Monday, July 11, 2011

Free kibbles


Obama's auto bailout czar reported, "He did it all for the unions," but now he denies it. Of course he did, both. His job was to do it for the unions then lie about it to Congress. Job well done.

I'd wash motorcycles for $5,600 a piece. Or better yet, I'd pay somebody $10 or $20 bucks to do it for me.


Analysis of Ron Paul's idea for the Treasury to cancel the debt on the $1.6 trillion Treasuries held by the Fed.

Charles Krauthammer rips Obama on the debt issue. Too bad he doesn't stick to stuff like this.

The debt talks collapse. I think the fix is in. All we keep hearing is demagoguery. Republicans are going to force Obama to either agree to a deal with no tax cuts knowing that his base will blast him and reward them if they succeed, or they're going to force Obama to unilaterally raise the debt limit citing the 14th amendment. I think Republicans win politically either way. More evidence supports my position. This headline says Republicans are moving to the right.
"Republicans dug in their heels on Monday and said that they wouldn't support tax increases as part of a deal to raise the U.S. borrowing limit, sticking with the party's hallmark position amid signs that the caucus is shifting further to the right just weeks before the country's ability to finance its deficit expires."
But Obama vows the government won't default. I think Republicans have a winning issue that happens to work for the people. It also seems the Republican caucus and the people might save Boehner from himself because he really wanted to compromise on some grand bargain. Another reason Republicans might be resisting any deal with Obama is any deal would be considered a victory for Obama and help him win back swing voters.

Chart claims taxpayers will suffer the highest tax burden in history in a decade or two. The one thing we know for sure is this chart, like all charts of future government spending and taxes, will be out of date in a week.

Division in the Eurozone grows as Der Spiegel explains,
"The latest tranche of loans from the EU and the IMF has helped buy debt-ridden Greece some time. But the Greeks will find it hard to get back on their feet. Their country has been ruined by three political dynasties, which created a bloated system of cronyism that is hard to change."
Written by Spiegel staff, not any individuals who can be retaliated against. Bloated system of cronyism. That sounds familiar.

The Italian economy is sinking because of government debt and other problems. It never ends.


The Small Business Administration reports that the economic cost of federal regulations is $1.75 trillion a year. That doesn't count state and local regulations. This is another way government crushes our economy, kills jobs and makes us all poorer.


Ron Paul is a busy man. He just introduced a bill repealing legal tender laws and taxes on gold and silver to Americans can use currencies to compete with the Fed. He's making the most of his run for president and his legislative agenda, exposing everybody else as a phony.


Our government medical establishment has created a superbug version of gonorrhea.

Federal researchers have just figured out what private researchers have known for a while: the ratio of salt to potassium is important for health.


Talk about socialist propaganda posing as a scientific paper - take a look at this.
"Astroturf organizations are fake grassroots organizations usually sponsored by large corporations to support any arguments or claims in their favor, or to challenge and deny those against them. They constitute the corporate version of grassroots social movements. Serious ethical and societal concerns underline this astroturfing practice, especially if corporations are successful in influencing public opinion by undertaking a social movement approach."
They didn't even bother to try and pretend to unbiased.


A real life example shows that government prohibition is ineffective at stopping drug use, but the marketplace succeeds are minimizing negative consequences from drug use.


Scientific study blaming car accidents on gadget use was undoubtedly funded by government with the results pre-determined to support police state interventions against driving while using gadgets. That's how our world works, politics has thoroughly corrupted science into support for policy. On the same day, USA Today reports that distracted driving programs are successful. This is an orchestrated campaign to gin up support for more police state activity.

DOJ tries to force defendant to decrypt data on laptop. Whether or not they win in this specific case, they will eventually make this happen.

If the police can produce evidence Heinz Ward hit a curb with his car, then he really did deserve to be pulled over.

Claim that Casey Anthony juror quit job and fled town in fear for her life. Don't we have a great justice system? And we wonder why nobody wants to be a juror.

Anonymous is foolish to post military email accounts and passwords. They'll be hunted as terrorists for sure.


After ten years of fighting, US forces have failed to secure the main road between Pakistan and Kabul over which they receive their supplies. When you read articles like this and you compare them to what the politicians tell us about winning, the disconnect is fantastic.
""In the immediate area (of Bati Kaht village), it hasn't been too bad, because of the presence of the local government here," he said, "but when you get to the more outlying areas of the district, we'll come across pockets of resistance" in the form of gunfire and roadside bomb attacks on U.S. troops."
"Commerce along Highway 7 appeared bustling during a recent patrol by U.S. forces heading to Bati Kaht. The tree-lined highway was filled with merchants selling vegetables and fruit, including locally grown watermelons.Local Afghan National Police Chief Mohammed Omer, however, said the appearance is deceiving. "There is no real stability here," Omer said. "Some people complain to the insurgents who tell them there wouldn't be any problems if U.S. forces weren't here.""
This magnitude of failure would never be tolerated in the private sector.

The CIA organized fake vaccinations to get Osama bin Laden's DNA before the raid.
"DNA from any of the Bin Laden children in the compound could be compared with a sample from his sister, who died in Boston in 2010, to provide evidence that the family was present."
"A nurse known as Bakhto, whose full name is Mukhtar Bibi, managed to gain entry to the Bin Laden compound to administer the vaccines. According to several sources, the doctor, who waited outside, told her to take in a handbag that was fitted with an electronic device. It is not clear what the device was, or whether she left it behind. It is also not known whether the CIA managed to obtain any Bin Laden DNA, although one source suggested the operation did not succeed."
Why did they need bin Laden's DNA if they already had some? Why not compare the DNA of the children to bin Laden's instead of his sister's? If they didn't have any bin Laden DNA to begin with, sampling some guy who may or may not be bin Laden then killing him and comparing another sample to the first is meaningless. This seems to case serious doubt on the claim that bin Laden's identity was verified through DNA.


Syrian President Assad tries to bait the US government into attacking his government so he can rally his people behind him by sending protesters to break into the US embassy. Fortunately nobody was hurt. That's a little ballsy. He might end up with his people behind him but the US government might bomb them back into the stone age.


More on Michelle Bachmann's career as an IRS attorney, a person who sued Americans to steal their money. Can you smell the hypocrisy? She says God called her to be a tax attorney for the IRS.

It looks like AG Holder is behind the fast and furious corruption.
"Holder openly proclaimed his connection to the operation in April 2009 during a publicized speech in Mexico, then told a Congressional Committee in May 2011, "I probably heard of Fast and Furious the first time in the last few weeks."[2]"
I still want to know when ATF was pulled from Treasury and put under DOJ.

This guy predicts Ron Paul will win the Republican nomination, and he lays out a number of excellent, rational reasons why. But voters aren't rational, and anybody who follows politics who thinks they are is a fool.


Hypocrisy of condemnation for the News of the World for hacking people and listening into their conversations because the same condemning them support when government agents do the same thing.

NPR manages to hunt down somebody they call a conservative to say Republicans might suffer at the polls over the debt negotiations. Right. I don't think Republicans are going to fall for this trick.

Headline reads "Obama presses, Boehner resists" like Obama is negotiating in good faith but Boehner is holding up a deal. The simplest little things like that show the media bias.


Liquor sales soaring as buyers try to get more bang for their buck. Bars aren't doing so well.
"“Because of the economy, and because of the smoking ban, people have stayed home, but they are buying products to take home,” said Jacob Evans, vice president and general counsel for the Ohio Licensed Beverage Association."
Another way government puts people out of business and kills jobs.
"But as retail sales of spirits rose in the Miami Valley and Ohio, wholesale purchases trended downward."
Imagine that. I'll bet this phenomenon is nationwide except for Washington D.C.


NASA thinks property rights don't extend to moon rocks.

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