Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Free kibbles


Taxpayers are funding a seminar on how to target and unionize young people. The goal is to organize them then send them marching in the streets for communism.


Americans earned less and spent less in 2010 for the second straight year. Government spent tremendously more. Government looting is making us poorer and our rulers richer.


Democrats ignore Obama's misnamed jobs bill. Criticism of the bill and of Obama.
"What is so striking about Obama’s shopworn rhetoric is its juvenile intellectual quality. His explanation for how the AJA will create jobs is a non-starter because he does not explain how we get from here to there. As in so many other cases, the president thinks that waving a wand over a problem will make his most ardent wishes come true, even when similar earlier efforts have proved to be dismal failures."
Juvenile intellectual quality for sure.

National bankruptcy may make Obama the last big-government president. Or not. Politicians will not cut the government because controlling all that money and power allows them to live like kings. Think about the celebrated Paul Ryan plan that continued growing government at almost exactly the same rate as Obama's budget. But at some point, the debt will bring the government down and our economy will collapse with it, but I doubt it will happen before November 2012.

Obama might like to be remembered for Obamacare, more accurately called Pelosicare, but he will in fact be remembered as the food stamp president.


The FDA and the government in general have been working overtime to scare us about food safety, but check out this cantaloupe story:
"So far, the outbreak has caused at least 72 illnesses — including up to 16 deaths — in 18 states, making it the deadliest food outbreak in the United States in more than a decade."
98,000 thousand people a year die from medical misadventure, but you never hear about that because government controls our health care system. They just want to scare us into allowing government to seize that kind of control over food production as well. And they're doing it.


The military wants to develop even better surveillance technology that the government will then use against us.


Commanders show British soldiers in Afghanistan snuff films of Apache helicopter killing people to boost morale.


Now the government wants us to be afraid of the Iranian navy. Give me a break.


Talking heads like to claim that Ron Paul isn't electable in a general election. Baloney. This poll puts him two points ahead of Obama.


Central planning will not keep young professionals in the area. Dramatically reducing the burden of government will.

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