Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Free kibbles


The people of Wisconsin answer poll questions about collective bargaining based on whether the question poses the issue as a right or not. Clearly, the right to freedom of association allows people to form a group and collectively bargain. The problem is government has granted unions the power to coerce others to join them, and because of that the union bosses use threats of violence backed by violence to coerce others into supporting them. That's the fatal flaw of unions.


Sometimes the universe reminds us that the world is full of stupid doofuses epitomized by the people who bid the Dow up 286 points today. You know that saddest part of this? Those people vote.

Here's a good reminder than even people who are smart enough to make billions, don't necessarily understand economics. Declaring the euro will collapse within three months , George Soros stumbles:
"Soros goes even further. This failure is the failure of academic economic theory.
 I believe that the failure is more profound than generally recognized. It goes back to the foundations of economic theory. Economics tried to model itself on Newtonian physics. It sought to establish universally and timelessly valid laws governing reality. But economics is a social science and there is a fundamental difference between the natural and social sciences. Social phenomena have thinking participants who base their decisions on imperfect knowledge. That is what economic theory has tried to ignore.
 This is the criticism made repeatedly by Austrian economists, beginning with Ludwig von Mises exactly a century ago: The Theory of Money and Credit (1912). I cannot imagine a better statement of Austrian theory's rejection of mainstream economists' theory.
Soros has no explanation for the business cycle. Austrian economics does: central bank policies of monetary inflation and monetary stability."
Despite his failure of a theory to guide his behavior, his intuition is probably more right that wrong. He may not understand economics, but he has an intuition for the effects of coercion on money.


Do "we" have an obligation to use violence against people who want to buy or sell sodas, or are politicians who ban them kingpins of organized super-crime? 


Climate fraud organization re-instates Glecik despite overwhelming evidence and his confession of frauduantly infiltrating the Heritage Foundation.


Do you know they real reason they confiscate all kinds of stupid stuff at airports? To sell. It's just another method of looting.

Some teen is blamed for killing another while texting. Meanwhile tens of thousand of Americans are ignored for killing tens of thousands of other Americans on government roads. God knows we can't actually blame the government ownership of roads, so we must focus on these incredibly rare incidences of negligence. Imagine if tens of thousands of Americans were killed while using the phone. Oh wait, that could never happen because the phone company is largely a private institution. If government seized socialist control, instead of just the fascist control it has seized already, tens of thousand of Americans would die each year using the phone. I don't want to downplay the responsibility one person has if he kills another because he was distracted by texting. But this media focus on the minor while ignoring the major is grotesque.

The FBI illegally engaged New Zealand police to illegally smuggle hard drives seized from a company to the US.


Be very, very afraid. The US Air Force decries it's facing a crisis of aging aircraft. Oh my God, the Russian or Chinese or Iranian Air Force might just attack and overwhelm the US Air Force tomorrow. For God's sake, let's spend hundreds of billions more on the Air Force or we're all going to die!


Romney sneaks into Bilderberg convention.

Establishment Republicans still blocking Tampa Paulfest.

Powerful picture of a cop with this finger on the trigger of shotgun pointed at a teen taken during the mass arrest of people at an intersection during a hunt for a bank robber.

I love this article. This article wants us to believe that outside groups saved Walker in Wisconsin. It wants us to believe that outside groups, which spent millions in support of Walker, saved him. What this article fails to report, in a bald faced example of of bias, is outside groups spent that much or more in favor of his opponent. It also fails to report how much local union groups spent to oust Walker. Talk about a one-sided article.

A sad description of how the establishment corrupts all participants in the electoral process. God bless his soul. But he better stand up for Ron Paul!


Nice compilation video of time lapse sequences of the transit by Venus.

Spurs lost. Crap. Congratulations to the Thunder. They're a great team.

This is why Lindsay Buckingham is one of the best guitarists ever. Big Love. Live. He might be the most underrated guitarist ever. Fleetwood Mac version.

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