Thursday, May 06, 2010

Free kibbles


The FCC didn't like the court telling it it couldn't regulate the internet, so it plans to reclassify the internet and regulate it under a different provision of law. Government will not be satisfied until it can regulate speech on the internet the way it regulates it everywhere else.


Article blames Asian stock market fall on Greek debt fears. Baloney. The Greek debt problem has been well known for months. The Asian shares are falling because the bubble in China has been exposed. People around the world mistakenly thought China could lift up the world economy the way the US used to. They're just now realizing that can't happen. I think this is the same reason that the Dow is falling.


US tax dollars going to Greek bailout. On Special Report tonight, Steve Hayes said that the New York Times reported that one of the austerity programs for the Greek government specified by the IMF was privatizing part of its health care system. We're going the wrong way. Naturally big-government Charles Krauthammer supports the bailout.


Goldman-Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfeld announces that Goldman "will be among the biggest beneficiaries of financial reform." That's an understatement. Goldman will be the single, biggest beneficiary from financial reform for the reason stated in the article.
"[T]he biggest businesses understand that they will get to tweak the details of the “reform” more than the smaller, less well-connected guys, and that regulation, by imposing new costs, crowds out the little guys."
That's the way it always works.

Stossel on the government's attempt to end internships which would harm interns and the businesses who train them.
"My interns often told me that working—unpaid—at WCBS or ABC was the best learning experience of their lives: "I learned more from you than at college, and I didn't have to pay tuition!" It was good for them and good for me."
Interns learn useful skill in an internship that they'd never learn at college and businesses get some productivity in exchange. Everybody wins. That's why Obama wants to stop them.
"A few years ago, my old employer, ABC, started paying our interns. That was good for well-connected students who got internships, but bad for those who were turned down. ABC cut the number of interns by more than half. There's no free lunch."
The people pushing these policies know this. They know that you can't hire as many people at a higher wage as you can at a lower wage. They're harming people's ability to learn and work on purpose.


Bernanke is very afraid of what would happen if the people got insight into the workings of the Fed. The Fed exists for one reason - to transfer wealth from normal Americans to bankers and big corporations via inflation. It's institutionalized, invisible theft. I'm sure there's plenty of individual deals that would draw outrage, but the very existence of the Fed is corrupt, and if its books were ever opened up, that would become clear. And while some people want transform the Fed from a fascist organization to a socialist organization, it's hard to see how they will justify it once the Fed is audited. The people won't like institutionalized socialist theft any more than institutionalized fascist theft. It looks like the Fed killed the audit provision.


What could be the motivation for the Obamacare provision forcing every business in America who does more than $600 in business with a company to file a 1099 with the IRS?
"every individual and business will have to issue a 1099, complete with tax info he must gather on the other party, on every entity he does $600 or more in business with a year. That is, if you buy an iMac, you will have to issue a 1099 for Apple, copy to the IRS. For even a tiny business, this is an immense additional aggression from the government. The intention is to spy, of course, but also to crush small businesses and especially independent contractors."
Both. Right now government dominates corporations with crushing regulations. This enables government to do the same with small businesses.


EPA admits it based its finding that CO2 was a pollutant on the IPCC report. It didn't do any object review of the available science.
"The IPCC report might seem to be a secondary issue, however flawed it may be, because the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is supposed to base endangerment findings on well-accepted, peer-reviewed science. However, in the EPA’s regulatory announcement (released on April 24, 2009), the EPA itself noted that it “relies most heavily on the major assessment reports of both the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the US Climate Change Science Program (CCSP). EPA took this approach rather than conducting a new assessment of the scientific literature.” [emphasis added]"
Obama is single-handedly elevating the UN to the position of world government.


Just another typical police state stop at the Canadian border.
"Pulling away from a Federal officer is assault."
These agents were probably fine people before they became government agents. They'd probably be fine people to work with in a system of voluntary exchange that brings out the cooperative nature in people. But power corrupts, and this is the result.

The failure of surveillance cameras.
"A more complete assessment indicates that when it comes to preventing and solving crimes, the cameras are about as useful as a pet rock. Britain has 4 million of them, but a 2005 report by the British government found little evidence to justify the effort. Video surveillance, it said, "produced no overall effect" on crime."
But we've seen this so many times, we know what's coming next. We just need more of them. Government programs invariably provide sub-par services at a grossly inflated price, generally creating worse problems than the problem they were supposed to solve. But do we always hear? We just need more power. We just need more money. We just need more regulations. We just need more laws. We just need more cameras. It's a crock.
"New York City has thousands of police surveillance cameras, which really come in handy when a terrorist strikes. After the car bomb attempt last weekend, they captured an image of the vehicle driving through Times Square and one of a guy taking off his shirt who looked nothing like the guy arrested Monday."
The video is so low resolution, I can't say if the guy in the video looks like the guy arrested or not. But the guy in the video is unquestionably bald. Is the suspect bald?

The prosecution appealed the judge's ruling setting bail for the Hutaree so-called militia members. They must be outraged this judge won't follow the script, but they're confident the appeals court will reaffirm government's power.


 I don't want to get too silly here, but does the guy in this video walking away from the Times Square not-bomb car and changing his shirt look like he's bald? Is the guy who was arrested bald?

Now the Pakistan Taliban have disavowed the Times Square not-bomber. Typical politicians. They took credit when he served their purposes, now they disavow him because he no longer serves their purposes. Politics is war by any other means.

Lieberman, McCain and Peter King all want the Times Square bomber, a US citizen, declared an enemy combatant and stripped of rights. And you thought you had constitutional protections against stuff like that.  The Constitution is just a piece of paper with writing on it. It's not Superman. It can't jump up and protect you from oppressive government. We have to protect the Constitution from oppressive government, but every time we vote for Republican or Democrat,none of whom respect the Constitution, we trash the Constitution, then we pretend to wonder why our government doesn't respect it.

Accused Times Square not-bomber has been on the US government watch list since 1999. Either they failed to watch him, and the only reason he didn't blow up a bomb on Times Square is he didn't want to, or they watched real good and prompted him to fake a bomb attack. Flip a coin. Each is equally likely. This is what we get from government monopolies on services.

So we know the government used Army resources to intercept this guy's phone call. Is that legal? Now we have reason to believe it used Army special forces without invoking posse comitatus. This provides the motive for a false flag operation - getting the people to support using the US military on US citizens in the US. The aristocrats can seize lots of power if that happens.

Violence against women is increasing in Afghanistan.


Al Sharpton says Martin Luther King's dream was to make everybody have the same amount of stuff in their houses. That's the first time I've heard that Martin Luther King dream was of communism. Sharpton is happy that President Obama is helping get us there, so that makes Sharpton and Obama communists.

Democrats, especially President Obama, have received significantly more money from Wall Street money that Democrats the last couple of election cycles, but Democrats continue to lie about Republicans being the party of Wall Street. And because of their allies in the accomplice press, I'm sure they're getting away with it.

Blog documenting Obama's communist ties in great detail.

It looks like the slanderous left has been pretty successful in its attempts to paint the tea partiers as racists. All it takes is a few lies from a couple of black congressmen, the mainstream media runs with it, and liberals fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Every now and then Boortz has a magnificent line. This is one:
"It turns out that one big reason people assume that politicians are slippery opportunists whose words can't be trusted is that many of them are slippery opportunists whose words can't be trusted."
If you change that from many to all, it's perfect, but I attributed it wrong. It's from the article, not Boortz.


Local Chicago station threatens to stop covering Senate race of Republican doesn't stop attacking Democrat for corruption in bank failure. Any bets on what they would say if the roles were reversed?

Contrast the news of the Nashville flood with the last New Orleans flood. Why the difference? Because the people of Nashville are taking care of themselves and each other. Not that they don't need outside help, but they haven't been turned into basket cases unable to take care of themselves by welfare like the people of New Orleans.
"'Tragedy brings out the best'"
Contrast that to New Orleans.


This could have been great video had Madonna done it in her prime, but Miley Cyrus just looks and sounds bad in it. She looks like an underdeveloped kid trying to act like a mature woman, her voice sounds terrible, and the video doesn't work despite the excellent, artistic production.

Contrary to what we've heard for so long, we have some Neanderthal genes in our genome. Africans don't have Neanderthal genes, so this explains some of the genetic differences between Africans and Europeans and Asians. I'll probably be called racist for reading and posting this article.

Maybe I shouldn't point out how out of touch with pop music I am, but I never heard a Lady Gaga song before this performance on Dancing with the Stars, but if this doesn't get your feet tapping, you need some help.

Anthony Watts destroys the theory that Venus is hot because of the runaway greenhouse effect of CO2. I've never heard anybody question this theory. Nice work.

One of the most insidious consequences of the Civil War:
"A major theme of The Legacy of the Civil War is that the war left the North (which is to say, the U.S. government) with “a treasury of virtue” (p. 54). This is the “psychological heritage” left to the North, and it is an insidious heritage, wrote Robert Penn Warren. “The Northerner, with his Treasury of Virtue, feels redeemed by history . . . . He has in his pocket, not a Papal indulgence peddled by some wandering pardoner of the Middle Ages, but an indulgence, a plenary indulgence, for all sins past, present, and future . . .” (emphasis added)."
Advocates of limited government suffer that everyday as the forces of big-government call us racists for our position. It's really twisted that after Democrats enslaved blacks then terrorized them, their supporters are the ones who play the race card. You have to give Democrats credit. They've been oppressing blacks since the day the US was founded, but they've managed to gain their support and claim they're the ones helping blacks.
"Thus, this “treasury of virtue” would become the excuse for why the U.S. government would commence a twenty-five year campaign of extermination against the Plains Indians just three months after Appomattox; shamelessly rob the treasury for the benefit of railroad corporations; plunder the South for a decade after the war under the laughable guise of “reconstruction”; murder more than 200,000 Filipinos who opposed being ruled by the American empire after having escaped from the imperialistic clutches of the Spanish empire; and enter a European war that was none of our business to supposedly “make the world safe for democracy.” It was all done in the name of virtue, freedom, and democracy, or so we are told."
And it still justifies the aggression of government today.
"[I]t is forgotten that the Republican platform of 1860 pledged protection to the institution of slavery where it existed, and that the Republicans were ready, in 1861, to guarantee slavery in the South, as bait for a return to the Union. It is forgotten that in July, 1861, both houses of Congress, by an almost unanimous vote, affirmed that the War was waged not to interfere with the institutions of any state but only to maintain the Union. It is forgotten that the Emancipation Proclamation . . . was limited and provisional: slavery was to be abolished only in the seceded states and only if they did not return to the Union before the first of the next January (p. 61)."
I think erased from history might be a better word description than forgotten.

As if in response to my entry above, Walter Williams expresses his disappointment with the black population's trust of government.
"Having recently reached 74 years of age, if one were to ask me what's my greatest disappointment in life, a top contender would surely be the level of misunderstanding, perhaps contempt, that black Americans have for the principles of personal liberty and their abiding faith in government."
The same can be said for the vast majority of Americans, but as Williams puts it:
"Contempt or misunderstanding of the principles of personal liberty and faith in government by no means make blacks unique among Americans, but the unique history of black Americans should make us, above all other Americans, most suspicious of any encroachment on personal liberty and most distrustful of government."
I completely agree with that. You would think after having been the slave by government decree for centuries, then would never trust government. But that treasury of virtue mentioned above has worked their magic on blacks.
"If the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan wanted to sabotage black academic excellence, he could not find a more effective means to do so than the government school system in most cities."
That's my point.

It looks like AMD, after floundering for years, might have come up with a product to give it a boost.

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