Monday, August 01, 2011

Free kibbles


Establishment Republicans agreed to pretty much all the Democrats' demands on the debt ceiling. That talk about taxing private planes was just a distraction. Obama was never serious about that. It was just about giving Republicans cover so they could say they resisted tax increases. What a crock.
"There is also concern that the deal could still fail to be approved by Congress, which is due to vote on the package on Monday night. Some liberals are angry that the plan, which has been hailed as a triumph for the Tea Party movement, relies on spending reductions rather than tax rises to reduce the US budget deficit. The Democratic leader in the House, Nancy Pelosi, has already warned that some Democrats may be unwilling to support the deal."
A victory for the tea party? What a joke. That's just propaganda. Democrats are ecstatic that Republicans gave them this much. Let's hope Congress fails to pass it, but I don't think there's any way that will happen. I love how this article intentionally confuses the US government with the US economy.
"The full details of the plan have not been released. However, a fact sheet released by the White House showed that spending would be capped by $900bn over the next ten years. A bi-partisan committee will then be set up to agree a further $1.5tn of deficit reduction measures, which could include tax rises. If this committee cannot agree a deal, then an "enforcement mechanism" will trigger around $1.3tn of spending reductions beginning in 2013."
So increasing spending by $2.4 trillion is supposed to be a victory for the tea party. That's pure propaganda designed to try and get the people they think of as rubes to support the deal. The bill stealing another $2.4 trillion from Americans passed the House with bipartisan support. While this isn't exactly the way I predicted it ending - I predicted the Republicans would force Obama to raise the debt ceiling unilaterally, which, from a political point of view, they should have - it's obvious that everything we've seen up to this point was a charade. I'm very happy to see Gabrielle Giffords up and active, but I'm even happier she wasn't the deciding vote. Bringing her there to vote on this was an inhumane and exploitive propaganda ploy. Here's the British establishment take...
"Democrat Chris Van Hollen said: "We shouldn't have our troops in Afghanistan asking whether they are going to be paid. It is a scandal.""
The scandal is we have troops dying and killing in Afghanistan to support a gangster. Same in Iraq. And Pakistan. And Somalia. And Yemen. And the Philippines. And South America. And God knows where else.

Five lies about the debt ceiling plan expose Boehner for the tool he is. He's worked against the interest of the American people all along.

Here's another way of looking at the debt ceiling back stab:
"The agreement today between President Obama and the Republicans in Congress to allow an increase in the debt ceiling of $2.4 trillion in return for reductions in Obama’s planned spending by $2.417 trillion over the next decade, and no tax increases, is a victory for Reagan Republicans in the present struggle, but an even more important victory over the long run."
Absolutely. If you wanted to steal $2.4 trillion more from the American people, this is a fantastic deal. It accomplished just that. And since Reagan grew the budget and the debt every year he was in office, it's a plan worthy of him. If, on the other hand, you voted Republican with the delusional idea they actually wanted to cut spending, you're an idiot. I told you before the election that if you voted Republican because you wanted them to cut spending that you were a delusional. And what a surprise, Republicans did exactly what I predicted. They stole more of our money. I'll go further. I"ll predict right now that if you voted Republican in 2010 because you wanted Republicans to cut the budget, despite having them stab you in the back, you'll vote for them again in 2012 believing they'll cut the budget then. And they won't. It's an ever-expanding orgy of theft and violence, and conservatives keep voting for it just like liberals, but all the while hypocritically claiming they want smaller government. Anybody who votes Republican, other than Ron Paul, is a tool just like John Boehner. You might as well be a Democrat.

How hard is it to figure out? Boehner, the geeky glasses Cantor fraud dude and the Ryan budget fraud guy have been stealing our money for nearly two decades. How dumb do you have to be to think that suddenly they're going to stop stealing our money? Did you just fall off a boat? Were you born yesterday? How many times does a guest have to rob you blind before you stop opening the door and inviting him in to steal your silverware? They're crooks. Stop voting for them. Case in point:
"There is, however, zero chance the Republican House would pass a tax hike in an election year. Remember, 234 Republican members of the House of Representatives have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge."
I don't know whether this is guy is stupid or evil, but how funny is it that just after the Republicans betrayed the people who elected them by raising the debt ceiling that he would claim they would never raise taxes? As if they care what we think. On the other hand, who can blame him for saying this. Either he's a mental midget or he's smart enough to know that voters are mental midgets and they vote for the same crooks every two, four or six years. We're the stupidest people in the world, and our children will spit on our graves if we're lucky. If they're smarter than that, they'll dig our bodies up and drag us around the crumbled streets to destroy our skeletons while starving kids, old people and goats try to gnaw on our bones for sustenance.

To their great credit, the people of Iceland refuse to bailout bankers who made bad investments, i.e. all the banksters. Lots of people would say Americans refused to do the same by failing to support TARP, and they would superficially correct. But because Americans re-elected pretty much everybody who voted for TARP, they would in reality be delusional.


More and more people at the grass roots are figuring out that the government is waging war against healthy food in order to make us sick.


Britons angry over rising energy prices, want to abolish green policies. They should have done that years ago.

Here's a good reminder that the goal of environmentalists is to destroy civilization as we know it. Of course they expect they'll be among the few to live, and they expect modern conveniences. Deadly fools.


For all the rampant fraud in politics and subsequently government, I still get a good laugh when it's exposed. For example. Newt Gingrich hired a firm to create fake Twitter followers, then tried to use his high number of followers as an excuse to be treated like a serious candidate. You can't make this stuff up.

Ron Paul, for all his intelligence, wisdom, accuracy and principle, still can't get more than ten percent in polls. To some extent this is an indictment of him - he doesn't communicate well enough to make headway into the mainstream - but it's more of an indictment of Republican voters.


Leftist mouthpiece Reuters says we have Mitch McConnell to blame for this debt ceiling deal. While I hope voters punish him accordingly, I don't buy it. I don't think for a second House Republicans care about Mitch McConnell. Boehner is the number one back-stabber in this deal. This article is almost assuredly an attempt to draw heat off him. The media knows Boehner has to answer to the tea party, so they're providing cover for him.


Apparently GPS-accurate technology can be implemented by ground stations at a fraction of the price of the satellite version. I wonder who paid all the extra money for the satellite version.
"GPS satellite is a satellite used by the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS). The first satellite in the system, Navstar 1, was launched February 22, 1978. The GPS satellite constellation is operated by the 50th Space Wing of the United States Air Force."
What a surprise.

I've always had a good laugh at libertarians who make value judgments like Microsoft is evil and Apple is great based on nothing more than they like Apple products better than Microsoft products. Here's a perfect example of why Apple is an evil, government-partnering empire like Microsoft, Intel and all the others.

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