Monday, May 07, 2012

Free kibbles


I hate to say it, but I'm rooting for the Wisconsin Republican governor against the union recall. This union thuggery is really old.


Here's how many people dropped out of the workforce in April.
"I’m still astounded by this figure, but while 115,000 jobs were created in April, a whopping 522,000 Americans dropped out of the labor force. Half a million people just said “Screw it!” and quit looking for work. That officially brings our labor force participation rate to a new 30 year low of 64.3%."
Thanks, government.

Even Peter Schiff asks where the jobs are. They're following the wealth into the hands of the few or out of the country. When we adopt policies that create wealth and bring wealth back to America, the jobs will continue to follow.


If people are willing to pay for all those weather satellites voluntarily by paying more for weather forecasts, great. Same for climate science. If satellites were paid for voluntarily, they'd be much more effective and cheaper. But don't steal my money for satellites. I don't weather forecasters are any more accurate today then when I was a kid, and sincerely doubt they're as accurate as our ancestors were 20,000 years ago.

Here's the sad fact about how badly we are overtaxed.
"In 2012, Americans will pay approximately $4.041 trillion in taxes, which is $152 billion, or 3.9 percent, more than they will spend on housing, food, and clothing."
That's abominable.

The Christian Science Monitor wants us to believe that the European elections mean European governments may not become austere. This is the fallacy the press is presenting. Austerity is coming no matter what. The only question is will it being as soon as possible and be managed to minimize pain, or will it forced on countries a little later in an avalanche, causing the maximum amount of pain. Austerity is coming soon one way or the other, and it's going to hurt.

Mitt Romney, the guy who supposedly understands the economy and how to create jobs, promotes the same fallacy. He doesn't support Paul's plan to cut $1 trillion in government spending because:
""The reason," he explained, "is taking a trillion dollars out of a $15 trillion economy would cause our economy to shrink [and] would put a lot of people out of work.""
Did Romney or Obama say this? Oh yeah, it was Romney. I can't tell the difference. In a shallow and misleading sense he's right. By ending this abominable transfer of wealth from producers to parasites, a bunch of bubbles would pop, putting people working in those activities out of work. But bubble activities destroy wealth. Cutting $1 trillion spending would return $1 trillion in resources to the productive people in the economy. I would allow those people to create additional wealth and wealth-producing jobs, more jobs than would be lost in the bubble activities. GDP would temporarily shrink, but the economy wouldn't shrink. We'd have as much production either way. What would go away was the destruction of that $1 trillion of that wealth in the parasitic political economy. I don't know whether Romney understands this or not. I don't know if he's stupid or evil yet. What I do know is, whether stupid or evil, he's as bad for Americans as Obama.


Happily, a public outcry pressured Obama to reverse his plan to ban children from working on family farms.


Oh my goodness, the Onion kills this one. Regarding the Greek election, one America voice says,
"Aw, it’s so cute that the European Central Bank is still letting them play democracy."
That's priceless. Another says,
"Golden Dawn would get my vote for their beautiful name alone. Their call to place land mines on the Greek borders is just icing on the cake."
This is what government has done to our world.

I agree that Paul Krugman sounded dumb in his debate against Paul. When I learned Keynesianism in college, it sounded dumb too. That why I dumped economics. Too bad I didn't learn Austrian economics at the time.


Here's another terrible consequence of government fueling the higher education bubble with student loans.
"Dave Lindorff writes in the LA Times that growing numbers of students are discovering their old school is actively blocking them from getting a job or going on to a higher degree by refusing to issue an official transcript. The schools won't send the transcripts to potential employers or graduate admissions office if students are in default on student loans, or in many cases, even if they just fall one or two months behind. It's no accident that they're doing this. It turns out the federal government 'encourages' them to use this draconian tactic, saying that the policy 'has resulted in numerous loan repayments.'"
This is our supposedly benevolent government in action. This an important reminder that the purpose of government taking over student loans was to trap students in poverty so they would be dependent on the government the rest of their lives.


Baby monkeys given standard vaccine doses develop symptoms of autism.
"For their analysis, Laura Hewitson and her colleagues at UP conducted the type of proper safety research on typical childhood vaccination schedules that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) should have conducted – but never has – for such regimens. And what this brave team discovered was groundbreaking, as it completely deconstructs the mainstream myth that vaccines are safe and pose no risk of autism."
What else would you expect from government?
"Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) in London, England, the findings revealed that young macaque monkeys given the typical CDC-recommended vaccination schedule from the 1990s, and in appropriate doses for the monkeys' sizes and ages, tended to develop autism symptoms. Their unvaccinated counterparts, on the other hand, developed no such symptoms, which points to a strong connection between vaccines and autism spectrum disorders."
I wonder how government doctors will weasel their way out of this one.


Yet another link between solar activity and climate, this time 2,800 years ago.

Anthony Watts has been generous in not calling the climate frauds liars or frauds. You can't even use the word fraud in his comments. But he's finally seen the light.
"In the over 7,000 published stories here on WUWT, I have never used the word “liar” in the headline to refer to CRU and the Yamal affair. That changes with this story.
I’ve always thought that with CRU, simple incompetence is a more likely explanation than malice and/or deception. For example, Phil Jones can’t even plot trends in Excel. In this particular case, I don’t think incompetence is the plausible explanation anymore. As one commenter on CA (Andy) said
“I suspect the cause of all this is an initial small lie, to cover intellectual mistakes, snowballing into a desire not to lose face, exacerbated by greater lies and compounded by group think. “
Given what I’ve witnessed and recalled from the history of the Yamal affair with Steve McIntyre’s latest investigation, I’m now quite comfortable applying the label of “liar” to the CRU regarding their handling of data, of accusations, and of FOIA."
I've been comfortable with that for a long time. We're not dealing with disagreements between reasonable, well intentioned people. We're dealing with people who lie for profit. They are frauds. They are pseudo-scientists.

Here's another campaign promise Obama kept: skyrocketing electric costs.
"Electricity rates are indeed set to skyrocket, as Barack Obama predicted back in 2008, while he was still a freshman Senator and ambitiously aspiring to White House occupancy. The Obama administration’s new Environmental Protection Agency regulations on coal-fired electrical power generation, if allowed to go into effect, will mean that even a lot of us who can’t afford it will “have to pay more per unit of electricity.”"
Congress can't stop it.


Woman arrested for trying to fill her prescription for pain medication.
"She had to get an attorney to secure her entrance back into her workplace because she had been branded a criminal. The police dropped charges after they decided to talk to her doctor and discovered the prescription was legit (as if her knee brace and permanent IV line weren't enough of an indication)."
Why not sue the cops along with CVS? CVS didn't arrest her. It doesn't have that power.


If President Obama wanted to make some points by reminding everybody that he killed bin Laden and that the underwear bomber was thwarted during his administration, he couldn't pick a better method that setting up and thwarting false flag underwear bomber attack on the anniversary of bin Laden's assassination and blame it on al Qaeda in Yemen. According to Foxnews Special Report, there's a lot of confusion about who was briefed on what when, which would make sense for a false flag attack. Any bets on how much of a bounce Obama gets out of this? Like the bin Laden assassination bounce, it won't last long. US government claims to think this bomb was built by al Qaeda in Yemen. More likely it was built in Quantico.

It's important to remember that a passenger on the underwear bomber plane saw somebody from US intelligence escorting the bomber past security to ensure he got on the plane.

I know people think that government is supposed to protect us, but here's another piece of evidence to the contrary. Government makes our lives more dangerous.

The London Olympics are supposed to be the most secure event in history, but that's just a pretense. There is no real security as the worker who smuggled this fake bomb into the Olympic stadium shows. This is all about oppression and gathering information on people, not security. I hope nobody shows up.

Leaked document describes how military psyops officers will re-educate political dissidents, but not just overseas.
"Firstly, throughout the manual there are scores of references to how the U.S. Army would work together with the DHS, ICE and FEMA (page 24) to implement the policies “within U.S. territory” as part of “civil support operations” in the aftermath of “man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks and incidents in the U.S. and its territories.” (page 38)."
"On page 193 of the document, we learn that the policies outlined in the manual can be applied domestically. The language makes it clear that so long as the President passes an executive order to nullify Posse Comitatus, the law that forbids the military from engaging in domestic law enforcement, the policies “may be performed as domestic civil support operations.”"
"These examples are just a handful of a plethora contained in the 326 page ‘Internment and Resettlement’ document which prove that the policies in the manual apply not only to foreign prisoners abroad, but also to American citizens within the United States."
I've long warned the US was in the final stages of transforming into the Soviet Union. It looks like the policy part of the transformation is complete. All they need is a significant false flag operation to move to the implementation phase. If Ron Paul wins the nomination, they might do this before the election.

Cops beat another defenseless man to death. At least these killers are facing charges thanks to a surveillance video. Once cops get control of all surveillance cameras, government killers will never be prosecuted.


The Army says the soldier who died while Skyping with his wife was not shot.


In a good reminder that when you use social networking, you give up a lot of privacy, an Australian politician threatens to contact the employers of people who "liked" a satirical article about him.

They say that if voting really mattered, the government would outlaw it. We're seeing that in this Republican primary. Despite the popular vote Ron Paul is winning delegates like crazy. The system was designed that way to empower the establishment to nominate their own candidate if the people ever went off the reservation. Now Ron Paul is using that system against the establishment. I love it. This doesn't usually matter because the establishment has all the power. It controls the money. It controls the press. It controls the local party officials. All of this means the people vote for the establishment candidate and the locals assign delegates for the establishment candidate. But Paul supporters are taking over the local parties and assigning Paul delegates.
"There are roughly 30 states and territories where delegates aren’t bound to a particular candidate. The majority of the other states, according to a number of party officials, call for delegates to be bound for a first round of balloting but not the ensuing rounds."
That's a lot of delegates Paul could grab. Even delegates pledged to Romney can abstain on the first ballot, denying Romney a first ballot victory.
"Delegates have abstained from voting before. Back in 2008, at least 14 delegates abstained from voting at the Republican national convention.
So what would happen if the Ron Paul campaign was able to get 100 or 150 "Romney delegates" to abstain from voting during the first ballot in Tampa?"
I love it. If Paul can force a brokered convention, I wonder if Rand Paul might become the nominee.

Romney supporters busted on video posing as Ron Paul supporters and handing out fake delegate ballots in Nevada and Maine. These establishment crooks - redundant, I know - will stop at nothing. This is fraud, but they know from years of experience that the law does not apply to them.

Ohio Republicans have much more money on hand than Democrats.
"And while statewide fundraising efforts collected even more in 2010, the Republican Party has a huge advantage so far this year. In three state-specific funds, Ohio Republicans had $8.31 million on hand in mid-April, according to campaign finance filings. State Democrats had just more than $750,000 on hand."
This is a bad sign for Obama.

As trivial as this may seem, it may cost Obama some votes.
"Civil rights lawyers told The Daily Caller that President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign managers may have violated employment law by hiring an overwhelmingly white office staff for his campaign headquarters in Chicago.
That skewed workforce is starkly visible in an April photo released by Obama’s Chicago office, which shows roughly 100 of the office’s staff.
Only two of the people in the photo, far in the back, are clearly African-American, far below their 13 percent of the national population, and their 33-percent representation in Chicago."
If blacks consider him a hypocrite, he's toast.

It's nice to see people delving into Obama's past, if four years too late.

It doesn't matter if North Carolina looks bad for Obama's nominating convention. Police won't let anybody near it who haven't been anal probed. Protesters won't even make it on camera.

The Greeks may be voting themselves out of the Eurozone. European elections threaten Merkel's plan.
"The impasse was most graphically demonstrated when Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel, insisted Athens must comply with the stringent terms of its €130bn (£100bn) bailout even though more than 60% of the Greek electorate had voted for parties rejecting those terms.
Following a French election campaign in which she strongly backed the loser, Nicolas Sarkozy, and snubbed the president-elect, François Hollande, Merkel stressed her opposition to Hollande's central campaign pledge: reopening the euro's new rulebook, or fiscal pact.
"That's just not on," she told a Berlin press conference called to address the huge shift from right to left in France."
The collapse of the euro has been inevitable since its inception. I feel sorry the Germans are being looted so egregiously to pay for the excesses, not of their own politicians, but politicians of other countries. Merkel's plan was always doomed to fail. When the euro collapses, the Germans are going to be very angry with her. She's not likely to fare well in the history books. The fractured Greek parties fail to form a government. If the Greeks were smart, they would keep it that way. Just abolish the entire government. But they won't. They'll have another election.


The Telegraph is honest about politics:
"Left and Right politicians like Francois Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy, and Ken Livingstone and Boris Johnson, sing from same hymn sheet
But political 'debate' ignores the fact that the market economy can’t afford enormous social security programmes."
At least the Telegraph has the guts to report that politicians in Europe offer no choice to voters. Too bad the US press isn't that honest.


Now we're supposed to be scared because a handful of Asian tiger shrimp have shown up in the Gulf. Government must save all the life in the Gulf from these monsters. If they take hold there, I have a solution. Let's eat them.

Author claims the lizard brain keeps us from making smart financial decisions in the face of terrible financial prospects.

My Spurs just swept the Jazz out of the first round of the playoffs, but there's a not single headline about it on ESPN. All of the headlines on the playoff page are about the Knicks. ESPN is as biased toward big market teams and against small market teas as NBA refs. Finally a Spurs story popped up among the many Knicks stories.

How Roosevelt and Churchill formalized the sellout of nations to Stalin. The US and British governments expanded the Soviet Union and created the Iron Curtain.

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