Thursday, July 07, 2011

Free kibbles


Abandoned skyscraper illustrates malinvestment caused during a credit boom.

The euro's inevitable end. The sooner the better for everybody.


Barbara Boxer to push another $109 billion stimulus boondoggle.


Obamacare to add trillions to the debt just as every non-partisan analysis showed before it passed.


Prominent climate fraud admits he can't reproduce some of his results.
"When I asked Oxburgh if [Keith] Briffa [CRU academic] could reproduce his own results, he said in lots of cases he couldn’t,” Stringer told us. “That just isn’t science. It’s literature. If somebody can’t reproduce their own results, and nobody else can, then what is that work doing in the scientific journals?"
Any journal that would publish such a thing either made a mistake, it happens, or isn't a scientific journal but a political advocacy group posing as a scientific journal.

Hockey stick fraud Michael Mann busted for a new fraud.


I praised Boortz yesterday for his comments about the Casey Anthony jury. Today he did an about face.
"Juror No. 3 has now started talking.  She is saying that the prosecution didn’t prove how Casey died.  Guess what?  The prosecution doesn’t need to prove how the victim died to prove murder.  The jury had all the information it needed to determine that Casey didn’t die of natural causes and that Casey’s mother was the cause.  As time goes on this jury will become known as a jury that didn’t understand it’s job, didn’t understand the evidence, didn’t engage in due and intelligent deliberation … and let a murderer go."
The people who sat in the trial and listened to every shred of evidence unanimously agree that Boortz is wrong. According to them, the prosecution failed to prove she was murdered because they couldn't prove how she was murdered. That's a perfectly legitimate position. If the prosecutor can't prove how she was murdered, then there's a reasonable chance she wasn't murdered but died accidentally or was murdered by somebody else. That's reasonable doubt. I'm still impressed with this jury. They thought Anthony killed her daughter, but they did their duty and judged the prosecutor's case and found it inadequate to prove it. It would have been easy to go with their emotions, but they didn't.


Dayton city government to cut $12 to $15 million in spending. That'll make the city $12 to $15 million richer.


ISPs sign up to copyright infringement agreement. Slashdot puts this in perspective:
"It's not suspicious at all that most of the ISPs signing on for this are owned by or own media companies."
Not suspicious at all. That's why we need a major ISP that isn't owned by a media company. I can only imagine that the government has warned Google not to bother trying to start one.

Pardon my 4am rant, but does it get any better than U2 introducing Bruce Springsteen and Patti Smith? Rhetorical question. No.

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