Monday, December 24, 2012

Right to Keep and Bear Arms

The evolution of the legal right to keep and bear arms.
"For as long as the Americans would stay in decentralized units, firing from a distance into the organized troops of the British, the British could not extend military control, and therefore political control, over the Americans. The Americans kept fighting until British taxpayers grew weary of funding the war, and until the French, during one 30-day period, provided the naval support to block the British Navy from resupplying Cornwallis's Army. George Washington got the credit, as did the centralized army under his command, but it was the militia that had kept the British at bay for the previous five years.
Americans fully understood this when the leaders wrote the Bill of Rights in 1790. This is why the Second Amendment was inserted into the Constitution. The voters understood that it was their ability to fight any organized army, through the organization of the militia, which was basic to their concept of citizenship. It was the citizen warrior, armed with a rifle that was every bit as good as that possessed by members of the Army, who was perceived as possessing final political sovereignty. The whole concept of "we the people," which introduced the Constitution, rested on the well-known ability of the American citizen warrior to grab his rifle and fight."
Well explained.
"From the end of the Civil War until today, nations have been committed to what is sometimes called second-generation warfare. These are armies, navies, and air forces that can assemble massed firepower, using highly precise and very expensive weapons. These military units no longer can consistently defeat guerrilla movements on the ground. Fourth-generation warfare, meaning guerrilla warfare, is now reestablishing the sovereignty of the common man. Vietnam is the obvious case, but Afghanistan certainly qualifies. In the case of Afghanistan, the common man has always had the advantage. Nobody has been able to conquer Afghanistan for more than a few years. This goes back to Alexander the Great. The topography of the nation, and the commitment of its men to fight to the bitter end, meaning the bitter end of the invaders, has been such that these people have not been defeated.
The one Western European nation that fully understands this is Switzerland. Every Swiss male up the age of 60 is expected to serve in the military. Every Swiss male who serves in the military is expected to master the use of the rifle. It is a matter of honor to be a good rifleman in Switzerland. Bankers in their 50s compete against clerks in their 20s as marksmen. This has been true for five centuries. This is a nation of citizen warriors. It is a nation with a very weak central government, the weakest in the modern industrial world. The presidency is a symbolic office, and it is held on a rotation basis, with only one year as its term. Yet the nation's army can be mobilized in a matter of days. Switzerland has the longest history of political freedom of any continental European nation.
This is good article. It should be taught to every student.
"In effect, the gun-control advocate is rather like a medieval knight in the 15th century. He resents the fact that weapons are becoming cheaper, and that the common man who joins the Army becomes a threat to his social class, and therefore to his social standing. He resents the fact that his weapons no longer give him a monopoly of violence. Weapons have come onto the market, and these weapons can be used effectively by commoners who do not spend decades of training in their use."
People in power don't like the idea that serfs can resist that power. 

Gunman shoots four fire fighters, killing two, at blaze in Rochester, New York. That's nuts. The only people who benefit from this are gun control advocates.

People often make the argument that gun registration harms no one. This interactive graphic showing all people with gun permits in Westchester and Rockland counties proves otherwise. What is this paper thinking? They're providing valuable information to criminals and to activists. This will increase crime and violence. 

Defense of the right to keep and bear arms for the mentally ill. First off, since the government - the doctors it licenses and controls through regulations - defines who is or is not mentally, the process is corrupt from the beginning. The government can define anybody it wants to be mentally ill in order to disarm him, remove him from society or torture him. Furthermore, people who really are mentally deficient have the same need to defend themselves from government and others as everybody else. Of course we don't want weapons in the hands of evil people like the Connecticut shooter, but nobody is capable of making that determine in advance, least of all government because it is an evil institution.

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