Thursday, July 28, 2011

Free kibbles


The so-called experts are once again surprised, this time by a drop in durable good orders.


Harry Reid blames the tea party for keeping Republicans from giving in to Democrats on the debt ceiling debate. He's right. The Boehner plan is worse than worthless, but at least the tea party kept the establishment Republicans from caving to Democrats like Democrats expected. It's important to remember that the reason the government hit this debt ceiling limit so rapidly was the outrageous spending Obama and Democrats forced through in the last couple of years, so it is dishonest to blame Republicans for this problem. It's also dishonest that the president hasn't put forth a plan, Senate Democrats haven't passed a plan, but the House Republicans have passed several plans but they're still being blamed for the lack of a deal.

Here's a pretty honest and accurate assessment of the debt ceiling quandary.

When the government shut down in 1996.

Prediction that the US will implement a European-style wealth tax. I can just hear the class warfare arguments now.


The Fed tries to combat the accusation it prints money by explaining it uses electronic money, as if that makes  a difference.


Somebody recognizes the same thing I've noticed...
"The most surprising thing about the current heat wave affecting much of the United States is that no global warming charlatan is claiming that it is the result of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions."
It's odd.
"Dennis T. Avery of the Hudson Institute, reports CERN has demonstrated “that more cosmic rays do, indeed, create more clouds in the earth’s atmosphere.” Cosmic rays are subatomic particles from outer space. More clouds means that less of the sun’s warmth reaches the Earth’s surface."
Several studies have provided evidence in support of this theory.

The solar energy sector is maturing, but how much of that is because of subsidies?

Study of NASA satellite data shows that global warming models are full of hot air.
"NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth's atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study in the peer-reviewed science journal Remote Sensing. The study indicates far less future global warming will occur than United Nations computer models have predicted, and supports prior studies indicating increases in atmospheric carbon dioxidetrap far less heat than alarmists have claimed."
"There is a huge discrepancy between the data and the forecasts that is especially big over the oceans."
Imagine that.


Here's a good reminder that the war on drugs creates lunacy.
"A Minnesota senior was jailed by Canadian border guards at a Manitoba port of entry after a jar containing some motor oil was mistaken for heroin."
This can only happen because government turns people who possess drugs into criminals.


This is a good reminder that the crooks in Congress are also creeps.
"A group of Senators are meeting in secret today, while most people are focused on the 'debt ceiling' issue, in order to try to rush through a renewal of the FISA Amendments Act, which expressly allowed warrantless wiretapping in the U.S. The law isn't set to expire until next year, but some feel that the debt ceiling crisis is a good distraction to pass the extension without having to debate the issue in public."
They are rotten to the core.

The impossibility of just judgment. What can be determined pretty well is how much damage was done by a criminal and therefore how much restitution must be made.


Democrat calls for hearings on right-wing extremism and terrorism. That didn't take long. The blood of the Norwegian victims isn't even dry yet. Review if law enforcement spends enough resources oppressing the right-wing.

US soldier accused of planning a bomb attack on Fort Hood.

Libyan rebel leader and top commanders killed.


Thing's aren't looking good for Obama's reelection.


How the media is propagandizing the Norwegian terrorist.


Can you imagine a company in the private sector allowing a water leak to spill a steady stream of water into a neighborhood for six weeks? It would never happen. Only government can be that bad. Naturally budget cuts are blamed.


Anybody who doesn't realize that if you can open your car door and start your car with your cell phone, so can a hacker, is a fool.

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