Saturday, May 29, 2010

Free kibbles


The Greeks can't win for losing. Their government dictated a 25 percent price cut in all medicines, and a leading supplier of insulin pulled out of the market.
"A spokesman for the Danish pharmaceutical company said it was withdrawing the product from the Greek market because the price cut would force its business in Greece to run at a loss.
The company was also concerned that the compulsory 25% reduction would have a knock-on effect because other countries use Greece as a key reference point for setting drug prices."
Good for Novo Nordisk. I bet this is just the first company to pull out. Make the government stop using violence on people in the marketplace and these problems will go away.
"International pharmaceutical companies are owed billions in unpaid bills. Novo Nordisk claims it is owed $36m (£24.9m) dollars by the Greek state."
You and I can't cheat on our bills then use violence to get away with it, and governments have no legitimate power to do that either. Greek's problems are created by its government. They won't be solved by it.
"The Greek diabetes association was more robust, describing the Danes' actions as "brutal blackmail" and "a violation of corporate social responsibility"."
What a load of horse manure. The corporation is acting in mutually benefit system of voluntary exchange. The Greek government is using violence to screw up that system. All the blame for this rests with the government. If government would withdraw its tentacles and guns from the private sector, the Greek people would quickly fix the problems it created and return Greece to a robust, growing economy.
"The Danish chairman, Lars Sorensen, wrote to Mr Panayotacos stressing that it was "the irresponsible management of finances by the Greek government which puts both you and our company in this difficult position".
People with diabetes in Greece have warned that some could die as a result of this action.
But a spokesman for Novo Nordisk said this issue was not about killing people. By way of compensation, he said the company would make available an insulin product called glucagen, free of charge."
Damn straight. The company is acting heroically, it doesn't have to give away anything for free, to help the Greek people harmed by their government.


The Fed is shrinking the monetary base. This means they fear inflation, which they should since the official CPI is over 2 percent and shadowstats has it over 5 percent. But the economy hasn't recovered. Shrinking the money supply will slow it down, so this is another sign we're going to soon experience the second dip of this depression.

80 percent of Americans want the Fed audited compared to only 9 percent who oppose an audit. But government doesn't care. It won't do it anyway.

Ron Paul led the movement to audit the Fed, and over 300 House members agreed and attached it to the financial oppression bill, but by the time the Senate passed a financial oppression bill, the power to audit the Fed was erased and now the Fed is going to audit us instead. That's government for you.
"As reports, the bill "would create the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection and empower it to “gather information and activities of persons operating in consumer financial markets,” including the names and addresses of account holders, ATM and other transaction records, and the amount of money kept in each customer’s account. The new bureaucracy is then allowed to “use the data on branches and [individual and personal] deposit accounts … for any purpose” and may keep all records on file for at least three years and these can be made publicly available upon request." Goodbye privacy, hello 1984."
Orwellian is right. Protection is redefined to mean assault on our privacy.


Here's a reminder that everything little thing people do to get the truth out makes a difference. The lie about polar bears being endangered by global warming no longer works. They need to come up with a new one. Have you noticed that there's not nearly as many, maybe not any, global warming movies on TV anymore? The truth is winning.

Arctic ice volume has increased by 25 percent since May 2008.


In a wonderful essay explaining how we must thank capitalism for everything we have in the world, Lew Rockwell inadvertently explains why the US must control its borders:
"Bigger companies tend to be more likely to attract a kind of unpreventable unionization than smaller ones. The unions target them, with federal aid. It is no more or less complicated than that. It is for the same reason that developed economies have larger welfare states. The parasites prefer bigger hosts; that's all."
Yes they do. While most immigrants are not parasites, we need to control our borders to keep parasites out.
We haven't even been able to deal with the home-grown looters. They're winning.
"As we get older and see ever more young generations coming up behind us, we are often struck by the great truth that knowledge in this world is not cumulative over time. What one generation has learned and absorbed is not somehow passed on to the next one through genetics or osmosis. Each generation must be taught anew. Economic theory, I'm sorry to report, is not written on our hearts. It was a long time in the process of being discovered. But now that we know, it must be passed on — and in this way, it is like the ability to read, or to understand great literature. It is the obligation of our generation to teach the next generation."
I think this is the disconnect - the failure of parents to pass on essential knowledge to children. Allowing government to seize control of education from parents was the greatest blunder in history. The last thing government wants is for children to understand economics, the nature of government and the benefits of freedom and personal responsibility. Locking children into a system where they are regimented by force with same-age peers who dominate the experience is insanity.


UN makes fools out of the US and Israel over the Iranian nuclear issue by calling for a conference on a nuclear free middle east.


Accusation that McCain and others covered up evidence of American POWs imprisoned in Vietnam.


Headline complains parents bearing brunt of cost from closing subsidized child care centers. That's a good thing, not a bad thing. Why should others be forced at the point of a gun to bear the costs of caring for somebody else's child? To fix our society, we have to make sure the people who incur costs pay for them.

I'm not surprised that Dayton police have absolved themselves of any wrongdoing in the shooting of 44 dogs over the last two years. I'd be more surprised if they ever admitted fault. I'm sure shooting dogs is sometimes necessary as in the example in this story, but it's not credible that no officer made a mistake in 44 cases. Humans are not nearly perfect.


It looks like Japan in out-innovating us on returning to the moon. That's because our space program is monopolized by government.

The federal government has empowered census workers to force landlords to allow them into apartments whether anybody is home or not.

BP's top-kill attempt to stop the leak failed, so they're immediately moving on to another option. Can you imagine if government was in charge of this? They wouldn't have done anything yet.

Thief was smart not to mess with nun.

Does anybody doubt that we would be using a better internet today had not government invented this one?

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