Sunday, May 30, 2010

Free kibbles


In defense of a the criminal investigation of Michael Mann.
"As the AG notes, “The same legal standards for fraud apply to the academic setting that apply elsewhere. The same rule of law, the same objective fact-finding process, will take place.” Some witch hunt.
There is simply no room in science, academia or public policy for manipulation, falsification or fraud. Academic freedom does not confer a right to engage in such practices, and both attorneys general and research institutions have a duty to root them out, especially in the case of climate change research."
Scientists are not above the law.

These idiots who want to fix our climate scare me. They're either too stupid or too dishonest to admit that climate change is natural, so there's no way anything good can come from them tampering with it.


Great bumper sticker:
"Be nice to America. Or we'll bring democracy to your country."
How true.

Is Obama planning to go to war in North Korea, Iran, Syria, Yemen and Pakistan? This would certainly advance Obama's agenda of collapsing the US.


Britain's treasury secretary is a tax cheat too. They're all doing it.


How can this oil spill be a worse eco-disaster than killing all the buffalo?

I have no doubt that the domination of our lives by government, and organization based on violence that can never have empathy, has infected young people and harmed their empathy for others. A system of voluntary exchange promotes empathy because cooperation is a requirement for success. In a government dominated system, violence is the path to success, and that requires a lack of empathy.

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