Sunday, July 01, 2012

Free kibbles


Thomas Sowell claims Obama is a fascist, not a socialist. I disagree. The reason Obama's policies are fascist is political reality prevents him from much socialism. So he's limited to nationalizing AIG, GM, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, etc., but he'd rather nationalize everything. Obama wants all the control. He doesn't believe he'll fail.


There are some differences between Republicans and Democrats at the state and local levels. For example,
"Republican governors and GOP-controlled state legislatures presided over 16 percent more job creation than their Democratic counterparts from January 2010 to April 2012, according to a Daily Caller analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) employment data."
This is why people are fleeing blue states and moving to red states. The problem is many continue to vote Democrat after they move.

Foreigners in the US have a lower unemployment rate than native born Americans. That's because native Americans are mis-educated in government prison-schools.


Obama is the biggest spender of other people's money in history. Of course, before him, Bush the Younger had that title. If Romney wins in 2012, he'll take that title. That's how screwed we are.

Peter Schiff on what the US government can do with taxes in the wake of the Obamacare ruling:
"Tax you for going to church. Tax you for not going to church. Tax you for protesting. Tax you for not protesting. Tax you for expressing a controversial opinion. Tax you for joining or not joining a particular organization. Tax you for writing something controversial. Tax you for speaking or writing critically of government. Basically, there is nothing the government can't do, so long as it does it as a tax."
Get ready to buy that Chevy Volt or pay up.


We often hear about how socialist Canada is, but a new analysis claims it's easier to start a business in Canada than anywhere in the world. It's also much easier to start a business in many countries than in the US. Yet they pretend to wonder why businesses and jobs are moving overseas.

Here's a nice little rant about regulations.
"And it's not just austerity, and it's not just Greece, nor even Spain, which has formally asked for a bailout. All of these European economies are rigidly regulated: first, by their national governments; and then, even worse, by this extra layer of unbelievably oppressive regulation from Brussels. I understand there are some 30,000 people working for the EU, making new rules and regulations like an army of spiders, spinning their webs, sucking the life out of their victims. None of these rules are constructive. They're a waste of time at best, and most are actively destructive – like for instance, the EU rules telling the French how to make cheese."
"I was reading in David Galland's report from Portugal last Friday that the EU forced the Portuguese to destroy half of their fishing fleet. Not because there was anything bad, dangerous, or wrong with the boats, but because they were too good and the Portuguese were too successful as competitors; it's life imitating Atlas Shrugged. He also said that most of the oranges grown in Portugal are either thrown in the trash or trucked to Spain, where they can't be eaten but must be made into marmalade, which is then sent back to be sold to the Portuguese. Apparently about half of the chickens in Portugal are about to be executed – just killed, not eaten – because they were raised in conditions the EU doesn't consider appropriate. The list goes on and on, and the madness is happening all over Europe."
It's impossible for a regulation to be constructive. And here's how the history of the collapse of the Roman Empire is repeating itself.
"Doug: The classic example is the Roman Empire after it passed through its time of troubles in the third century. After 50 years of utter chaos, constant crisis, and recurring civil wars, Diocletian gripped it in a stranglehold, regulating everything from top to bottom. I suppose, given a choice between chaotic violence and a police state, people will opt for the latter – as if there are no other alternatives. He instituted all manner of price controls and "people controls," including forcing sons to take up their father's occupations. The ultimate collapse of Rome and the success of the barbarian invasions wasn't due to superior barbarian military technology or tactics, but Roman economic collapse. Romans were actually deserting the empire to live among the so-called "barbarians," where they could both be free and prosperous. History is repeating itself.
L: That's pretty dramatic, Doug. You think Europe is in a similar death spiral now?
Doug: Yes. Those governments are all bankrupt. But much more serious than financial bankruptcy is their total moral and intellectual bankruptcy. At this point the Europeans are so craven and degraded they deserve to be indentured servants of the Chinese, which they will be. The debt they are using to finance their bulging bureaucracies, bloated welfare rolls, giant pensions, and so forth is largely coming from the banks. But the banks are all bankrupt too, partly because they've lent so much capital to bankrupt governments. So you've got two sets of bankrupt institutions trading debt back and forth between themselves. It doesn't help to say that it's the PIIGS that are in the worst shape, because it's the banks in the supposedly wealthier countries that own the PIIGS's debt. They are all tied together.
It's much worse, on a global scale, because Europe is China's largest trading partner. When the EU really goes into reverse and suffers a major economic collapse, the Chinese are going to lose their main customers – and end up owning a lot of chateaux. That also means the Chinese will stop buying the raw materials – commodities – they use to make what they sell to the Europeans. That will hammer the Australian, Brazilian, Canadian, and other resource-driven economies.
And the problems with Japan are even worse, though somewhat different, than the ones in Europe. Chronically corrupt and now depopulating Russia is headed for a fall; its economy produces nothing but raw materials and weapons. The problem is truly global. The headlines keep pointing at Europe right now, but the EU is just the tip of the iceberg the global economy is aimed at."
And the US is going right down the same path.


I do not want government bureaucrat-doctors manufacturing medicine inside my body.

Just like bacteria is evolving to defeat antibiotics, pests are evolving to defeat GM crops.


It's abominable how government control of our energy supplies and transmission system has locked us into a vulnerable, century old network. Of course the government officials are blaming the companies they regulate so heavily. Have you noticed anybody complaining about prolonged, mass blackouts of cell phones? Of course not because the government barely regulates them.
"“I will not accept the timetable of July the 6th, said Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett (D), shortly after Pepco announced some homes would not have their power restored until Friday or even later. “Having our citizens go seven days without utilities in my opinion is not the kind of service we should expect.”"
But since the government wiped out competition in the utility market, the services are overprices and of low quality. It can't be any other way.

A quick reminder that the weather we've seen the last few days is nothing new.

New York invests $16 million in pension funds with Al Gore. Those funds will be erased when the green bubble pops. That bubble is already popping.

Marxist Van Jones wins $2 million of other people's money from Obama for another solar boondoggle.


Who needs air marshals to shoot accurately anyway?
"The government has cut training for federal air marshal applicants and put new hires on flights without requiring the advanced marksmanship skills the program used to demand, USA TODAY has learned."
It's only like they would be shooting into a crowd of people on an airplane.


Mark Steyn on the Obama campaign.
"Between 2007 and 2010, Americans’ median net worth fell 38.8 percent — or from $126,400 per family to $77,300 per family."
"A few days ago he came to Cleveland, a city that is a byword for economic dynamism, fiscal prudence, and sound government. He gave a 54-minute address that tried the patience even of the most doting court eunuchs. “One of the worst speeches I’ve ever heard Barack Obama make,” pronounced MSNBC’s Jonathan Alter, as loyal Democrat attendees fled the arena to volunteer for the Obamacare death-panel pilot program. In fairness to the president, I wouldn’t say it was that much worse, or duller, or more listless and inert than previous Obama speeches. In fact, much of it was exactly the same guff he was peddling when Jonathan Alter’s pals were still hailing him as the world’s greatest orator. The problem is the ever widening gulf between the speech and the slough of despond all about."
When it comes to campaigning, Obama is a one trick pony: follow Alinsky. But Alinsky can't turn our economy around.

It's nice to see somebody else recognizes that Obama is the most lawless president in modern history.

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