Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Free kibbles

Only 28 percent of Americans want Obama to investigate the Bush administration on interrogations. Those are the 28 percent hard core leftists who hate America.

The New York Post lists 100 errors for Obama in his first 100 days.

Showing that Arlen Specter never had any principles, he switches from a Republican to a Democrat. And he wonders why everybody called him a RINO. That's the breeze he felt on his slimy finger. He should be more at home, but it gives the Democrats 59 seats in the Senate. Both Senators from Maine might as well switch too. This shows exactly why our government sucks. Our representatives care only about their careers, not what's good for the country. How can you tell when a politician is lying? That joke's funny because it's true. Politicians, because they care only about their careers, their families, their power, and themselves have to lie to the people about everything. Being a politician is like being an actor. Everything they present to the public is fiction. Partisans are fools. These politicians don't have any principles. They're just saying whatever they think will win them a majority of votes.

What's wrong with this paragraph?
The attorney general did not say how much longer he thought it would take to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba. Before officials can meet President Obama's January deadline, the U.S. must first decide which detainees to put on trial and which to release to the U.S. or other countries.
I hope every liberal who demanded Guantanamo be closed volunteers to allow a released detainee to live in their spare room so the rest of us can live.

Al Gore is an accomplished and successful liar, and he knows fraud is a crime, so I'm not surprised that he lied to a Senate subcommittee about how much money he has made off promoting the man-made global warming fraud and how much more money he stands to make if his oppressive tax scheme passes. This article doesn't say whether he was under oath or not. I hope so. Al Gore should be prosecuted for fraud. 10 questions that should be asked of Al Gore.

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