Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Health Care

Ohio Governor Kasich says God wants to expand Medicare.
"Governor John Kasich, a Republican, repeated his insistence that God wants Ohio to expand Medicaid when reporters brought up the topic on June 18. Kasich suggested anyone who opposes Medicaid expansion will have to answer for their opposition when they die."
Nothing like manipulating conservative's faith in God to support liberal, big government stealing programs.

The establishment is pushing the HPV vaccine again.

Government's doctors perform tens of thousands of unnecessary surgeries each year, enriching themselves, impoverishing others, and harming patients.

Monsanto executive wins World Food Prize for Frankenstein plants. This is like the consortium of evil dictators giving a prize to Dr. Evil or the Nobel Committee giving a Nobel prize to Al Gore.

On pathological altruism.
"Barbara Oakley, an engineering professor at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, has just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. a brilliant article on “pathological altruism.” People often act out of a desire to help others, but this by no means ensures that what they do will have good consequences, whether for the intended beneficiaries or for others. Sometimes these bad consequences cannot reasonably be foreseen; but all too often action proceeds in blithe disregard of them. It is this sort of misguided action that Oakley characterizes as pathological."
For years I've said it was a mental illness, failure to recognize the consequences of one's actions or policies. Unfortunately, it's not a mental illness. It's all too normal. The reality is pathological altruism, like all other behavior, is driven by self-interest, and those things appear to be a contradiction, which is why it appears as mental illness.

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