Friday, April 10, 2009

Free kibbles

Freighter captain recaptured by pirates after diving overboard in escape attempt. Why didn't Navy snipers or deck gunners kill the pirates when he did this? You know the captain expected some cover from the Navy for his escape attempt, and from this report it seems he didn't get it. Surely Navy Seals are on the scene by now. If not, why not? Why are we pussy-footing around with these terrorists instead of killing them? Now 2 more pirate vessels are in the sea nearby. I hope the Navy plans to sink them as soon as they free the captain. To hell with paying ransom for this captain. There's a reason the US supposedly doesn't negotiate with terrorists - if terrorists gain any advantage from capturing or killing Americans, they will do it more often. Kill the pirates.

So the pirates are demanding $2 million ransom. How about a watery grave instead? If you can't see from this quote all that's wrong with America and western civilization, I'll never be able to explain it to you...
"Knowing that the Americans will not destroy this German ship and its foreign crew, they hope they can meet their friends on the lifeboat," said the pirate, who has given reliable information in the past but asked not to be named.
The pirates know we're a bunch of wimps. We have Clinton, Bush, Obama and liberals to thank for that. I say bull****. After we kill the pirates holding the US freighter captain, we should storm the German mothership and send those pirates to a watery grave along with their fellow terrorists.

If we know so much about what these pirates are doing, why aren't we sinking their boats?

Study shows that students receiving school vouchers get a better education than students stuck in government schools. Democrats can't allow that, so they killed the program.

Obama sees glimmers of hope across the economy, but so far none of his stimulus boondoggle has been spent. Once that spending hits, taking more jobs from the productive private sector than it creates in the non-productive government sector, our economy will take another hit.

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