Sunday, April 22, 2012

Free kibbles


It looks like vaccines are causing whooping cough or at least making people susceptible to it.


Picture of George Clooney doing something for the TSA. He's not being searched. Maybe he's in the nude-scanner. This is some sort of publicity stunt. George Clooney had plenty of other options, but he chose to do this and have his picture taken doing it. It seems to me this is supposed to promote Americans to surrender to this baloney.


Remember when Obama claimed US forces would leave Afghanistan in 2014? He lied.
"The U.S. and Afghanistan reached a deal Sunday on a long-delayed strategic partnership agreement that ensures Americans will provide military and financial support for at least a decade beyond 2014, the deadline for most foreign forces to withdraw."
US troops will be there at least until 2024. No thanks.

Guess what happens when you allow women in the world's largest and deepest good old boy network? Rape. Anybody who is surprised by this is a fool.


The Columbian Secret Service and prostitute scandal has spread to the hotel President Obama stayed in. It looks like the Secret Service is in for a house-cleaning.

Ron Paul is winning lots of delegates in Minnesota.


Billionaires to announce plan to mine an asteroid. This is evidence that the marketplace will develop space, and already would have been if government hadn't restricted access to technology. With NASA out of the way, man would have already made great strides in space.

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