Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Free kibbles


Walter Block, great scholar that he is, is wrong about the right of free associators to create unions.
"I resist the notion that we have a "right to unionize" or that unionization is akin, or, worse, an implication of, the right to freely associate. Yes, theoretically, a labor organization could limit itself to organizing a mass quit unless they got what they wanted. That would indeed be an implication of the law of free association."
If Block stopped here, he would be fine. But he continues...
"But every union with which I am familiar reserves the right to employ violence"
But that anecdotal evidence cannot be an excuse to use violence to reject freely associative unions. What Block is pointing out is the general failure of the justice system to hold union associates accountable for violent acts. This is a different problem, and that problem can never be pushed back on people who freely associate.


Firearms deaths including deaths by rifles have dropped since the bogus assault weapons ban expired in 2004, but you can bet as the US slides into chaos they will rise, and this is what politicians fear. They know they're destroying the country, and they want the people to have the tools to resist.

Grampa shows how to resist a massacre: shoot the bastards.

Immediately after the Aurora massacre, I tried to get the jump on the usual gun banners by claiming the victims had been forcibly disarmed by government. I did no research to back up my contention. I didn't have to. I can reason, so I reasoned that if government had not disarmed all those people, one or more of them would have shot that ***** in the head and saved many lives. But now I get the report confirming my position, as if I needed a scientific report to confirm the theory of gravity.
"Two days ago I asked the commonsense question, "Why didn't anyone fight back against James Holmes, the shooter who shot so many people in the Batman movie theater?"
Now the answer has become clear: Because Aurora, Colorado already has strict gun control laws on the books that make it:
  • Illegal to carry a concealed weapon, even if you're a law-abiding citizen.
  • Illegal to discharge a firearm in public unless you are a peace officer.
Thus, any person who would have shot James Holmes and stopped the massacre would, themselves, have been arrested as a criminal!"
Predicting mass murders is easy. The next one, like this one, will happen in a location in which government bans firearm ownership.


Boortz reports: "The ObamaRecovery: Fewer Americans are working today than in 2000, despite the fact that our labor force has grown by 11.4 million." Some recovery.

If you count workers who have stopped looking for work, unemployment is over 10 percent.Of course if you look at broad-set unemployment, it's over 15 percent.

Why do I give a damn if call center staffers are American or foreigners or college graduates? All I care is they solve my problem


Random thoughts from Thomas Sowell.
"Even squirrels know enough to store nuts, so that they will have something to eat when food gets scarce. But the welfare state has spawned a whole class of people who spend everything they get when times are good, and look to others to provide for their food and other basic needs when times turn bad."
This gets back to Mises's explanation that socialism is irrational. People cannot make rational decisions without prices to guide them. Much like the original American colonists died in droves because socialism was imposed on them, people on welfare can't make rational decisions either and are harmed because of it.


Two coal companies announce layoffs due to Obama's new EPA regulations.


Bernanke knows he's causing inflation, but he lies about it.

While I'm at it, inflation measured as it was in 1980 is over 9 percent.

A bunch of establishment tools jumped on Ron Paul's audit the Fed bandwagon knowing full well it can never become law. This was always a farce intended to make it look like Republicans stand with Ron Paul. They don't. Don't buy the hype. Video of Ron Paul addressing the House. Notice nobody is there.


What if we took away government's power to corrupt education?
"In American culture, public schools are praised in public and criticized in private, which is roughly the opposite of how we tend to treat large-scale enterprises like Walmart. In public, everyone says that Walmart is awful, filled with shoddy foreign products and exploiting workers. But in private, we buy the well-priced, quality goods, and long lines of people hope to be hired."
If only...
"In short, if we could abolish public schools and compulsory schooling laws, and replace it all with market-provided education, we would have better schools at half the price, and be freer too. We would also be a more just society, with only the customers of education bearing the costs."
Half the price my ass. Private schools would cost much less than half the price, children would receive a significantly higher quality education, and as a bonus, students would learn that freedom and achievement while young translates into accomplishment and wealth creation as adults.


Twelve green companies that received taxpayer funding then went bankrupt. Solyndra is just one.


I don't want to eat hemp, but I damn well want it to compete as a fabric. But of course the rich cotton producers don't want that, so they team up with cops, prosecutors, judges and jailers to keep marijuana illegal (even thought hemp is not marijuana.)


Government partner Skype turns online conversations over to the government.


The bickering between Romney and Obama over Obama's anti-business comments misses the mark.
"Putting aside the mundane -- roads, police, firefighters -- there is a deeper truth. Many businesses do not merely benefit from state intervention, but would sink without it. Big business's dependence on government has only increased as government has grown.
Yet liberals like Obama and Warren rarely confront the corporate interests that most rely upon Washington's redistribution of wealth to the powerful and socialization of risk. They love taking credit for subsidizing American businesses, but never address (or admit any responsibility for) the full reality of the corporate state. Perhaps they don't want the inequality they decry traced back to them."
Oops. These guys are admitting government creates the inequality they're supposedly against.
"The liberals and big business created the corporate state together. Business couldn't do it alone. "Somebody else made that happen," to quote the president. "
I'd substitute progressives for liberals, but this attack on cronyism rocks.

Pat Buchanan responds with a great political and ideological point.
"Obama's narrative does not tell us why some succeed and others fail. Does Obama understand America? For he surely does not seem to understand her history as once taught to every schoolchild."
Romney would be smart to challenge Obama on why some businesses succeed and others fail. Surely it's not because one had better roads to access than the other. And here Buchanan nails the most important point:
"Seeing government as antecedent to enterprise, Obama has it backward. In America, individuals, families, communities came first. Hardworking men and women built the society. Only after that did they send their best and brightest off to the House of Burgesses to discuss colonial issues. "
You can't tax people who have nothing. Government didn't build roads by itself. Government cannot produce anything on its own. First businesses had to become successful, then government could tax them for roads, police, etc. Government is a parasite, not a creative enterprise.
""Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look on it as a cow they can milk. Not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon," said Winston Churchill."
Wow. Congratulations to Churchill for a fabulous, free market, quote.
"Obama belongs to category two. "
Sa-Lam, and rightly so. Too bad Buchanan missed the boat at the end...
"Which is the true creator of wealth and engine of prosperity?
Is it, as Obama believes, government?
Or is it, as Romney believes, people and their institutions and businesses that, though carrying the immense burden of government that consumes 37 percent of the economy, still employs six of seven Americans still working? That's the choice."
Romney's no better than Obama. Both believe that using the predatory power of government to loot the people is the way to advance their personal interests, and they're both right, to our great detriment.

Obama's negative campaigning is hurting his personal favorability rating which was the only thing he had going for him. Of course it was always a sham. As his associations and his campaigning show, Obama's a thug wearing a phony smile.

Polls of registered voters oversample Democrats, skewing them in favor of Democrats.


This is why I call the media propagandists.

Covering up Obama's radical Marxist past. Don't forget they do the same for the present.


Local reporters claim that counties are losing money from casinos.
"The first distribution of Ohio’s gross casino revenue tax will reach county coffers by the end of the month. Local officials called the new funding source a welcome infusion to lean budgets, but say the income falls far short of making up for state budget cuts in recent years."
This is a bail and switch. The casinos didn't take away revenue. The collapsing economy took away revenue. And the coming collapse is going to take away more revenue from the cities and from the casinos. Few people will gamble while they're starving.


NCAA threated worse penalties to Penn State.

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