Monday, June 24, 2013

Federal Reserve

California orders the Bitcoin Foundation to cease and desist. How dare it offer a supposed alternative money to Federal Reserve notes?

The era of world-wide fiat currency is coming to and end, and all the bad things that would have happened over the last 40 years but didn't because fiat currency papered over them are going to happen worse and all at once not least of which is the brainwashing of minds.

Japan officially adopts bail-in policy of stealing depositor's money recently implemented in Cyprus. Coming soon to the US. Cyprus banks were paying an outrageous amount on interest to depositors, so depositors were benefiting from the scam. So it makes sense to me that those depositors had to pay some. But that's why Cyprus was the test run. US banks are paying no interest, but the government will still steal depositor's money for a bail-in.

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