Thursday, April 02, 2009

Free kibbles

A year and half after the government sparked a major financial crisis by forcing companies to adhere to the mark-to-market accounting rule, and after government took $9 trillion from taxpayers by force to fight the subsequent crisis, the government eases the mark-to-market accounting rule. Naturally, financial stocks rebound as a result since their balance sheets that were forced to be artificially low immediately improved.

Why do we outsource our foreign policy and sovereignty to the IMF or any other supra-national organization?

Jupiter's great red spot is shrinking over the last 10 years. It's probably global cooling on Jupiter just like on earth since 1998.

In another case of big government creates problems that must be solved by bigger government, bank regulators will make banks hold more capital. But they only reason they hold so little capital is all the moral hazard created by government in the first place. They have the Fed as a lender of last resort, and the FDIC insuring their deposits, and government squashes competition in banks, so the banks have no reason to take care of their money. Naturally, instead of removing the moral hazard, aristocrats make government even more powerful.

Another Bush administration relic of the war on terror falls. 3 suspects captured outside Afghanistan have been held at Bagram Air Force Base for 6 years. Today a judge ruled they have access to US courts. If these people weren't captured on a battlefield or weren't clearly tied to al Qaeda by a military tribunal or weren't planning to attack the US or US forces, and it seems likely they were not since they were outside Afghanistan, then why are we holding them at all? If they were caught committing crimes in another country, they should be in that country's justice system. Right after 9/11 and Congress invoked Bush's war powers, he should have immediately set up rules for the military to distinquish enemy combatants from criminals. If he had done that, we wouldn't have any of these problems now. We don't want judges second-guessing US troops, but at the same time we can't have criminals held as prisoners of war. It was the failure of the Bush administration that put us in this quandry, and Obama is not a leader who can fix it.

Democrats plan to increase energy taxes to fund their socialized medicine plans. But President Obama said nobody in bottom 95 percent of Americans would pay higher taxes? Surely he would never lie.

Radical leftists are excited that America may be poorer in the future. This is what they've wanted all their lives, and as long as Democrats are in power, just like Jimmy Carter, they're going to get it.

New Homeland Security Secretary delaying illegal immigration raids. Democrats love 'em some illegal immigrants, and hope to buy votes from them.

Anybody who thought Obama would do something other than radically expand the size of govenment was willfully ignorant and shouldn't have voted.

Kentucky Fried Chicken is offering to fix the country's potholes for free as long as they can stitch "Re-Freshed by KFC" on the patches. Chicago has rejected the offer because it prefers potholes to advertising. Any mayor who mayor who rejects this offer should immediately be recalled from office.

Obama blames North Dakota flood on global warming. They probably never had a flood up there before evil men starting having good quality of life.

"There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved." This essay shows pretty conclusively that Ben Bernanke is trying to bring about the latter. Obama supports hyperinflation because the collapse of the currency could lead to the Marxist revolution he wants, so he's piling on with fantastic increases in government debt and empowerment of unions. I don't know whether Geithner and Bernanke are fatally conceited idiots or evil Marxists intending to destroy America like Obama. This essay also explains the findamental difference in the definintion of inflation used by the Austrians and the definition used by everybody else, and just understanding that difference leads to an understanding of how and why the Fed creates the regular 5-7 year boom-bust business cycle.

Sounds like Geithner is an evil Marxist too.

Obama's town hall meeting was filled with Obama plants. Shocker. If George Bush had done this, liberals would be outraged, but since it was Obama, it's cool.

This new UN plan ostensibly to fight global warming is really just a cover for the greatest transfer of wealth from rich nations to poor nations in history.
A United Nations document on "climate change" that will be distributed to a major environmental conclave next week envisions a huge reordering of the world economy, likely involving trillions of dollars in wealth transfer, millions of job losses and gains, new taxes, industrial relocations, new tariffs and subsidies, and complicated payments for greenhouse gas abatement schemes and carbon taxes — all under the supervision of the world body.

This has been the real goal of Al Gore and the profits in his church of man-made global warming all along. Of course it's the highest priority of the UN. It's theft on the largest scale in history - an even bigger scam than the Social Security pyramid scheme. Unfortunately, Obama will lead this attempted theft.

The state of New York plans to raise taxes on people earning over $500,000 by 31 percent and 14.5 percent on people making over $250,000. The consequence of this is rich people will move out of New York, impoverishing New York and enriching surrounding, low tax states. How hard is it for liberals to recognize that big government and class warfare inevitably hurts the people? Apparently really hard.

2 jobs will be destroyed for every so-called green job Obama creates. Duh. Renewable energy is more expensive, which means forcing people to use it instead of cheaper energy makes people more poor. The inevitable result is a net loss of jobs. This is not rocket science, and you don't have to be Milton Friedman to understand it.

Government is force, and government schools are force, and therefore stupid. Government school bans all physical contact between students.

Apparently we can thank German Chancellor Angela Merkel for killing the Brown-Obama global new deal. Thank you. Brown's plan wasn't a bunch of tax cuts. What's that all about? If Brown wants to cut taxes, he can just do it. Brown's plan was for $2 trillion in new stimulus spending. Whatever they're calling tax cuts is a smoke screen.

Sea temperature rise from cleaner, less dusty air, not greenhouse gases.

Earth hour didn't cut energy usage in New York or California. Shocker. Our news seems to filled with the obvious and Democrat lies - nothing else.

Cato scholar calls NATO a hollow shell of an organization and a political honor society, points out that like all welfare, NATO enables European countries to take a free ride off of US security forces, and concludes by calling for pulling out. I concur.

Cato analyzes the consequences of Portugal's drug decriminalization (not legalization) program and concludes it's a great success. None of the bad things predicted by the prohibitionists came true, and many of the bad effects of the black market and criminalization were greatly reduced, just like any rational person would expect.

Cato and 100 scientists respectfully smack down Obama's claim that "the facts are clear" on man-made global warming in new newspaper ad with footnotes backup their claims.

China may not be the military boogeyman government officials make it out to be, but calling China's procative threats to a US Navy vessel "a recitation of the sort of ongoing force modernization that any major power would undertake as a matter of course" is nothing but apologizing for China's threatening behavior.

Remember my theory that the person who wins the presidency is the person who women think look best in their underwear? Check out this quote: 'Warner "launched an email inquiry," which revealed that "many women—not too surprisingly—were dreaming about sex with the president."' My theory has held true at least since 1960. No wonder Ann Coulter says all our problems can be traced to women getting the vote.

Cato says a politicized one world currency would threaten our prosperity, freedom and sovereignty.

Mainstream support for school choice is growing.

The House passed Obama's budget today. $3.55 trillion. Are you kidding me? No debate? No discussion? No hearings? No news? The Republican alternative was just released yesterday and Pelosi didn't allow any debate on it? I expected a couple month of hearings and debate. Boy was I wrong. At least no Republican voted for it.

Boortz asks the obvious question about the Republicans' alternative budget:
OK ... this is all very special. But the obvious question is "Where the hell were these ideas when you were in charge?" Sorry .. but the Republicans still have not done nearly enough to atone for the mess they created when they controlled every branch of government. Many of the problems we're facing today ... including the problem of a U.S. government now controlled by anti-capitalists ... can be laid at the failures of the Republican party over the past eight years.

These ideas weren't politically expedient when they were in power. Anybody who believes Republicans really support smaller government is as loony as an Obama supporter.

Victor Davis Hanson dissects the beliefs of Obama administration officials and in so-doing paints a stunningly pathetic and profoundly naked picture of the leftist movement in America. In what could be a related story, it makes perfect sense that Barack Obama would fawn over the Queen. I can't understand or stand people who fall over themselves over royalty. But I don't think the gift of an I-Pod, a perfect symbol of the tremendous ingenuity and wealth of the citizens of America, is a bad gift for the ultimate anachronistic elitist in western civilization at all.

So it's bankruptcy for GM after all. After government officials gave it a bunch of taxpayer money, of course. Government should have let GM declare bankruptcy months ago. This process should be 2 months farther along and without taxpayer money having been wasted. And why can't GM go through bankruptcy like any other country? More to point, where does Obama get the power to interfere in GM's bankruptcy? You can bet Obama plans to "control" this bankruptcy and pack the board of directors to protect his union voters. If this really happens, there is a bright side: the American people will see that corporate bankruptcy doesn't destroy the business like the aristocrats and the accomplice press have been implying with this too big to fail nonsense. It just reorganizes the company into profitable organizations and sells off the rest of its assets to be used by profitable organizations. But what is this new, government financed auto company? Is Obama following Hitler's model with Volkswagen?

Even the House majority leader wonders where Obama got the authority to tell GM what to do. Pharaoh Obama gets his authority from his divinity.

Once again, Ann Coulter cuts right to the chase:
Apparently, it's OK for Obama to fire the head of General Motors, but Bush can't fire his own U.S. attorneys.

It is stunning that Democrats, the media and most of the people find nothing wrong with Obama effectively firing the CEO of GM, but the press and Democrats and the media complained about Bush firing political appointees, US Attorneys. Ann brings up the obvious: if handing government money out to organizations means the president can start firing people in that organization, there's a whole lot of firing that needs to be done. How come reporters never ask questions about stuff like this? I mean any reporters.

Israel may yet pull our fat out of the fire by bombing Iran's nuclear program. It's a shame it had to come to this. If liberals had let Bush rally our allies and credibly threaten to bomb their program, Iran most likely would have come to the negotiating table, and no bomb would ever have fallen. But with Obama the Appeaser in power, Israeli bombs are probably the only hope for stopping the Mullahs from getting the bomb.

People wait years for Social Security disability claims hearings. This is what liberals want to do to our health care system.

Obama the Transparent (not in the way he claimed) won't release info on the bailout program.

People are abandoning their boats. I don't feel bad for them.

Obama should be happy that the G-20 agreed to reduce the US role in the world marketplace. Actually, that wouldn't be a bad idea if they were reducing all governments' roles, but they're not. Other governments are increasing power and increasing regulations. And tripling the funding of the IMF? Why should my money be going to the IMF for its foreign policy instead of my elected officials using it for US foreign policy? This is all bad.

Our out of control criminal justice system is targeting sports figures for breaking sports rules. In a related story, government wants to put activists in jail for movies that make candidates look bad under the pretense of campaign finance reform.

Political bias is what's killing newspapers. Newspapers would be declining anyway, but if they didn't have that bias, people would not actively be searching for alternatives, and their decline would be slower.

Obama is spending more money on defense than Bush.

Jury finds in favor of parasite Ward Churchill.

Is anybody surprised that the aristocrats are lying about 90 percent of the guns confiscated from drug gangs in Mexico come from the US? I hope not.

This is is how liberals destroy the places they govern.
The state loses a family every 12 minutes, and the families who are leaving -- young, well-educated high-income earners -- are the people the state desperately needs to rebuild.

This is Atlas Shrugging. Ohio's following Michigan's path, and liberals want to make the entire nation as unlivable as Michigan.

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