Sunday, March 18, 2012

Free kibbles


UK man charged with treason over anti-war Facebook comments. This illustrates how war destroys freedom at home.


Obama officially but quietly declares himself king.
"On March 16th, President Obama signed a new Executive Order which expands upon a prior order issued in 1950 for Disaster Preparedness, and gives the office of the President complete control over all the resources in the United States in times of war or emergency."
The president also has the power to declare an emergency. Therefore, the president has claimed ownership of everything in the US. I'm just joking about the king thing. No king ever had that much power. Obama is America's Great Pharaoh.


While these massive tunneling machines are undoubtedly impressive, I think this is the most important line of the story:
"Meanwhile critics complain that the project is a peculiarly British example of how not to get big infrastructure schemes off the ground, because almost 30 years will have elapsed from its political conception in 1989 to its current projected completion date of 2018."
That's not unique to Britain. That's just government.

Indian government proposes 30 percent tax on venture capital. That would put an end to startup companies in India.


I keep warning that we're going to wake up one day and gas will $10 a gallon. Economists warns that price inflation can happen very quickly because the money is already printed before the price inflation shows up.
"The greater the denial before, the faster the inflation accelerates after. Author Daniel Yergin tells the story of a student in Freiburg who ordered a cup of coffee in a cafe; the price was 5,000 marks. Then he had another. When the bill came, it was 14,000. “If you want to save money and you want two cups of coffee, you should order them both at the same time,” he was told."
Let's hope the American people will wake up before that happens, but I don't know. Bernanke has inflated the currency tremendously more than at any time in US history.

Bernanke claims inflation is not a problem. I don't think he believes this. I think he's lying. I think he knows darn good and well that we're going to experience terrible inflation due to his policies. And when it happens, he'll blame the market just like Greenspan.


Ohio Gov. Kasich's teacher retesting program.


Interesting article on gut flora.


Court declares the seizure order of Megaupload's Kim Dotcom's property null and void, but even though the police screwed up, he's unlikely to get his property back because if he had has property he could afford to mount a vigorous defense, and the government doesn't want that to happen.

More on the new NSA facility.
"James Bamford, expert on the National Security Agency, writes about its massive data collection center in Utah. He quotes a former NSA official: "We are that far from a turnkey totalitarian state," holding his thumb and forefinger close together."
I guess the turnkey part is all that's missing.


Dayton profits from Afghan war.


Establishment shenanigans in Missouri.

Here's a pathetic, disgusting attempt to boost Obama's popularity: a figurine of an armed Obama standing over the corpse of Osama bin Laden.


Researchers use cell phone app data to influence people's movements.

Google might kick your search engine optimized website down the rankings. This is kind of scary.

On the nature of the state.

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