Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Free kibbles


OMG: The atmosphere of Mars is full of C02. It must be experiencing runaway global warming, right? But it's not. It's not getting hotter. As far as I've read, Venus isn't experiencing runaway global warming either despite the dominance of CO2 in its atmosphere. It's hot, but it's not getting hotter. I bet minute increases in CO2 from human activity on Earth won't make our planet hotter either. OK, I'm understating it. CO2 has a negligible effect on Earth's climate. Chisel it in stone. I guess I just went from a skeptic to a denier.


Roger Clemens found not guilty.


UK company withdraws insurance on Russian ship bound for Syria, forcing it to return to port. You know somebody in government called that insurance company up and made them an offer they couldn't refuse. This will increase tensions with Russia.

Are you shocked to learn that the US government, along with the Israeli government, produced the Flame malware as many of us predicted? I hope not. I think the most important and disgusting aspect of this story is the yawn factor. People don't care, and they won't care until their computers stop working right.

I'm suspicious that the long-time Egyptian dictator supported financially and otherwise by the US government just happens to be dying of cardiac arrest, but was miraculously revived, on the day that Egyptian elections are being held. This sounds like a fairy tail intended to manipulate voters to support the US backed candidate. I'm sure everybody feels bad the mass-murdering, billionaire, dictator, US government stooge for 30 years or so. I don't mean to be cold. I don't wish pain or death on anybody. But this sounds like Machiavellian manipulation. Government propagandists want us to feel bad for Mubarak. I'm not moved.


Every year without fail we suffer a few weeks without rain. During that time, it's slighter warmer than average. It happens every year. Maybe it's May. Maybe it's August. Maybe it's June. It's normal. Every day isn't average. Some days, weeks and even months are different that the average. That happens ever year. This year, it's June, but naturally, the government paid fraud want to scare us about it.


It turns out geologists are skeptical that the Grand Canyon was carved by the Colorado River. That's the first I've heard of that too.

An electrical universe guy makes the following assertion:
"The Sun is at a more positive electrical potential (voltage) than is the space plasma surrounding it - probably in the order of 10 billion volts."
Prove it. Without proof, this is no different than saying the sun is powered by the Giant Spaghetti Monster. As a natural skeptic, these electrical universe guys have peaked my interest. They've made me skeptical of modern cosmology. But they have completely failed to convince me of their point of view. It's easy to throw bombs and destroy stuff. It's hard to build stuff.

Jeffrey Tucker champions 3d printing, and in doing so crushes capitalists who use government to boost their own profits at the expense of innovation, civilization and the people. The quote of the article is this: Capitalism is not for wimps.

A belief in hell lowers crime rates. Who would have guessed? Once again pseudo-science, funded by a terrible amount of money stolen from others, proves the obvious.

I predict the Google tablet will be lame. Hardware is not Google's strength.

I'm not surprised the gotcha announcement from Cato never happened. If Lew had really had a gotcha, he would have published it himself. Who is he protecting? Certainly neither Crane nor Koch.

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