Monday, June 25, 2012

Free kibbles


How Bernanke's zero interest rate policy hinders economic recovery.

Former Vatican banker fears for his life because he discovered money laundering going on there. Apparently bankers and central banks have a long history of illegal operations.


Italian court awards damages based on link between vaccines and autism.


You know how drugs are bad for us, and that's why angelic police protect us from them?
"Steroid use — including the attendant psychological syndrome called “Roid Rage” — is quite commonplace among cops. “Officer Jimmy,” an anonymous active-duty police officer, told Men's Health magazine that “Steroid use is very pervasive in law enforcement. I'd say, of the cops I know, 20 percent to 25 percent of them are using” steroids. “Jimmy,” who became a police officer in 2000, is a good representative of the “dominate-intimidate” mindset that defines contemporary law enforcement. He believes — or at least believed at one time — that police are under-utilizing an important tool: “What law enforcement needs is a little testosterone. Every cop should do a [steroid] cycle a year.”"
Another reminder that laws only apply to us serfs, not our lords and masters.


Supreme Court strikes down significant parts of Arizona immigration law.


The militarization of the internet.

Syria shoots at second Turkish plane. It looks like this is the preferred method of drawing Syria into a war so NATO can invade like they did in Libya. Surely the Syrian government knows this. Why would it fall for this trap?

Anonymous officials admit the NSA, CIA and Israeli intelligence developed the flame malware to attack Iran. Now flame is endangering your computer.


While the government tries to paint the Muslim Brotherhood as bogeymen to scare us, in fact the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt is an associate of Hillary Clinton.

Romney calls Russia America's number one foe. That's true from a nuclear missile point of view, but I don't think it's true in a broad sense. In fact, the US has no foes. Neither Russia, China, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Somalia or any other country is going to attack us.


This is what government is all about:
"A billionaire Chicago family that donated and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for President Obama got a $3.5 million discount last year for paying off early a $460 million settlement deal it agreed to in the 2001 failure of a Chicago-area bank it owned.
And while the wealthy Pritzker family got a multimillion-dollar break, 1,400 former depositors were not so lucky — they are still owed more than $10 million in savings they lost when the bank’s doors were shuttered, and there is little chance they will ever get those funds back."
It's all about making politicians and their cronies richer at the expense of the people.

Power elite analysis exposes who really rules America.


Suddenly our local rulers realize that rivers and riverfront property is valuable.  It's like these people have never noticed the tremendous benefit of river development in other cities. But forget the central plans. Just free the property for people to buy and develop as they wish. Stupid Miamisburg is going with $17 million park which is about the least valuable use of the land possible Dayton is going to allow boating and tubing that it's killed decades ago with that stupid dam. At least Troy recognizes the value of dining on the river.

People don't build covered bridges with their own money. They only do it with money stolen from others. This squandering of wealth is nothing to celebrate.


History book claims that Lincoln's cronies allowed 1 million freed slaves to die of disease.
"Sick from Freedom shows that as many as 1 million of the freed slaves died from cholera or smallpox while the federal government, controlled by The Party of Lincoln for half a century after the war, did essentially nothing at all about it. Thousands of ex-slaves returned to work on the plantations where they were previously enslaved because the alternative was starvation and death from disease."
So much for them caring about the slaves.

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