Monday, September 12, 2011

Free kibbles


Like a broken record, Obama is talking about raising taxes again. He really wants us to believe he believes that raising taxes will create jobs. Apparently Obama doesn't like the people who work on corporate jets and other places rich people spend money. Obama intends to make this jobs bill the wedge issue for 2012.

Just in case you mistakenly thought Republicans supported tax cuts, a coalition of Republicans and Democrats oppose Obama's plan to reduce payroll taxes.

Entitlements will consume 100 percent of tax revenue by 2052. But Mitt Romney wants to save Social Security instead of phasing it out.


US student rankings compared to other nations falls again.


Brits are raising a stink over the salt reduction in their traditional condiment.


Remember when the government scrambled F-16s twice because of long bathroom breaks? It was just what you might imagine.
"The FBI said Monday that the three people detained from Flight 623 in Detroit did nothing wrong. In fact, the two men and one woman didn’t even know each other. One man was unwell, and the others in the row had to repeatedly stand up to let him pass on his way to the bathroom – which drew attention."
"A similar situation occurred on American Airlines Flight 34 from Los Angeles to New York. The flight crew became nervous when it saw people making repeated trips to the bathroom. They called for fighter-jet escorts, but air marshals sorted the problem before the jets were needed.After that flight, too, three people were questioned and released.
It turned out that "everything was copacetic," an FBI spokesman told AFP."
Our government is scaring us to death, and it's happy about it.


Author explains that a decade after 9/11, we are what we loath. It seems to me that a decade later, the war fever is finally beginning to wear off and people are beginning to discuss foreign policy rationally. Beginning. My major criticism of this essay is its partisanship. I don't think a Democrat president would have done much different than Bush. Think Wilson, FDR and LBJ. Clinton invaded Kosovo. Obama has doubled down on the wars. The idea that Republicans are war-mongers and Democrats aren't is baloney. Both parties profit from war, so both parties promote war.


Israeli lobbyists put loophole in foreign lobbying bill then pay to send dozens of Congressmen to Israel.


The new CNN poll has Ron Paul up to 13 percent and Bachmann down to seven, tied with Gingrich. That makes Paul the solid third place contender, and he's still on the upswing.

A Republican might win the congressional seat vacated by Weiner. Democrats are very, very afraid.

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