Thursday, April 30, 2009

Free kibbles

Chrysler declares bankruptcy. Apparently this UAW deal didn't save Chrysler from bankruptcy. US government dumps $8 billion more of taxpayer money into Chrysler, and the Canadian government dumps $2 billion. Must be nice.

A bunch of big-government Republicans are launching a PR campaign to take advantage of the people's anger at Democrats. But these guys are only slightly better than Democrats. They're the same old guys with the same big government ideas that brought the country to this point. This should be called the More of Same Big Government Republicans campaign.

Pakistan says the Taliban is holding an entire town hostage. Maybe Pakistan will finally get serious about wiping out this threat.

Think tank predicts internet brownouts as soon as next year. The government would love for this to happen so it could step in "on our behalf" and gain control of the internet. Brownouts would be ridiculous. We pay for this service. If usage is growing, then investment in bandwidth should be growing, and technology should be making it cheaper.

President Obama is a lying piece of crap. He says he wants to get the government out of the private sector as soon as possible. No he doesn't. If he really wanted that, he could pull the government out of it right now. What he really wants is to remake the private sector in his socialist image, and then pull out... or not.

How will Obama kill the benefits of this natural gas find?

There's no doubt this intellectual property stuff is out of control. Krispy Kreme was forced to withdraw a donut from sale because of copyright.

8 year old girl gets divorce from 50 year old man in Saudi Arabia. I'm surprised her husband didn't stone her to death.

Former enemy combatant found guilty of supporting al Qaida. If he was an enemy combatant, he shouldn't have faced trial. If he wasn't, he shouldn't have been held as one.

Who are these idiots who think that Star Trek:TOS was about Kirk kicking Klingon butt and now think the new movie should have spoken Klingon in it? I suggest anybody who says either is either an idiot or simply never understood ST:TOS. Either way, they should be ignored.

This will probably shock liberals: Iran is still the world's leading sponsor of terrorism. Funny how the world refuses to bend to the delusions of liberals.

Why does this WSJ article fail to call the suspected Zodiac killer by his well known name?

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