Saturday, March 31, 2012

Free kibbles


A British paper reports on a US Labor Department report that nearly 20 percent of America's working age men are out of work.
"Two in 10 or 17 per cent of men aged 25 to 54 – traditionally the backbone of the workforce – are unemployed."
Thanks, government. I wonder if any US papers will report on this.


Democrats join Republicans in unanimously rejecting Obama's budget.


Canadian government to eliminate its penny. Central banks have made pennies virtually worthless.


The captain of the Ben-Gals cheerleading squad was busted for having sex with one of her high school students. This story is wrong for so many reasons. First, why is this smoking hot 26 year old having sex with a minor? Why would she put herself in this position? Second, how stupid are these laws that would make this a crime? Every young man in that high school wants to have sex with this teacher. She is not a predator taking advantage of her position to prey on some poor child. The young man she had sex with wasn't harmed by this incident. What's so magic about turning 18?


You know how many people make the knee-jerk claim that the US has the best health care in the world? Here's the reality of what government has done to our health care system.
"According to the 2011 Health Grades Hospital Quality in America noticed doctors or hospitalStudyii, the incidence rate of medical harm occurring in the United States is estimated to be over 40,000 harmful and/or lethal errors each and EVERY day."
Our government run health care system is far from the best in the world.
"However, there are solutions; it is possible to make hospitals better, and the book addresses this in depth. Nutrition is a key element. As Dr. Saul points out, hospital food is almost universally associated with bad food. Most of it is highly processed, but you can sometimes get better fare simply by asking for a vegetarian meal. He also explains why it can be helpful to get a simple note from your primary care physician if you take vitamins and want to continue taking them while in the hospital. And, your rights, should the staff insist you can't take them while staying there."
Our bad government health care system is in cahoots with our bad government food system.
"... The lowest estimate makes hospitals one of the top 10 causes of deaths in the United States... The highest estimate makes hospital and drugs the number one cause of death in the United States..."
Almost all hospitals are owned by government. Government ownership of the production of health care is socialized medicine, and this is exactly what one would expect from our socialized medicine system.
"Many believe training hospitals will provide them with the latest and greatest care, but they can actually be more dangerous. As a general rule, avoid elective surgeries and procedures during the month of July because this is when brand new residents begin their training. According to a 2010 report in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, lethal medication errors consistently spike by about 10 percent each July, particularly in teaching hospitals, due to the inexperience of new residents.iv Also be cautious of weekends."
Government hospitals training residents who graduated from government universities are killing people.


The global warming frauds never cared about real climate science. It was always about alarmism as a tool to expand government power.

Natural sources emit much more mercury than human sources, and the North America emits a very tiny fraction of the total, but that isn't stopping the EPA from passing new, expensive mercury regulations.

Praise for cheap electricity.
"I don’t want to go back to nature. Travel to a zone hit by earthquakes, floods and hurricanes to see what it’s like to go back to nature. For humans, living in “nature” meant a short life span marked by violence, disease and ignorance. People who work for the end of poverty and relief from disease are fighting against nature. I hope they leave their lights on.
I like visiting nature but I don’t want to live there, and I refuse to accept the idea that civilization with all its tradeoffs is something to be ashamed of."
Well said.

Al Gore fires Keith Olbermann and will replace him with disgraced former prosecutor and governor Elliot Spitzer.

Thanks to EPA regulations, US companies will export coal. Commentary.
"[The EPA] has just ordered that in the future, American coal will be burned in the most polluting way possible. She ruled that coal can’t be burned in new US power plants, so it’s going to be exported to shabbily built highly-polluting furnaces in third world countries. That’s environmental protection at its finest."
The green movement has nothing to do with protecting the environment. It's about destroying capitalism.

No global warming link to 2011 tornadoes. No global warming link to hot Russian summer in 2010.


I guess it's a natural progression of our celebrity and IP obsessed, morally degraded culture that the killing of Trayvon Martin would turn into a marketing brand.
"A phenomenon on that scale is bound to be commercialized, said Donna Hoffman, a marketing professor at the University of California-Riverside."
Since our society is dominated by government theft and government violence, it breeds that kind of amorality in the people. What a bunch of "sharing the pain" bull-hockey.

Police courtesy cards are good reminder that laws are for the serfs, not our rulers.

The Frenchman who recently killed Jewish school kids was a French intelligence asset.
"Merah’s trip to Israel is also getting a second look, with some unconfirmed claims that French spy agencies supported the trip. The details behind this aren’t clear either, but seems to support Bonnet’s speculation that Merah’s ties with DCRI are more than meets the eye.
Merah, 23, killed seven in a spree targeting “apostate” French Muslim soldiers and Jewish school children. The gunman said he was avenging the Palestinian people. In a raid to capture Merah, French police shot him dead."
Isn't it convenient they killed him so he couldn't talk?

Not too long ago I wrote that Kinect is the implementation of George Orwell's big brother technology. Now Samsung TVs have it built in. From now on, your TVs will be spying on you.

The US is requiring British passengers who fly to Canada, Cuba or Mexico to be cleared by DHS as if they were flying to the US. I wonder how our government bribed those governments to put up with that.


US government trained Mali rebels attack another city.
"The two towns are major prizes for the Tuareg rebels, who launched an insurgency in January fueled by the flow of arms from the fall of neighboring Libya, where many of the rebels had been on the payroll of Moammar Gadhafi."
More deadly unintended consequences of NATO's coup in Libya.  Death and destruction continues in the wake of NATO's war in Libya.

Government to spend $1.1 trillion for the F-35s over the next 55 years, but it already spent $395.7 billion, so that $1.1 trillion estimate seems way too low. And 55 years? That's crazy.


Israeli is increasing its military presence in Georgia as well as Azerbaijan.
"There are concerns within the U.S. intelligence community that the Israelis are playing fast and loose with their affiliation in what are known as false-flag operations, frequently representing themselves as Americans in actions similar to those relating to Mossad’s efforts to recruit Jundallah militants in Western Europe. Israel also reportedly attempted to hide behind a false flag in January when one of its drones that had been operating over Syria went down in Turkey. The Israeli Foreign Ministry initially denied any knowledge, suggesting that the device was American. But the Turks, who have U.S. drones flying from airbases in their own country, recognized that the drone was not of American manufacture, and the Israeli Embassy was forced to recant and eventually apologize. No apology was forthcoming to the United States. Back at home, the FBI is investigating persistent reports that Israeli intelligence officers operating in the U.S. are again pretending to be FBI or CIA to obtain the cooperation of Arab-Americans."
This shows what political contributions can buy.


This is an interesting setup:
"The economy is in a mess, and – in spite of the Obama administration’s pathetic attempts to conjure a "recovery" out of thin air — looks like it is tanking. The European banks are on the verge of a meltdown, and the jobless rate in this country is much higher than anyone in officialdom is willing to acknowledge (although ordinary people know the truth). What’s more, America’s position abroad is none too good: after being driven out of Iraq, which is falling into the Iranian orbit, we’re well on our way to losing the war in Afghanistan, and the whole region is in turmoil. Israel is threatening to start World War III with an attack on Tehran, an act that would drive the world economy over a cliff. Would you want to be President when the price of oil is over $200 a barrel?
Which brings us to the question that has been hovering around the edge of my consciousness ever since the Republican primary battle commenced: is the GOP deliberately throwing the 2012 presidential election?"
The economy will decide this election regardless of which establishment Republican wins the nomination.
"It makes sense if we take the economic critique proffered by anti-inflationists like Ron Paul and Gerald Celente seriously: would you want to be President if we’re on the brink of another Great Depression? As the American dollar is destroyed, and the buying power of the average American is about to become the equivalent of a consumer in, say, Zimbabwe, is it really in the GOP’s interest to take the White House this year?"
If our economy continues to go downhill, the Republican will win whether he wants to or not.

Obama has already outspent all Republicans combined, yet his approval rating remains well below 50 percent. This is why I keep saying this election will be decided on the economy. Not spending. Not which establishment Republican wins the election.

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