Friday, May 11, 2012

Free kibbles


An immigrant from the Soviet Union schools an Occupier about socialism.

SEIU funding offices for D.C. Occupiers.


Obama's policies are driving women out of the labor force.

Apparently the one percent is mildly concerned that its agent list two billion dollars. Apparently they have yawned in response.

Facebook founder looking at a $96 billion IPO surrenders US citizenship to keep the state from robbing billions from him. God bless him ror keeping billions out of the hands of our sociopathic politicians.


Germany and Sweden have done well through this recession because they controlled government spending, nearly balancing their budgets. We're too stupid to do that. And if you think Republicans will do it, you're fooling yourself.


Here come the regulators after JP Morgan, after the damage is done, as always. Is anybody surprised that the failure of regulators to stop the grandiose JP Morgan losses inspired the usual socialists to call for more regulations? That's like bully who had beaten the crap out of all the kids in the neighborhood calling for more beatings because one kid managed to escape him and lose his lunch money gambling.

Sometimes the corruption stories write themselves. For example, as soon as regulations for big banks were written, JP Morgan paid a bunch of tax payer money back to the politicians and regulators to change them...
"Soon after lawmakers finished work on the nation’s new financial regulatory law, a team of JPMorgan Chase lobbyists descended on Washington. Their goal was to obtain special breaks that would allow banks to make big bets in their portfolios, including some of the types of trading that led to the $2 billion loss now rocking the bank."
It's like politicians work for rich people who can improve their standards of living instead of poor people who cannot. What a shocker. I guess progressives would have demanded they eat dirt.

Ron Paul is the undisputed champion of liberty in US politics. But why has the public, by all poll said to distrust the federal government, failed to embrace him? For years I've said Paul's problem is he's a suck-up to the status quo.If Paul had taken a principled resistance to coercion, I think he'd be on the verge of winning the presidency. But he didn't. Instead he deferred to the sociopathic criminal around him on camera. Here's an example:
"One day after chairing a hearing on proposals to abolish or overhaul the central bank, the Texan congressman sat down for the first meal of the day Wednesday with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, the lawmaker confirmed in a brief interview at the Capitol. The decision to meet for breakfast at the Fed was “mutual,” said Mr. Paul, who last year introduced a bill to eliminate the central bank."
Do you think Washington ever sat down to breakfast with George III? Do you think sheep ever enjoy breakfast with wolves? It's this kind of failure of principle that has doomed Paul's popular vote.


Minnesota farmer delivers raw milk to customers despite warrants. This man is a hero Isn't funny that government has so terribly corrupted our society that men who deliver raw milk have become heroes?


Obama forced to add coal back into energy graphics for political reasons. Losing 40 percent of the Democrat vote to prisoner in West Virginia really shook his campaign up. Check out this quote:
"Stabbed in the back by coal country in West Virginia’s embarrassing Tuesday Democratic primary, the Obama-Biden campaign has overnight discovered coal."
Who stabbed whom in the back? What a crock.

One of the ways environmental groups fund themselves with our tax dollars is by routinely suing government agencies and collecting millions.
"Environmental groups, however, argue that the act is an important tool in their efforts to protect the public's interest in conservation, fighting pollution and ensuring the federal government follows its own rules."
Baloney. It's an important tool to aid them in fleecing the taxpayer so they can use our tax dollars against us.


Eight-four year old mafia boss convicted of shaking down strip clubs. Meanwhile our government continues to shake down 310,000,000 people every year with impunity.


Obama publicly targets private citizens because they support his opponent. I don't think this is unusual. Doing PI work on opponents, their cronies and their big donors is just SOP.

You didn't have to be a genius to recognize that Obama's campaign strategy is to talk about any distracting wedge issue he can to avoid talking about the economy. So far he's been successful. But Americans aren't engaged yet. When they get engaged in July, August and September, they focus on the economy.

Christian blacks don't generally support gay marriage, so you have to wonder what they think when talking heads compare gay activism to the civil rights movement. Obama has calculated blacks won't abandon him despite the terrible consequences his policies have had on them and despite supporting gay marriage.

Obama makes millions off of his gay marriage pivot.

Up to 180,000 registered voters in Florida are ineligible to vote.

You know sometimes politicians make it too easy. After recently obtaining duel citizenship with the Swiss, goofball Bachmann has renounced her Swill citizenship. That's like climbing Mt. Everest then renouncing your climb of Mt. Everest. I realize most people, especially those sociopaths drawn to federal government, are ignorant, but it's fun to laugh at this sociopath. I just want to stick my finger in the eye of very Bachmann supporter: you were already blind in one eye for supporting this duffus. Don't do it again.

Hollywood loves Obama, but who's sucking whose dick? Rhetorical question. It doesn't matter.


Time magazine writer admits the press is on Obama's side.
"Following President Obama’s confirmation that he does indeed support same-sex marriage, Time magazine’s Mark Halperin confirmed the media’s overwhelming support for the president on the issue. On Thursday’s edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Halperin said despite the potential political risks Obama now faces in battleground states, the one advantage President Obama clearly has is media support on this among other issues."
I appreciate his honesty.

In response to the media making a big deal about a Romney incident in high school, Breitbart reports on Obama's sordid high school history. The mainstream media won't pick it up.

Another media member says Obama is giving her chills again. Frankly, that should be cause for being fired. If a news organization wants to project an image of impartiality, accurate or not, it has to fire people who display such obvious bias.

Chris Matthews claims Obama bailed out Ford, but Ford refused to take bailout money.


Dreamers wonder about the advantages of driverless cars, but they're wrong about congestion. Congestion would be worse because the automated cars couldn't creatively maneuver to get out of congestion. In fact, traffic might end up being permanent if computers fell into deadlock and no creative was empowered to break the deadlock. It would also take longer to get anywhere in general because the cars would never speed even it was perfectly safe to do so. This would lead to more cars on the roads and more congestion. It would cost more fuel, more wear on the cars and more road wear. Also, government would be able to track everybody at all times as they drove. The downsides far outweigh the upsides except for people who can't, or shouldn't, drive themselves.

Contrasting earlier republics with the republic defined by the US Constitution.

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