Friday, August 10, 2012

Free kibbles


Colorado cops detain - is that the new, politically correct term for arrest? - man for carrying a gun in a park. The only problem is it's been legal to carry guns in parks since 2003. Have you ever heard the old phrase ignorance of the law is no excuse? Given that standard, these police are guilty of abrogation of rights under color of law. Prosecute them. This goes back to my contention that government agents, because they have power, have greater responsibility for obeying the law. We should be less lenient to them, since they have the license to kill, than to civilians.


More net jobs have been lost during Obama's presidency than any since 1945. Yet he's still ahead of Romney in the polls. This despite Romney out-raising Obama for three months. This says more about how bad a candidate Romney is than anything else. I encourage every American to vote Libertarian. If you vote for Romney, you vote for more of the same which means economic collapse and the US military roaming the streets. Just like if Obama wins. Only a libertarian can prevent this.


Here we go with the most common economic fallacy in the media today: military budget cuts will cost jobs. No. This is the fallacy of the seen versus the not seen that Henry Hazlitt talked about in Economics in One Lesson. In order for the government to spend money, for example creating military, industrial complex jobs, it must first steal that money from others, and in doing so destroying more jobs than it can ever create.

Here's a nice tirade against welfare queens. I like how it ends:
"Romney is proving himself to be every bit of McCain as predicted. The man has been publicly accused of three felonies and comes back with… zippo. Someone remind me again why Romney was the only "electable candidate"."
Don't you like how the establishment picks two virtually indiscernible candidates? Do you want big-government, high-tax, money-printing, welfare queen Obama or the same Romney? By insuring the two candidates are virtually identical, the establishment ensures no meaningful debate occurs between them. It's lovely for them. It's catastrophic for us.


Here's a really succinct expression of our future...
"The government's debt and the monetary inflation cannot go on indefinitely. Either the dollar dies or else the debt is repudiated. Maybe both."
This is a good reminder that as bad as things are, they can and will get worse. Ultimately either the government will repudiate its debt or the Fed will print so much money that the value of the dollar will become zero. But, it could get worse. If we don't put an end to the looting ASAP, both could happen. But it could get even worse than that. Then the Yellowstone supervolcano could strike. It can always get worse, and the American people keep voting to make it worse. If you vote for either Obama or Romney, you're voting to make things worse.


Obama withholding Social Security payments from people who didn't pay off their student loans. Huh? Who got student loans from the government 45 years ago? I never heard of a government student loan when I went to college 30 years ago. What the hell is this? I call bull****. Something else is going on here.
"Many of these retirees aren't even in hock for their own educations. Consumer advocates say that in the majority of the cases they've seen, the borrowers went into debt later in life to help defray education costs for their children or other dependents."
Ah-ha. A hint of the truth. It seems that when the government took over student loans, it also took over the debt for previous student loans, and now it's sticking it to the old people. That's how evil government is.
"Other retirees took out federal loans when they returned to college in midlife, and a few are carrying debt from their own undergraduate or graduate-school years. (No statistics track exactly how many of the defaulting loans fall into which category.)"
Isn't that convenient.


I regularly point out that everything about politics is self-interest, that power corrupts, that because government is a coercive institution it attracts the worst people in the country, and the worst of the worst rise to the top. I also regularly claim that as a consequence of this the politicians in Washington D.C. engage in grotesque sexual, drug induced exploits that would make Roman emperors blush, all funded by taxpayer money. The reason we never read about these orgies is the press is in on them. But this lawsuit gives us a glimpse inside that supports my contention.
 "New York’s top Department of Homeland Security cop is suing Department of Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano in an explosive but heretofore unnoticed federal lawsuit alleging Homeland Security employment discrimination against straight male agents by Napolitano (READ the federal complaint) in favor of her lesbian girlfriend and sexual harassment of male agents by Napolitano’s handpicked Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Chief of Staff, Suzanne Barr. The lawsuit alleges that Barr demanded a male ICE Special Agent engage in oral sex with her and that she relocated three top male ICE agents’ offices to the men’s bathroom at ICE headquarters. All of the alleged misconduct was the behavior of Barack Obama’s hand-picked people running the Department of Homeland Security, who’ve created a hostile work environment for straight male agents, a story I recently broke on this site."
Nothing about this story surprises me. I contend if you substituted Bush or Romney for Obama, nothing would change. If you substituted any Republican bureaucrat for Napolitano, nothing would change. This isn't about party, it's about power. The US government in Washington D.C. houses the most depraved looters and perverts the world has known since the fall of the Roman empire, if not worse. They have the most power of any people in history, therefore they are the most corrupt, self-serving and monstrous sexual abusers in history.


I wonder what a poll of non-voters would look like. My impression would be they would know nothing about anything political. The vast majority would come off as ignorant of politics. But I would love to be proved wrong. I would love to discover that non-voters are the most informed of all. The only problem is who answers the poll. It seems likely that people who are completely ignorant of politics won't answer the poll while people who are super-well informed and refuse to vote because of it will answer the poll. This would create a huge bias. At the same time, this is a market ripe for an entrepreneur.

Despite the clear support of the Bilderbergers, who've raised more money for him than Obama, this guy thinks Romney will lose, and for good reason.
"This is a guy who's been running for president for at least five years and still doesn't seem to know what he's doing."
You can't argue with that. I was surprised at how terrible a campaign John McCain ran, but the Bilderbergers chose Obama, so I could understand why McCain didn't bother to compete. His bosses told him not to. But I can't understand why Romney won't compete. His bosses are telling him to win, but he's sitting on the sidelines. Romney has yet to explain that Obama is a Marxist. Tell the people that. Make Obama defend against it.

This election keeps piling farce upon farce. For example, Obama has been forced to distance himself from the bogus Romney-cancer ad, pretending they knew nothing about it. The only problem is, they knew all about it. The liar-in-chief doesn't care. The polls are in his favor. He's laughing all the way the White House.

More evidence Paul Ryan will be VP. Even though Ryan is a Washington insider, proving once again that nothing will change until the US collapses under the weight of government, this is a good political choice for Romney. Ryan is a lightning-rod for policy discussions, and God knows Romney needs to bring attention back to policy because he's getting run over by Obama's slander machine while he sits around and twiddles his fingers.


Well known liberal journalist suspended for plagiarism. Why only suspended, not fired? It's not like it was an accident. Because he's a well known liberal journalist.

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