paper. More than half his assets are in Treasury bills and notes.
The disclosure statement lists assets and liabilities in dollar ranges, so pinpointing the president's net worth is difficult. His assets appear to tally between $2.6 million and $9.9 million. He holds a mortgage on his Chicago home of $500,000 to $1 million."
So Obama is heavily invested with Wall Street cronies he protects from competition and bails out. What a shocker. More Obama Wall Street hypocrisy.

Romney leader in Arizona refuses deal from Paul supporters to take a majority of delegates to Tampa so the Paul supporters will go with a strong majority.

Obama's gay marriage gambit may not give him numbers, but it has excited his base - the media are all tingly again - and that's important. Romney closes gender gap. I've always said that the person who wins the presidency is the man most women would prefer to see in his underwear. I believe this has been true in every election in my lifetime.  Lew Rockwell must have noticed something similar because he believes that Romney is closing the gender gap because he's better looking than Obama. His stand on marriage may have helped him with women too.

Soros funds organization devoted to teaching Democrats how to smear their opponents as racists.


Pretty good predictions of the media bias we can expect.


Financial workers and government workers are most likely to cheat their employers. That's because the banks and government use coercion to make their money. They are inherently corrupt therefore they attract bad people and they corrupt good people.

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