Sunday, March 04, 2012

Free kibbles


Unable to ban guns, politicians are trying to ban ammunition.


Government motors suspends production of Obama's Chevy Volt for lack of demand.
""Even with sales up in February over January, we are still seeking to align our production with demand," GM spokesman Chris Lee said. The car company had hoped to sell 45,000 Chevy Volts in America this year, according to the Detrot News, but has only sold about 1,626 over the first two months of 2012."
Even socialists realize that producers must adapt to meet demand. Obama wants to increase Volt subsidies.


Guess what happens when the government gets involved in foreclosures.
"For example, the federal government is about to dump millions of the foreclosed homes at fire-sale prices to hedge funds and private-equity firms with government connections. If you’re an individual investor who might like to get in on the action, forget it! You’re shut out of this deal.Homeowners who might be interested in buying the foreclosure property next door? Out of luck. And retirees hoping for a return on their money more than 1.8% on a five-year CD find another avenue closed off."
What do you get out of the deal?
"“The US taxpayer will get pennies on the dollar for these homes, and then be allowed to rent them back at market rates.”"
This is a good reminder that government exists to make the plutocrats richer and us poorer.


Iran to trade in gold and foreign currencies instead of dollars. This might make an attack inevitable. Look what happened to Saddam when he did the same.
"Unlike most of the world's nations, which have privately owned monetary authorities, such as the Fed, that are controlled by banking cartels, Iran has a state-owned central bank. More than a few analysts have suggested the Islamic Republic's relatively unique monetary system is actually one of the reasons Western belligerence toward the nation is growing louder."
Ya think?
"Prior to the NATO-backed overthrow of strongman Moammar Gadhafi, Libya also had a state-owned central bank. The nation had massive reserves and no foreign debt before "regime change" arrived. But in the early days of the Western-backed rebellion, "rebels" promptly established a new central bank to replace Libya's existing monetary authority – sparking serious suspicions among analysts.
Gadhafi, whose government was sitting on huge stockpiles of gold bullion, had been seeking partners to create a gold-backed currency for the oil market that would have marginalized the U.S. dollar. Before the plan could come to fruition, however, Libya was aggressively bombed by international forces. NATO's rebels on the ground – known terror leaders, former Gadhafi officials, Western special forces, and assorted Islamic extremists finished the job and executed the long-serving dictator.
Iraqi tyrant Saddam Hussein had also threatened to start selling oil in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. But that scheme was put on ice as well when U.S.-led military forces invaded and occupied the nation in 2003 – first under the guise of "weapons of mass destruction" and supposed links to terror, and later for the supposed purpose of "spreading democracy.""
Can you spot the pattern?
"According to ZeroHedge's take on the situation, the Iranian regime is actually plotting to put the final nail in the dollar's coffin. "We essentially said that Iran, with the complicity of major trading partners like China, India and Russia is preparing to phase out the petrodollar: a move which would be impossible if key bilateral trade partners would not agree to it," it noted."
This is going to hurt.

This quote reminds me of the article I just wrote about schools:
"Government is good at one thing: It knows how to break your legs, hand you a crutch, and say, "See, if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk." ~ Harry Browne"
It's hard to see the damage government does, but it's easy to see the programs ostensibly designed to combat that damage. The article goes on to explain how the government avoided hyper-inflation in the past, but it will not this time.
"Today, the US GDP is approximately $15.4 trillion (2011). The admitted to federal government debt is also currently at $15.4 trillion, meaning a debt to GDP ratio of 100%. Forgetting for the moment the unfunded liabilities which have already been spent, which would leave the figure at closer to 500%, an interest rate of 18% on the current debt would require $2.7 trillion per year in payments.
The total tax theft "revenue" of the US Government in 2011 was $2.3 trillion. In other words, the only way to end the current state of affairs in the US and "save" the dollar would be to allow interest rates to rise to market rates... and if they rose as high as they did in 1980, when things were much better in general, every penny of money stolen from US tax slaves would be used just to pay the interest on the debt."
I've never seen it explained that simply and clearly.

Inflation is driving up gas prices.

Comparison of the debasement of Roman money to modern currencies. What the Roman government took centuries to debase, modern central banks are doing in decades.

British paper reports that more than a dozen states have introduced bills to make gold and silver legal money.  Try finding that in the US press.


Government school workers forcibly vaccinate student despite order from mother.


Farmers adapt to increased demand for free range eggs by producing more. Who would have thought that the price system could be so powerful and simple at the same time?

Licensed government agents try to silence paleo advocate because he's not licensed. Free speech be damned.


Yet another study shows that climate is strongly influenced by the solar variation. How could anybody think otherwise?

Great quote regarding the climate frauds:
"If the theory of man-made global warming were such a self-obvious truth, the result of scientific consensus, then why do its advocates keep committing fraud to advance it?"
And you wonder why I call them frauds.

I've often made fun of how the global warming frauds have changed their story to claim that manmade CO2 is causing colder winters, but how does anybody publish this headline?
"Global warming is making the world colder"
At some point, you have to say this doesn't make sense and refuse to publish such crap.


As bad as things were in Afghanistan, the US war there has made them worse.
"But half the Afghan armed forces and police serve only to support their families. The Afghan economy under NATO’s rule is now so bad that even in Kabul, thousands are starving or dying from intense cold. Half of Afghans are unemployed and must seek work from the US-financed government.
But loyal they are not. While covering the 1980’s jihad against Soviet occupation, I saw everywhere that soldiers and officials supposedly loyal to the Communist Najibullah regime in Kabul kept in constant touch with the anti-Soviet mujahidin and reported all Soviet and government troops movements well in advance. The same thing occurs today in Afghanistan. Taliban knows about most NATO troops operations before they leave their fortified bases. Among Afghans, the strongest bonds of loyalty are family, clan and tribal connections. They cut across all politics and ideology.
Afghans are a proud, prickly people who, as I often saw, take offense all too easily. Pashtuns are infamous for never forgetting an offense, real or imagines, and biding their time to strike back. This is precisely what has been happening in Afghanistan, where arrogant, culturally ignorant US and NATO "advisors" – who are really modern versions of the British Raj’s "white officers leading native troops"- offend and outrage the combustible Afghans."
Our government has created millions of more enemies for generations.

Pat Buchanan uses the Koran burning fiasco to illustrate the folly of our government's war in Afghanistan and more. He asks the crucial question:
"What did it all profit us?"
It didn't profit us at all. We're far poorer for these wars. But it profited the politicians, the bankers, the weapon producers and other big corporations providing support tremendously. War is a racket.

Analysis of Iran's military capabilities shows it is no military threat to anybody.


Paul edges Santorum for second in Washington.

You know how Cantor and Coburn pretend to support smaller government? They endorsed Romney.

Putin claims election win as observers claim fraud. Sounds like the US.


It looks like Europeans first colonized America 26,000 years ago.

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