Friday, July 01, 2011

Free kibbles


Thanks to rebellious roofers ignoring the government, we get quality roofs at a low price.

Minnesota government shuts down stuff people like because Republicans and Democrats can't reach a budget deal. Democrats want to raise taxes.

Obama giving other people's money to underwater homeowners. Talk about blatant vote buying.


The reason corporations buy power from the government is the return on investment is fantastic. Here's an example:
"Also, if I did my math right, the value being paid is $750,000 per patent. Let’s say Nortel spent say $30k on average to obtain and maintain each patent (for a big company like Nortel this may be about right; can be cheaper if you are more efficient). That is a ROI of 25x (2500%)."
You can't make that kind of return on investment in the private sector. It's far more lucrative for a company to engage the corrupt political economy than to compete with others to provide quality goods and services in a honest market. The only way to stop companies and everybody else from buying power from government is to take that power away from government. Government is trying to tax and regulate us back to the stone age.

Thanks to government bans on effective pesticides, bedbugs are back.

On government war against the car.
"[Government] even has the chutzpah to tout that it alone can beat back our constant struggle to have a better life, and it expects us to thank our masters for this — and pay for the privilege.These are thoughts that hit me as I read the New York Times report "Across Europe, Irking Drivers is Urban Policy." Yes, that's right: policies are not trying to make driving easier and less of a problem but harder and more of a problem so that people will abandon their cars and hoof it just like life before the invention of the wheel."
If government wasn't so destructive, it would be funny.


Greenspan criticizes Bernanke for printing money. How funny.


Economic issues, mostly tax revenue, are behind the push to legalize marijuana.
"Drug prohibition is the single biggest burden on the criminal-justice budget. It is also a large burden for more than a dozen budgets within the federal government, and it is a growing burden on state and local budgets. The incarceration of hundreds of thousands of nonviolent drug offenders often leads to the breakup of families and the loss of breadwinners, placing additional burdens on social services."
Politicians love our money even more than breaking down doors, stealing drugs and throwing people in prison.


I'm confused by this. How come Google is in trouble for sniffing packets? Sending packets is a broadcast. How can somebody be in trouble for listening? This would be like suing your neighbor for listening in as you hollered out the window to your kid. I understand that sniffing packets is not good business. People won't like it. But unless Google has said in a contract it won't do that, I don't see how they can be sued. I also don't see how anybody can claim harm.

Claim that TSA is covering up cancer cases of nude-scanner operators.

Because government is inherently corrupt, police who carry out its laws of aggression against the people are necessarily corrupt too.
"An example of policemen who are nothing but criminals are the policemen of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration). Their job is to seek and obstruct the commerce and usage of certain substances the state arbitrarily decides to ban, such as marijuana, inhalants, steroids, heroin, morphine, amphetamines and even creatine supplements for athletes. They use their weapons to pursue and kidnap people who are engaging in trade; to threaten life and property of sellers who are satisfying the free demand of buyers; and, to steal the goods and the freedom of innocent people. That is to say, doing nothing more than what criminals do."
This is why narcotics divisions tend to be the most corrupt divisions in the police force.


Iraqi government uses force to crush protests.

Operation Northwoods was a 1960 plan to create a false flag event to enable an invasion of Cuba. Also a US Admiral had staged a highly successful sneak carrier attack in wargames on Pearl Harbor in 1932, but the Navy ignored the results enable the Japanese to copy that attack for real in 1941.

Legalize drunk driving.


Here's how you know DSK is a member of the ruling class:
"The sexual assault case against Dominique Strauss-Kahn is on the verge of collapse as investigators have uncovered major holes in the credibility of the housekeeper who charged that he attacked her in his Manhattan hotel suite in May, according to two well-placed law enforcement officials."
I've watched prosecutors try dozens of cases, and they never care that their main witness is a liar. They encourage them to lie. The only reason these prosecutors care about the credibility of their witness is DSK is a member of ruling class. If he was a some nobody from the wrong side of the tracks, the prosecution would go forward regardless of how incredible the witness was. DSK released on his own recognizance. Prosecutors slam their own witness in letter released to the press. I don't remember ever seeing anything like this. Talk about rallying behind one of their own. Apparently the French socialist connections have won the day.
"District Attorney Cyrus Vance, the elected chief prosecutor in Manhattan whose political future could hinge on this case, told reporters the case was still active but stopped short of saying the prosecution would continue no matter what."
They let the cat out of the bag. All prosecutions are about getting the prosecutor re-elected. All trials are about getting the judge re-elected or a promotion. They're never about justice.

Harvard study says 4th of July parades boost Republicans. Look for Democrats to try and ban them.

Documenting how Somalia has advanced because it doesn't have a central government.

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