Thursday, June 07, 2012

Free kibbles


Unions also lost in California.


Gold is a good buy right now.


Pretty good analysis of Reagan's record on taxes.


On the education bubble.
"Barry has been following the money. And he sees a lot of it going to the education.
“It worked just like subprime,” he explained.
The feds bankrolled it. Guaranteed it. Regulated it. And conveniently didn’t notice as it got to monstrous proportions… And then, when it blows up…they’ll be there again, pointing fingers and promising to “regulate” more heavily."
I think the blow-up has begun.
"The feds paid for one heckuva a lot of education…subsidizing students and colleges…with trillions of dollars. They pay for GIs to go to school. They give grants to the schools themselves. And they hand out hundreds of billions in loans, at low teaser rates (just like subprime!) to students…often to students who are unqualified and unlikely to get much out of it."
That's why student debt is over $1 trillion.
"Geez. It looks like college students have been the chumps in this story…flimflammed by the feds and the universities.
But, remember, we are grateful to the patsies. They’re the ones who keep the whole scammy economy going."
Not for long.


More evidence that the chronic cardio the government pushes is bad for you.


Phone app for recording police and sending it to the NYCLU.

Policemen get special privileges to break the law.


The US military to push propaganda on social media sites.
"The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda."
You know that law against using propaganda on Americans? The government doesn't obey the law. Maybe this is why the CIA funded Facebook.


More on the relationship between Obama and Bill Ayers.

Remember how the establishment fake experts made fun of Ron Paul's investment portfolio. He outperformed the S&P 500 by 9 percent.

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