Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tax and Spend

Foxnews offers a fact check to show that Paul Ryan's "budget plan doesn't actually slash the budget".
"Government spending increases almost every year over the next decade. Tax and other revenue rises year after year. The 10-year deficit is still $3 trillion. "
Exactly. They're presenting this as a good thing to counter Obama's claims, but in fact it's a bad thing. Ryan's claim to be a budget hawk is a fraud. He's a big spender just like Obama, Romney and Biden. The narrative that we have distinct choice between Obama and Romney is baloney. As you can see from the included graphic, posted below, you can't tell the difference between the Obama and Ryan budget ten years out.

And future Congresses will not be bound by any current budget. Ryan is a budget fraud.

Ron Paul politely slams Ryan's budget.

Obama has increased the welfare state by 19 percent.
"Federal and state welfare assistance has grown almost 19 percent under President Barack Obama, according to the conservative Heritage Foundation.
All in all, there are 79 means-tested federal welfare programs, at a cost approaching $1 trillion annually, said Heritage Senior Research Fellow Robert Rector."
This doesn't seem unusual to me. That's just over 4 percent a year, compounded. That's probably right on the standard government growth baseline. Had McCain won, he would have done pretty much exactly the same.

Washington D.C. is the only place in the county where a majority of people believe the economy is getting better. No surprise there.

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