Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Free kibbles


Even the federal government acknowledges the difference between what it calls the official unemployment rate which is 9.1 percent and what it calls the real unemployment rate which is 16.2 percent, though that's probably still to low. lists the actual real unemployment rate at about 23 percent. Here's the difference:
"The seasonally-adjusted SGS Alternate Unemployment Rate reflects current unemployment reporting methodology adjusted for SGS-estimated long-term discouraged workers, who were defined out of official existence in 1994."
Government lies.

US stocks fall sharply in early trading, but now the Dow is up over 200 points. Gold is also down. Somebody is manipulating the market to keep it from correcting. I don't know if it's the Fed or just the government's too big to fail banks, but somebody is doing it. It looks like Bank of America, one of government's fascist banks, is leading the way. Imagine that.


The number one US export is aggression.
""Among the treasure troves of recently released WikiLeaks cables, we find one whose significance has bypassed Swedish media. In short: every law proposal, every ordinance, and every governmental report hostile to the net, youth, and civil liberties here in Sweden in recent years have been commissioned by the U.S. government and industry interests."
I wish the world would just say no. I wish US voters would say no more.


How the establishment over-uses antibiotics, making us more unhealthy and vulnerable to disease.


Obama wants to prosecute hackers as organized crime syndicates. Most of them, like anonymous, are organized crime syndicates. Why should they be treated differently? Don't get me wrong: hacking and releasing government information is a service, but hacking and releasing private information is a crime.


The good news is Obama plans to remove all but 3,000 troops from Iraq by the end of the year. The bad news is he plans to keep 3,000 troops in Iraq. Why?


Democrats like to call Republicans obstructionists and say they have no ideas, but Boortz lists eight bills passed by Republicans in the House ostensibly to boost our economy that have been ignored by the Democrat-controlled Senate.

This picture of Rick Perry pretending to show compassion is one of the reasons he reminds me so much of Bill Clinton.

Another  TSA agent busted for kiddie porn. TSA agent is the most sought after job for perverts. Government teacher is the second.

Billionaires have poured $55 million in Perry's super-pac.

Romney and Perry mix it up over jobs. If we have to live in a society where voters can steal from each other, this is great.

You know I hate to give any credit to Republicans, but I can't help but praise those who refuse to show up to Obama's boondoggle speech. Better yet, Republicans won't even deign to respond to his speech. That's awesome. It's about time the people forced Republicans to act in their interest. As much as the tea party disgusts me for their business as usual when Republicans aren't in office crap, I can't help but sometimes enjoy their influence. I hope we're watching the collapse of politics, i.e. coercion, in America, but I'm holding my breath.

Voting is an act of coercion. The last thing we want is to make it easy so the many can steal from the few. On the other hand, the last thing we want is to make it hard so the few can steal from the many. It seems the only fair solution is to put an end to voting, right? When you recognize that government is nothing other than the institutionalization of theft, politics becomes transparent.


Have you ever got on the phone and talked to a friend while you both watched a football game? Never again. Government granted Bill Gates has patent monopoly on it.

It's bizarre that NASA would withhold pictures that prove astronauts landed on the moon. It makes no sense. It's kind of like accusing a family that uncle George wasn't there because none of the pictures include him even though everybody hung out with him. It must be incredibly frustrating if you were at there and hung out with uncle George, but deniers attacked you for decades claiming he wasn't there because you took pictures of other things. Libertarians only diminish their cause with this crap. No wonder so few people take libertarians seriously. This is the crap that enables the crooks to keep looting us. Lew, don't crash the SS Libertarian on the shores of moon.


  1. V in PA1:43 PM

    Perverts who can't get a college degree need a job too. VIVA LA TSA!

  2. Nor every pervert is smart enough to join TSA. The rest of them have to become government school teachers.
