Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Free kibbles

Triple car bomb kills 41 in Baghdad. Al Qaeda in Iraq is re-surging because it knows Obama is pulling out anyway.

Trademarking the English language. Mises scholar gets in trouble for using a common phrase that has apparently been trademarked. A related absurd consequence of our IP laws.

The World Health Organization jumps on the bandwagon, fomenting alarmism about swine flu. They invoke the magic "pandemic" word. Naturally. It's the reason they exist. It's the excuse governments use to tax us into oblivion. It's how they get funded. If this thing reaches 0.01 percent of the population, wake me up. Here's how bad the alarmism is:
[Dumb-ass] Schwarzenegger has declared a state of emergency. The CDC is working on a vaccine. Medical muckymucks are warning of "pandemic potential" and telling people to reduce all human contact by 50% and stand 6 feet away from all people. New York schools are shutting down. In Chicago, school kids have been instructed not to shake hands. The Obama administration is being criticized for not declaring martial law. [Don't breath on me or CDC will kill you.]
It just makes me want to wash my hands right now. And again. And again. We're all going to die!

Just so you know, the Mexican Army is acting as an arm of the police. This is the country we "want to work with". A country which uses its military on its own citizens. You can guess how well that's working out for Mexico, and what the army is really doing, funded by drug money. I'm not going to detail everything that's wrong with this picture. I'm going to detail the only solution - end the war on drugs.

This map from an essay on the inalienable right to secession is funny, because it shows that couple of dumb-ass blue states are holding the entire country hostage to radical liberalism. I'm no conservative, but it's obvious the conservative states are functioning significantly better than the dumb-ass liberal basket states are. Here's a nice summary of government:
To say [from the Declaration of Independence] governments were formed to protect the rights of men would be historically incorrect. Almost all governments were formed by ruthless men exerting their will over others through the use of force. Some governments, over time, evolved toward the rule of law, perhaps only because their rulers saw that this would sanction their own continued enjoyment of the wealth that they possessed. In some instances, this evolution involved one or more "revolutions" in which those who were governed were able to better establish the rule of law.
Poetic license by Jefferson doesn't change the fact that his language is intended as a strict limitation on the focus of government power.

This has to be one of the most Orwellian headlines I've ever read: Obama: clearing economic "wreckage," fixing US image. How's that working out for us? I feel better already. I'm happy to know that Pravda, I mean Reuters, is propping up dear leader Obama just like their paid to do.

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