Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Health Care

The consequences of bureaucratic stranglehold on health care.

Government's Big Pharma establishment is turning the US into a zombie culture.

It's finally come out that the Connecticut shooter was taking psychotropic drugs prescribed by government's medical-pharmaceutical establishment. Besides government disarming the victims, this is another thing the press has been covering up. The common denominators of all these spectacular mass murders start with government disarming the victims, then government's medical-pharmaceutical establishment poisons the shooter with mind control drugs, then the shooter goes and kills the disarmed victims.
"Maybe more importantly, though, Fanapt is one of a many drugs the FDA pumped out with an ability to exact the opposite desired effect on people: that is, you know, inducing rather than inhibiting psychosis and aggressive behavior."
Don't they all do that? Apparently this one more than others.

Long list of mass murderers who were prescribed government drugs and who subsequently killed people who had been disarmed by government.

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