Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Free kibbles


Regime uncertainty stifling the economy.
"Small-business owners say unease about tax policy, along with the economy, has led them to hold off on hiring and investment. And many advisers are encouraging well-to-do clients to sell appreciated assets to avoid higher capital-gains taxes."
This is what is saving us from inflation.

Peter Schiff recommends getting out of stocks.

Gold hits new record high.


The home-buyer's tax credit helped the housing market. Well of course it did. Lowering taxes always helps any market.

Government is coming for retirement accounts, and they'll sell this by claiming they're going to increase retirement security.

In more rampant duplicity, Obama now claims his "recovery summer" tour wasn't about economic recovery but just stimulus advertisement. You can't make this stuff up.

When you read an article or somebody tells you that the US isn't worse than Japan or Greece, and they've survived irresponsible government spending and debt for decades, just keep this is mind:
"The optimistic view is that our outstanding obligations amount to more than all of the money in the world."
That's why we won't muddle through like Greece or Japan. We're going to crash because nobody can lift us up.

White House aids own nearly a million dollars in back taxes. That's why the aristocrats love to raise to taxes on us. They don't pay them.


If you've listened to the news over the last few years, you know that our banking sector has been crippled, almost wiped out by the financial crisis, right?
"It may come as a surprise to many, but the relative size of the US commercial-banking industry has not declined following the so-called credit-market crisis, which developed in the second half of 2007. On the contrary, it has increased since then. While nominal GDP rose 4.2% from the second quarter of 2007 to the second quarter of 2010, banks' total assets rose 18.4%."
Wrong. They lied to us again. The Fed has stolen trillions from us through in the inflation tax and given it to the banks to make them more rich than ever.
"Like the repeated doping of a horse, the boom is kept on its way and ahead of its inevitable comeuppance by repeated and accelerating doses of the stimulant of bank credit. It is only when bank credit expansion must finally stop or sharply slow down, either because the banks are getting shaky or because the public is getting restive at the continuing inflation, that retribution finally catches up with the boom. As soon as credit expansion stops, the piper must be paid, and the inevitable readjustments must liquidate the unsound over-investments of the boom and redirect the economy more toward consumer goods production. And, of course, the longer the boom is kept going, the greater the malinvestments that must be liquidated, and the more harrowing the readjustments that must be made."
Great analogy.


In an excellent reminder that leaders of big business do not support freedom or free markets, Warren Buffet wants to outlaw the last few private schools in America.
"Warren Buffett [the billionaire investor] framed the problem for me once in a way that clarified how basic our most stubborn obstacles are. He said it would be easy to solve today’s problems in urban education. ‘Make private schools illegal,’ he said, ‘and assign every child to a public school by random lottery.’"
Who said slavery was dead?


Dennis Kucinich just said that insurance companies were trying to strong-arm the administration. Note to Kucinich: government has a monopoly on force.


Review of investigations into climategate find the investigations as corrupt as climategate itself. No surprise there.

This is how nuts eco-fascism is becoming:
"A guy I work with just got back from court for placing a pizza box in his recycle bin.  The fine was $315.00.  He got off easy though; instead of paying the fine he is taking some sort of “class” to reform his felonious ways."
We've done this to ourselves.

Since climategate, Al Gore is having trouble finding people to listen to him.

Another set of Australian temperature records shown to be corrupted to make heating appear more dramatic than it actually is.


UK teen banned from the US for calling President Obama a bad name in an email. I've decided to stop emailing my representatives because anything I say will be used against me by the government, and I have no reason to think anything I've ever written changed anything.

How the feds lure Muslims into traps to generate anti-Muslim fever. This isn't specific to Muslims. They did the same thing with the yahoos in Michigan.
"As attorney Steven Downs points out in a study of the "preemptive prosecution" of Muslims by the federal government, when Hussein [an agent-provocateur for the FBI - LIW] (who called himself "Maqsood") materialized at the Newburgh mosque in June 2008, "His con was so obvious that the real Muslims there would have nothing to do with him, but he was able to attract Cromitie (and later the other three) with offers of money and friendship."
Despite the fact that Cromitie wasn't particularly devout, Hussein was able to radicalize him by dwelling on the human cost of Washington's war on Afghanistan.
According to the Feds, Cromitie "explained to the informant that his parents had lived in Afghanistan and that he was upset about the war there and that many Muslim people were being killed in Afghanistan and Pakistan by the United States Military forces. [He] expressed interest in returning to Afghanistan and spoke to [the provocateur] about how if he, Cromitie, were to die a martyr, he would go to 'paradise.'"
It's reasonable to suspect that the devotion expressed by Cromitie and his friends had at least something to do with the material blandishments offered by Hussein, such as at least $25,000 apiece (and as much as $250,000 to one of them) if they cooperated in his plot to plant a bomb at a synagogue and fire Stinger missiles at military planes."
So our government is paying Muslims to become terrorists so they can subsequently bust them and crow about the threat of homegrown terrorism and their own success at thwarting it.

We've been in a presidentially declared state of emergency since 9/11.
"On September 14, 2001, President George W. Bush declared a national emergency with respect to the terrorist attacks of three days earlier. The National Emergencies Act of 1976 requires the President to renew this state of emergency on an annual basis if he wishes it to remain in effect. Bush renewed it every year he was in office, and now President Barack Obama has extended it for the second time during his term.
The United States of America, therefore, is now entering its 10th year under a continual state of emergency — on the basis of a small number of (admittedly spectacular) terrorist attacks that took place in the space of a few hours back in 2001 and a handful of failed attempts since."
"When the President declares a national emergency, wrote Harold C. Relyea, specialist in American national government with the Congressional Research Service, he “may seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, institute martial law, seize and control all transportation and communication, regulate the operation of private enterprise, restrict travel, and, in a variety of ways, control the lives of United States citizens.”"
No wonder government has been hammering us for nine years. I didn't know this.
"It’s also worth pointing out that the National Emergencies Act states the following:
Not later than six months after a national emergency is declared, and not later than the end of each six-month period thereafter that such emergency continues, each House of Congress shall meet to consider a vote on a joint resolution to determine whether that emergency shall be terminated.
Congress has, in fact, not held a single hearing on the Bush-Obama national emergency proclamation — “a fact,” said Seiler and Hamburg, “that casts doubt on the legality of the state of emergency.” It also demonstrates the commitment to overweening executive power from both parties since Democrats didn’t even bother to hold hearings when they controlled Congress while Bush was in office."
As always, Congress is our problem. They have the power to stop this, but they won't use it.


Serbian immigrant claims US mercenaries started the Croat-Serbian conflict. If Americans destroyed her village and killed her neighbors, why did she move to America? I'm skeptical.

On anti-Muslim hysteria and the neocons who stoke it:
"Languishing for the lack of a proper enemy in the post-cold war world, the neoconservative right was saved from extinction by the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The specter of militant Islam is, for them, the perfect villain, one who represents a threat not just to the US but also to Israel, a country which is to them as the old Soviet Union  was to American Communists: a model and a fatherland. Their strategy is to replicate in the US the anti-Muslim xenophobia that swept Likud into power in Israel, and which has catapulted Avigdor Lieberman, head of an anti-Muslim ultra-nationalist party, into the Foreign Ministry. Bolton is our Lieberman, and hopes to take the same route to power. "
"The  only way to defeat these bastards is to counter-attack immediately, and mercilessly: don’t let them get away with it for one moment. The very idea of forbidding the building of a mosque, or any religious edifice, is anti-American to the core, and must be fought tooth and nail. What could be a clearer confirmation of the libertarian contention that a foreign policy of global intervention necessarily means the rollback of our civil liberties here at home? For libertarians, there is no question but that Muslims must be defended against the gathering lynch mob. "


All governments are corrupt and exist solely to loot the people on behalf of aristocrats and their cronies. To this end, governments create violence and chaos so aristocrats can use those conditions to amass more power and wealth to themselves. So the idea that the Israeli government, the Palestinian government and a representative from the US government will get together to create peace in the middle east is a joke. If the people of the middle east want peace, a group of citizens from Israel and Palestine, people who have never served in government and have no political ties to government, should get together and hammer a deal that the non-looters in both countries will accept then force their aristocrats to abide by the agreement.


The Republican establishment is using the same old and bogus argument that if the tea party Republican beats the establishment Republican in Delware, she'll lose to the Democrat in November. They've used this argument a dozen times at least, and while we won't know for sure until November, polls show the tea party candidate is almost always well ahead of the Democrat. So the tea party candidate upset yet another establishment candidate. Good job. I bet she wins in November too. Greta just reported that the Republican Party will not support the tea party candidate who won in Delaware. Man, the establishment is seriously out of touch. They're stirring up a hornet's nest. I bet they change this policy soon.

Obama to release a children's book after midterms. I thought he was working on the economy. Obama's economy is doing just fine.

Great political ad. Nancy Pelosi is melting. I doubt this guy has a chance at winning though.

Yesterday I predicted the press would run a hit piece on John Boehner since Obama had used the Alinksy technique of picking him as the enemy. Little did I know the New York Times had already run the hit piece over the weekend. Once you understand the nature of government, this politics stuff is easy. That came out so fast, it almost makes you think Obama and the Times coordinated their targeting of Boehner.

Thomas Sowell on the use of words to deceive and fools who believe everything they hear. That's seems to be a common theme lately.

This conservative is blowing the tea party movement out of proportion.
"Whoever wins this struggle, pitting centralized authority against the private American citizen, will dominate American politics and culture for a generation."
How many big-government Republican incumbents did the tea party oust? A dozen? Out of hundreds? Get over yourself. This is another person who has fallen for rhetoric over substance. The tea parties have been largely co-opted by the Republican establishment. A handful of new people won't change anything. As soon as they get in power, it will back to the business of government: looting the people on behalf of the aristocrats and their cronies. We can only hope that sometime in the near future the American people will fully wake up.

Ousted Republican Senator offers some insight into the workings of government. Hint: It's all about lobbyists. Of course it is. Aristocrats demand lobbyists pay the tribute so they can stay in power and in return aristocrats loot the American people on their behalf.


Astronomers discover 4,000 km wide diamond that formed from a collapsed star 50 light years away.

Mexican cokes use real sugar, not high fructose corn syrup.

Pentagon creates robot that can lie. A robot would be a perfect liar. Never trust one.

One of the problems when government is involved in every aspect of our lives is everything that happens can be blamed on government. Conspiracy theories multiply exponentially. There's no way to know if none, all or somewhere in between is true. This article shows a link between the CIA and the major funder, not an Arab, behind the not-ground zero not-mosque. Of course we already know the imam was a government agent in the past. You can't help but wonder what role the government is playing in pushing that Islamic center.

Fifty facts about America that would make the founding fathers roll over in their graves. I guess the author got too disgusted to go further.

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