Friday, September 17, 2010

Free kibbles


Nancy Pelosi shows she has no clue about economics.
""I love the markets. I watched them since I was a teenager. I'm fascinated by it and it's a force, it's a force in our economy," Speaker Pelosi told CNBC."
It's painful to watch like watching a rat chew off its own leg to escape a trap. Americans have nobody to blame but themselves for voting for these people.


Tribes see grants to fight crime as a step in the right direction. They're wrong. That money was stolen at the point of the government's gun, it's poisoned, and it will only cause more problems. The tribes would be far better off fighting crime using their own resources. I suspect the tribe members who claim this is a step in the right direction know this; they just intend to use the money to increase their own power and advance their own agendas.

It cracks me up that Democrats are calling their plan to keep tax rates on the middle class the same while raising rates on small businesses and the "rich" the "Obama middle class tax cuts". These people are breathlessly evil.


Government steps up its war on gold by proposing to regulate gold dealers. If you think that Republicans will oppose this, you don't understand the nature of government. Nobody in power wants the people to have an alternative money supply.


British MPs introduce bill to ban fractional reserve banking, which is a fraud. Don't expect to see that here.


Government school children forced to pray to Allah on field trip to Muslim private school. You have to be kidding me.


Because our health care system is dominated by government which stifles competition and innovation, superbugs that resist all known antibiotics are popping up in hospitals around the country and around the world.
"The bacteria are equipped with a gene that enables them to produce an enzyme that disables antibiotics. The enzyme is called Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenamase, or KPC. It disables carbapenam antibiotics, last-ditch treatments for infections that don't respond to other drugs.
"We've lost our drug of last resort," Fishman says."
What else would you expect? The hospital I was born in is still standing. It's over 50 years old. I'm sure many are older. Of course it's bred superbugs. In a competitive environment, that hospital would have been torn down long ago and a new, far more modern hospital would have been built somewhere else to replace it. The superbugs would never have developed.
"Although KPCs are most common in New York and New Jersey, Srinivasan says, "they've now been reported in more than half of the states." A decade ago, only 1% of Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria reported to CDC by hospitals were carbapenam-resistant. Today, resistance has spread to more than 8% of these bacteria. No one knows precisely how many people have KPC infections because cases aren't routinely reported to the CDC."
New York and New Jersey are old states, and are among the most heavily regulated, so that's exactly what I would expect.

Obamacare will lead to more uninsured people, not fewer.


The frequent rebranding of global warming. People only do this when their arguments can't stand on their own.

Climate frauds calling for civil disobedience. I'd like to see civil disobedience to overturn oppressive laws, not civil disobedience to increase oppression.

What does this even mean?
"In a video interview this week, White House Office of Science and Technology Director John P. Holdren told that he would use the "free market economy" to implement the "massive campaign" he advocated along with Population Bomb author Paul Ehrlich to "de-develop the United States.""
How does a bureaucrat use the free market to achieve a political goal? Why would free people de-develop the US?
"This effort must be largely political, especially with regard to our overexploitation of world resources, but the campaign should be strongly supplemented by legal and boycott action against polluters and others whose activities damage the environment. The need for de-development presents our economists with a major challenge. They must design a stable, low-consumption economy in which there is a much more equitable distribution of wealth than in the present one. Redistribution of wealth both within and among nations is absolutely essential, if a decent life is to be provided for every human being."
How is this consistent with a free market again? These people are just stupid.

Obama's drilling moratorium has cost 12,000 jobs.


Wisconsin prosecutor sent sexually charged text messages to a strangulation victim while he was prosecuting her boyfriend for the crime, but he won't resign, be kicked out of office or prosecuted because he works for the government. Of course had a non-government person done this, this same prosecutor would have prosecuted them, and they would have been locked in a cage.


The establishment can't understand that being leaderless is a boon to the tea parties, not a weakness. They don't understand independent thought. They fear it.

Great quote:
"RINOs are being hunted down and sent to the taxidermist."
Too bad more aren't. Another:
"So this morning on Twitter (@Talkmaster) I posted the following:

Obama's god is government. His Christ is Saul Alinsky. His Bible is "Rules for Radicals." His congregation is shrinking.
Then along comes a Twitter follower (@00RSTW00) who responds with this gem:
Alter boy: Rahm Emmanuel; Flower Guild: Nancy Pelosi; and of course, organist: Barney Frank

You folks are priceless."
Those are pretty good.


Analyst describes Glen Beck as a socialist. He's definitely a collectivist.

Obama administration attacks Forbes over Dinesh D'Souza article. What else would they do?


I didn't realize the congressman Lincoln imprisoned then deported was from Dayton or that he was imprisoned for supporting sound money against Lincoln's legal tender laws.
"Some insight into why King Lincoln behaved in such a Stalinist manner is gained by reading this 1862 speech by Congressman Vallandigham in opposition to the Lincoln administration’s Legal Tender Act.  In the speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives he predicted that the Act, by flooding the country with paper money backed by nothing, would lead to:

“ . . . high prices, extravagant speculation, enormous sudden fortunes, immense fictitious wealth, general insanity.  These belong to all inordinate and excessive paper issues.”
In a passage that sounds like an exposition of the Austrian School of Economics’ business cycle theoryVallandigham said:  “What is to be the result of this?  The collapse follows the inflation, and is terrible and disastrous just in proportion as the bubble has been magnificent.”
“The object of all this . . . is to subjugate the States and the people perpetually to the Federal government” and to aggrandize the political posture of “Abraham Lincoln . . . now President and Caesar of the American Republic.”

And every word of it was true.  That’s why he had to be deported."

Suing a copycat over allowing goats on yheir roof. You can't make this stuff up.

Researcher discovered that Mao killed 45 million people. I thought it was more like 65 million and Stalin was 50 million. What's a few million people killed between communists?

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