Holy crap,
this young man is my hero. A cop stopped him on the street and confiscated his firearm, but he never backed down and eventually he talked the cop into giving him his firearm back and letting him go. Of course, as wonderful as this is, I'm sure the police followed him then broke into his apartment, planted some drugs then busted him on phony drug charges. But still, he had giant balls of steel.
Boortz points to a great story to remind us that unions exist to loot their workers and the people:
"A government school union in Michigan has asked for its members to hand over their bank account and credit card information in order to guarantee their union dues payments."
If you are surprised by this, maybe you don't understand socialism.
One of the rarely mentioned consequences of government's destruction of the economy is how it
empowers frauds because people are being wiped out and forced to look for easy money to survive.
Welfare spending, because it steals money from productive people, destroys wealth. Destroying wealth creates poverty. So welfare spending creates poverty. How hard is that to understand? And that isn't even counting the effect of paying people not to work.
Congress is pretending to care about
student loans and highway funds. Both will pass. This is not in doubt. The delay is just theater. They're deciding which Republicans can support which and still get re-elected. I'll give them a hint: all of them.
Senate refuses to cut food stamps or anything else.
The ADA is
using threats of violence to force Netflix to provide closed captioning. This is like a deaf person attacking me on the street and demanding I use sign language. It's crap. I sympathize with the deaf people who want to be able to understand the dialog in these movies, but we can never condone threats of violence for any reason. If the ADA wants to provide a movie-TV service with closed captioning, it's free to start its own business and do so.
The government
bars Samsung tablets from being sold in the US at the request of Apple. Every day patents give us an abomination like this. Do you want a Samsung tablet? The US government says **** you.
Speaking of
insider trading...
"Boehner is one of 34 members of Congress who took steps to recast their financial portfolios during the financial crisis after phone calls or meetings with Paulson; his successor, Timothy F. Geithner; or Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, according to a Washington Post examination of appointment calendars and congressional disclosure forms."
What do you think they're in government for? Do you think they joined the government to get poor? Are you stupid? They joined the government to use government's power of coercion to get rich at our expense. And they did. That's because they're evil.
Amazing charts of the Fed's assets and liabilities since 1915. Try not to soil your pants.
We've been robbed.
Is government really pushing this
food stamp pyramid?
Canadian health care waits
cost $1 billion a year in productivity. Baloney. This is a gross underestimate because it's a bogus study.
Remember when liberals claimed that Obamacare wouldn't usher in death panels? A whistle-blower in Britain claims that the
British socialized medicine system...
"kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year."
Of course it does. The laws of economics cannot be denied. The same will happen in the US. This is inevitable under socialized medicine. And Republicans won't change a material thing about Obamacare. They don't want to. All they want to do is share in the looting.
If you wanted to scare people about sea level rise due to global warming, who would you target? This article wants us to believe that global warming is
driving sea level rise along the US east coast, the richest region on the planet and the most populated region in the US, faster than anywhere else on the world. How convenient that the sea level rise is fastest right where the political and financial implications are the greatest. I suspect this is either baloney or cyclical.
Because of my interest in the great global warming fraud and now the
cosmology scientific crisis, I'm really interested in the
Younger Dryas. What does it mean? The graph in this article explodes the great global warming fraud in a huge way.
So we're at about the coolest climate temperature in the last 10 thousand years, but man is supposedly warming the planet. Baloney.
Antarctica used to be
warm and covered with plants.
It just struck me that because the establishment has all the money, they can afford to challenge and resist actions in court, and because everybody else has little money, they can rarely afford to either challenge or resist actions in court. Call me slow for just noticing this. But the point is, this is another big reason for the establishment to resist cutting spending. Additionally, this means that our wealth stolen from the people funds pretty much all legal cases.
TSA agent
spills ashes of remains then laughs while relative struggles to retrieve them. This is a good reminder that government attracts the worst people in the world to work for it because only government employees can get away with this kind of crap.
One of the worst aspects of our government is they
make foreign dictators look legitimate.
"Embattled President Bashar Assad warned the Syrian public Tuesday that the nation was going through a state of “real war” and that emerging victorious was all important.
“We live in a state of real war,” Assad said while presiding over the first session of the new government, the state-run news service reported. “And when we live in a state of war, all our policies, directives and all sectors will be directed in order to gain victory in this war.”
It is the second time in recent weeks that Assad has addressed the nation warning that Syria is at war. He has blamed the rebellion against his rule on a “foreign conspiracy” that is using Islamic militants to overthrow his secular leadership."
Assad is perfectly accurate. Unlike our rulers, he's being honest. We empower lying, murdering crooks, and they make far less evil foreign leaders look good by comparison.
God bless this man whose daughter was sexually abused and condemn any who would harm him for his response.
Why was Roger Clemens
prosecuted for lying to Congress but not AG Holder? Because, no matter how rich one is like Roger Clemens, he's still a serf. AG Holder is a ruler. Don't get confused by people who claim the rich are our rulers. It's not true. The politicians, bureaucrats and agents are our rulers. They partner with the ultra-rich, like the CEOs of big banks, the biggest corporations, union bosses and old money like the Rockefellers and the Rothchilds. But our rulers are the politicians, bureaucrats and government agents only. If you don't believe me, look at the CEO of Bear Stearns. The day before Bear Stearns went bankrupt, misguided Americans thought that CEO was one of our rulers. But he wasn't. He was in the ruling class, but he was ejected that quickly. So those people who are in the ruling class but not part of government are always subject to instant rejection from the ruling class. The bigwigs of government are not. Their power cannot be taken away until they lose an election. That makes them our ultimate rulers.
Here's a nice summary of the
NATO-Turkey trap for Syria.
"Turkey, which by providing safe harbor and facilitating the transfer of weapons to those who are at war with the Syrian government has technically de facto declared a state of war against Syria, has nevertheless acted as the proverbial kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar: "it's not my fault, mommy, and by the way you were not supposed to be in the kitchen anyway!" Or: "Yes we were on a spying mission in Syrian airspace, testing your air defenses in advance of a possible attack on your country, but still it was totally outrageous of you to respond in such an unneighborly fashion.""
This was a setup. The poor Turkish pilot was sacrificed like a fish flushed down the toilet.
It sounds like the
Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) should go down in flames like flight 815. It sounds like another one world government boondoggle.
Government stooges try to explain away
Muslim hatred for the US based on rival politicians, not the decades of murder and oppression carried out by the US government against them. They've misrepresented cause and effect.
File this under the heading, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is: the Honduran government is planning to
empower two libertarian city-states, one on the Atlantic and one on the Pacific, and build a high-speed train between them. I wish. I hope. But most likely this is a bait and switch. That government is trying to attract wealth and investment only to seize control of it later.
Obama's approval rating
drops to 43 percent. This should be renamed the fools who love government rating.
Is Obama a
pathological liar? Of course. Just like every other president in my lifetime. And Romney. And their challengers. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: the primary qualification of every politician is to be able to lie without conscience. That's because every politician can only represent one person with each vote. It's impossible to represent a person who wants one thing and person wants another at the same time. Since every individual is different, over the course of several votes, the politician can only represent one person. But in order to get elected, the politician must fool over half of voters into believing he or she will support them, not one individual. So of course Obama is a pathological liar. Like Romney. Like McCain. Like Bush. Like Kerry. Like Gore. And so on.
In more evidence the Bilderbergers have chosen Romney, Jimmy Carter
blasts Obama. Meanwhile Romney
enjoys a fund-raising bonanza at a retreat with the who's who of the ruling class.
"Many of those same attendees said the star speaker of the weekend was former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who received and a standing ovation. Ambassador Charles Cobb, who served as ambassador to Iceland from 1989 to 1992, said Rice was "spectacular" and described her as a "very bright, sophisticated, articulate lady."
Husband-and-wife donors from Los Angeles who did not want to be identified said Rice's message was one of "America needing to take charge."
"We can't stand by and let things happen," the wife said. "If we do, someone else will take that leadership role.
They both described her address as an "impassioned plea" for the country to "stand up and take charge.""
Apparently the US government hasn't pushed people around enough or killed enough of them yet.
I'm not surprised that another Obama family story has
turned out to be a lie. Are you?
"Courtesy of David Maraniss' new book, we now know that yet another key prop of Barack Obama's identity is false: His Kenyan grandfather was not brutally tortured or even non-brutally detained by his British colonial masters. The composite gram'pa joins an ever-swelling cast of characters from Barack's "memoir" who, to put it discreetly, differ somewhat in reality from their bit parts in the grand Obama narrative."
The more we find out about him, the more he sounds like a fiction created by his CIA controllers.
"The best friend at school portrayed in Obama's autobiography as "a symbol of young blackness" was, in fact, half Japanese, and not a close friend. The white girlfriend he took to an off-Broadway play that prompted an angry post-show exchange about race never saw the play, dated Obama in an entirely different time zone, and had no such world-historically significant conversation with him. His Indonesian step-grandfather, supposedly killed by Dutch soldiers during his people's valiant struggle against colonialism, met his actual demise when he "fell off a chair at his home while trying to hang drapes.""
It would be funny if it wasn't so deadly serious.
Without realizing the implications,
Boortz reports,
"The Obama administration can’t seem to catch a break."
That's because the Bilderbergers picked Romney. So Obama is being blasted by both parties and the press on national security leaks, fast and furious and Jimmy Carter blasted him on war.
Now the UN has
attacked Obama for his murderous ways too. Stick a fork in Obama. He's done.
Obama and his plutocrat partners are
paying stooges to heckle Romney.
The tea party
ousts another fat-cat Republican in Oklahoma. I know these candidates aren't perfect. I know they fail to oust some powerful incumbents like Hatch. But they are ousting some. But it's too little, too late.
You know things are bad for Obama when the Washington Post
blasts his latest anti-Romney ad for lying.
Police chase
kills teen girl. In an attempt to absolve themselves, the police claim they ended the chase a minute before their target killed the girl, and maybe they did, but that doesn't absolve them.
"According to Springfield police’s pursuit policy, any officer has the right to terminate a chase. The officer made the right call by not chasing Thomson, Moody said, and was also correct to keep following him."
This report makes it sound like the officer did the best he could, terminating the chase very quickly, but you never know if the reports are accurate or not. The article doesn't tell us how far it is from North to Warder.
CIA tool Facebook
secretly changing user's default email to @facebook.
photoshop famous picture so hide features that contradict the Big Bang theory. This tells me they know their theory is bankrupt. This isn't done out of ignorance. It's an act of fraud. Even Hubble, who is credited with discovering that redshift equals distance, in fact
argued against the theory. This is a great quote:
""If astronomy were [sic] a science," a famous astronomer has said, the Big Bang would have been discarded decades ago instead of having become the touchstone of faith and funding."
Funding is the key because scientists, like everybody else, want to advance their own interests. So here's another example of how government money has thoroughly corrupted science, transforming it into pseudo-science. Galaxy observed
emitting quasars.
Blogger decided not to support Opera any more. It suggested I use Google Chrome. That sounds like typical Microsoft.
rename Big Ben after Queen Elizabeth.