Friday, September 24, 2010

Free kibbles


It's a little hard for the two martini lunch crowd to condemn union workers for drinking at lunch. Unfortunately, the smoking pot makes it easy. And the taxpayers paying their salaries makes it a no brainer.

Government workers make 85 percent more than the comparable private sector workers who pay their salaries.


The business cycle - the relationship between artificially expanding credit, lower interest rates, higher stocks and the subsequent crash - explained in 1755. This stuff is well understood by anybody who cares to understand it. The principles are pretty easy to understand.

Apparently credit unions are in just as bad of shape as banks. Lovely.


Democrats decide to adjourn leaving the big tax increase in US history looming.


Small food truck vendors don't have nearly the political clout of the established restaurant business, so government is trying to put them out of business to protect their cronies. Regulations are just another form of looting.


Animation shows how hurricanes suck heat out of the ocean and dissipate it in the upper atmosphere, cooling the planet.


Robbery victim calls police only to have the police shoot his dog, beat up him and his brother and arrest him for insulting a police officer. I know people think events like this are rare, isolated incidents. They're wrong. This is the new normal in our government-worshiping police state. Here's the punch line:
"There will be a police investigation but that officer will not be placed on administrative leave."
The police force is going to investigate itself just to pretend it actually cares, but it's already determined that assaulting the victims and killing their dog was excellent police work. That's like the mafia investing itself over a knee-capping. We have nobody to blame for this but ourselves. We turned our country into a police state.


More observations on the state of collapse of our government. Quoted in full.
"I just turned on CNN to discover a “news” report about comedian Stephen Colbert testifying before Congress on “farm labor and immigration.”  It seems he had done a comic routine on the topic which, in this age, qualifies him to share his expertise with the political establishment.  The CNN report followed a “breaking news” story about “synchronized dogs.”  I quickly switched over to C-SPAN and found Sen. Al Franken – sans gorilla costume – presiding over the Senate.  There was no sign of the rest of the SNL cast, although Caligula’s horse was spotted heading for the exits in full gallop.
And there are people who continue to deny that the established order is in collapse.  I suppose they’re waiting for Jerry Brown to get elected to the governorship of California, and return dignity and credibility to the system!"
I've read and heard a lot of comparisons of modern sports to the bread and circuses of Rome providing a distraction from import things, but I think, like in Rome, the more distracting show is on Capitol Hill.

I recently pointed out the power of ridicule and encouraged my readers to use the technique against the government and government lovers whenever possible. It was wonderful to see Steven Colbert use that technique he's mastered in Congressional hearings today.

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