Friday, March 09, 2012

Free kibbles


Last chance for Canadians to speak out against Canadian SOPA.


Unemployment held steady at 8.3 percent in February, but the media wants us to believe this is good news. For a long time, the reason unemployment wasn't rising was people were dropping out of the work force. The opposite happened last month as more people began looking for jobs. This is probably the most promising jobs report we've seen since Obama took office. Despite this trend, employment numbers are still near the 2001 level. Ouch.


Recognizing that autonomous cars will be on the road soon, governments are moving to restrict innovation so only low quality, high priced vehicles produced by companies that pay bazzilions in tribute to politicians can profit.


I've butted heads with associates at over their celebration of corporations many times. Mostly over Apple, which many claimed was a model of innovation while I claimed it was a patent troll, but also over McDonalds and Taco Bell. Now we learn that the Fed bailed out McDonalds. It's a stain on that many of their prominent writers defended so many corporate agents. Don't get me wrong. In the last few years, I've learned more about libertarianism and the evil of the Fed at than I ever would have guessed I had to learn. But in learning those things, I was appalled at how those scholars defended government's corporate agents knowing full well the vast majority of profits they enjoyed came from government coercion. This is why independent thinking, no matter your ideology, is so important.


The government is buying seven million pounds of scrap beef - the kind of scraps farmers usually reserve for animal or fish feed - and funneling it into student lunches. If you are shocked the government would do this, you are a fool. If you think by changing parties, you will end this, you are a fool. The government, powered by both parties, considers us fodder to fuel them or fight for them. They only allow us to vote because they control the voting process so our votes don't matter. We're nothing but animals to them, and this incident is more evidence.


Fracking blamed for earthquakes in Ohio. State issues new regulations.

The Urban Heat Island effect means the growing season is longer near cities.

If you ever wondered about the totalitarian agenda behind the global warming fraud, maybe this headline will convince you:
"Deny Deniers their Right to Deny!"
You can't make this stuff up.


Here's a nice example of the ubiquitous corruption in police agencies.
"According to CBS, 'Hundreds, or even thousands, of drunk driving convictions could be overturned because the San Francisco Police Department has not tested its breathalyzers, officials said Monday. For at least six years, the police officers in charge of testing the 20 breathalyzers used by the Police Department did not carry out any tests on the equipment. Officers instead filled the test forms with numbers that matched the control sample, said Public Defender Jeff Adachi, throwing countless DUI convictions into doubt.' Apparently this has happened before."
Why should they bother? The convictions are guaranteed by our (in)justice system. Calibrating is just a waste of their time. I guarantee you this happens all over the country.

In another example of the only effective security system in the world, flight passengers subdue flight attendant. TSA was too busy porno-scanning people to help.
"Two flight attendants were injured in the incident and were taken to a local hospital. No passengers were hurt, and they were never in danger, an airline spokeswoman said.
The flight attendant who caused the commotion shrieked as she was handcuffed by police and placed into a police car, passengers on the flight told the Tribune after their flight arrived at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport."
They were never in danger because they took the initiative and put and end to the danger. I'd like to thank the government agents for not screwing this up. So far.


Pat Buchanan warns us that the Republican party is becoming the war party. This is ironic because Buchanan has called the Republican party the war party since 2001 when Bush invaded Afghanistan. It's even more ironic since Buchanan has called all Republican canidates war party candidates since. But the most ironic point is the point Buchanan doesn't address: the Democrats are as much warmongers as Republicans.


Several top government officials in Syria join the rebels. This is sounding more and more like the Libyan debacle. God forbid NATO begin killing people by the tens of thousands like they did in Libya.


Reality behind the race to attack Iran.


I hope Ron Paul's strategy produces enough delegates to make a difference in Tampa, but as poorly as he's done in popular votes, all I see is the Paul campaign living on a prayer. I don't understand why so many prominent libertarians are hopeful. That's like gladiators being hopeful because a couple of bread and circuses recipient root for them before the government gladiators kill them.


Humans are nicer than we think. It's only the government, because it's a predatory institution, the most powerful institution in society, the only institution with the power of coercion, it institutionalizes violence, it attracts the worst predators in society, it initiates the vast majority of aggression and violence, and it promotes aggression and violence in others, that it seems people are more violent than they really are.

I saw an ad for the rack for 99.99, but I can't get it back. I found it.

Cinci beat Syracuse! Maybe Mick Cronin will finally break through and bring the Cincinnati program back to prominence.

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