Sunday, April 12, 2009

Free kibbles

The lifeboat holding the pirates and the US freighter captain is close to shore. This report says Navy Seals escorted the freighter to port, so that means more Seals are on the ships sitting idly by while the lifeboat drifts to shore. Apparently the reason we have the most powerful Navy in history is so it can sit around and talk to pirates. And resupply the pirates. Let's keep the pirates strong so they can continue to threaten the captain. What happened to depriving hostage takers of food and water and whatnot to force them to surrender faster? At least the French know how to deal with pirates. Kill them.

How come we don't hear anything about what Obama's doing during this hostage crisis? If Bush were in the White House, the news would be reporting on what he was doing about these pirates every day, but with Obama in the White House, we get nothing. This is the first time since Obama took office he hasn't been on the news making speeches once or twice a day. Obama is missing in action. Maybe Obama isn't doing anything about it, and is spending his time getting a dog.

The Navy SEALs finally rescued the freighter captain, killing the three remaining pirates after one had surrendered. Hell, yeah! Congratulations to the captain and his family. This is great news for every American.

But who does the FBI think it is considering charges for the remaining pirate? Do they think they're a global police force? This isn't some criminal. This wasn't a crime in America. It was piracy on the high seas, and the captain of the Navy vessel should hold a captain's mast and try this pirate. Somebody better slap the Justice Department and remind them that their jurisdiction ends at the US border. You can bet President Missing in Action Obama will be making a speech now and taking all the credit he can. Needless to say, now that it's all over with he jumped into the story with a statement trying to horn in on some of the glory. According to this article, Obama left a standing order to kill the pirates if the captain was in imminent danger. That order has undoubtedly been policy for hundreds of years. Obama is trying to take credit for something he wasn't even involved in. The only reason Obama would have had to be consulted was if he was holding the Navy back. They should have killed the pirates when the captain tried to escape.

Deaths could escalate violence. If the pirates don't want to die, maybe they should find another line of work. Now the pirates are vowing revenge. Don't you love how these terrorists capture and kill people then vow revenge when their victims fight back? US ships in that area should mount deck guns, arm their sailors and hire a well armed security team which includes a sniper.

Time Warner's attempts to limit bandwidth prompt congressman to consider price controls. So government gives Time Warner local monopolies on cable, and when that goes bad, they try to regulate the internet. It's an insidious game. The solution is to allow free competition, but don't expect government to do that any time soon.

Iran master entire nuclear fuel cycle and can now produce plutonium.

As Barack Obama drags us into greater debt than all previous presidents combined, China slows its financing of our debt.

Gen. Petraeus explains why we need to continue engaging in Afghanistan, but he doesn't explain why it takes more troops to keep al Qaeda from establishing a save haven there. He doesn't mention whether that could be done with fewer troops.

Apparently we have a treaty with Kenya to be the court for pirates off the coast of Somalia. Try the pirate there.

Somali militants fire mortars as US congressman.

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