Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Foreign Policy

House of Representatives overwhelmingly votes to make US the protector of Israel. This is clearly a shot at Iran.

Afghan President Karzai blames the US for Muslim radicalism, but not for the usual reasons.
"As Josh Rogin reported at the Daily Beast, Karzai recently suggested that, starting in the early 1980s when the Reagan administration and the CIA buddied up with the Saudis and Pakistani intelligence and backed a set of extreme fundamentalist Afghan rebels against the Soviets, the U.S. has been, advertently or not, promoting Islamic radicalism in the Greater Middle East. As Karzai said of that long-forgotten moment, “The more radical we looked and talked, the more we were called mujahedin. The consequence of that was a massive effort toward uprooting traditional Afghan values and culture and tolerance.” In his speech at the 2013 U.S.-Islamic World Forum, he made a case for the ways in which Washington’s destabilization of the region has never ended, provoking ever more extreme blowback as it goes."
Let's don't forget Egypt, Libya and now Syria. The US is the best, maybe the only, friend the Islamic radicals ever had.

State Department accused of bullying whistleblower.
"The State Department investigator who accused colleagues last week of using drugs, soliciting prostitutes, and having sex with minors says that Foggy Bottom is now engaged in an "intimidation" campaign to stop her."
No wonder they don't want the people to know that.

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