Sunday, February 14, 2010

Free kibbles


The Republican hypocrisy on spending and debt makes me sick, but what can we do? We don't want them to stop resisting Democrat spending. I hate that two-party voters have put me personally and our country in this position.


Following up what said yesterday about the global warming fraud...
"If there’s one thing that stinks even more than Climategate, it’s the attempts we’re seeing everywhere from the IPCC and Penn State University to the BBC to pretend that nothing seriously bad has happened, that “the science” is still “settled”, and that it’s perfectly OK for the authorities go on throwing loads more of our money at a problem that doesn’t exist."
The political class is still invested in this fraud because they have so much to gain, therefore the frauds continue to control the government money, and the institutions which have enjoyed that money don't want to give it up. So the frauds remain powerful despite the exposure of their fraud.


The oldest death rate inmate in the US dies at age 94. He was sentenced to death in 1983. That this guy was still in jail shows the ineptitude of our government. I have no problem with the death penalty for certain crimes in principle - if you attack and intentionally kill somebody, the death penalty would serve justice - but I've seen how easy and common it is for prosecutors to convict innocent people, and I can't support allowing our corrupt government to kill Americans because it's far too likely they'll execute innocents. Appeals focus on process, not evidence, so appeals won't overturn the conviction of innocent men as long as the process was followed. This is a new position for me and probably long overdue.

Now it turns out the Alabama professor who just shot her colleagues and had shot her brother in what was ruled an accident in 1986 had also been a suspect in a bomb attack at Harvard.
"In the Harvard plot, a police official told the Globe that Bishop's name surfaced as a suspect because she was allegedly concerned about getting a negative evaluation on her doctorate work from Dr. Paul Rosenberg.
During a search of Bishop's computer, investigators discovered a draft of a story that Bishop had written about a female scientist who had killed her brother and was hoping to find redemption in life my becoming a great scientist, the Globe reported."
You can't fool those uniformed tax collectors.


FAA and NORAD accused of altering 9/11 chronologies to make it appear they responded more efficiently than they actually did. I'm glad Bush, Cheney and high officials were meaningless in that emergency. They should be. The people on point should be the ones to respond to an emergency, not worthless aristocrats in undisclosed ivory towers.

It looks like the Taliban bugged out leaving nothing but booby traps behind before US troops started their offensive. The offensive has killed 12 civilians. I wonder how many friends and family members of those civilians will take up arms against us.
"One villager says they knocked on his door this morning and he saw Afghan soldiers in the lead and Americans following. He says he thinks the operation is going well."
That's good to hear, but one data point doesn't mean anything.


US pressures Pakistan to dramatically raise taxes. How dare Pakistanis have low taxes? The US won't stand for it. By continuing to vote for the same two failed parties despite all the evil they've perpetrated, we've made an insane world.

This is promising:
"Former prime minister Ehud Olmert, who led Israel’s efforts to prevent a nuclear Iran during his three-year premiership, expressed certainty on Sunday that the Islamic Republic’s nuclearization can be prevented without resorting to a military confrontation."
I hope he's right.


I don't get this so-called alliance between liberals and libertarians. Liberals are for government control of everything. If you don't believe me, ask them. On any issue you bring up, liberals want more government. Libertarians are for government control of nothing. They're exact opposites. There is absolutely no basis for any libertarian, liberal alliance. Both being against big-government Republicans is not alliance any more than the Cowboys and Eagles both wanting to defeat the Giants is an alliance. At least conservatives pay lip service to smaller government. And anybody who claims the left is anti-war is deluding him or herself. The left is anti-right-wing war, but they love left-wing wars. They wanted to invade Bosnia and did. They want to invade Sudan. The left is no more anti-war than the right.
"I don't see libertarianism moving rightward, I see rightward moving libertarian."
This is true, and it's a good thing, but the right has a long way to come before they'll help end our government problem.

I used to be confused about Soros for this exact reason:
"Here is a refugee from communism who made wads of money in a capitalist system, but now uses his money to promote socialism and an authoritarian state."
It seems contradictory, but then I realized this:
"Soros has taken his billions and spent them to make sure that no one else will be able to make the kind of money he did, or at least won’t be able to do it without being tied to a repressive state."
He's devoted to crony capitalism, and he realized because the left loves government more than any other political movement, so the left is the best place to practice crony capitalism. That should be the end of this discussion. But then we get this crazy comment:
"To be honest, I have no idea why libertarians were so attracted to him in the first place."
What? What libertarian would ever be attracted to Soros? That's like saying libertarians are attracted to Mussolini. I don't think these people who talk about libertarians allying with leftists know what a libertarian is. I occasionally see comments about left-libertarians, but that's an oxymoron so I don't know what that is, but it must be what these people are talking about. It's not a libertarian. Libertarians are the opposite of leftists. Leftists want government control of everything. They're not anti-war. They don't support civil rights. That stuff is a myth. Libertarians want government control of nothing. Anybody who allies themselves with a leftist cannot be a libertarian any more than a dog can be a cat. I'm not talking about agreeing on a position. Soros probably agrees with me that the US should pull out of Afghanistan, but there's no way in hell I would ever ally with him on anything including working with him on that. The devil may want us out of Afghanistan, but I wouldn't ally with him either.

President Obama won't be restrained by any outdated process like the law.
"With much of his legislative agenda stalled in Congress, President Obama and his team are preparing an array of actions using his executive power to advance energy, environmental, fiscal and other domestic policy priorities.
Mr. Obama has not given up hope of progress on Capitol Hill, aides said, and has scheduled a session with Republican leaders on health care later this month. But in the aftermath of a special election in Massachusetts that cost Democrats unilateral control of the Senate, the White House is getting ready to act on its own in the face of partisan gridlock heading into the midterm campaign."
More evidence supporting what I keep saying - Obama is the most lawless president in my life. Forget Nixon. Forget Clinton. The law means nothing to Obama. It's just an obstacle to be run over on his way to collapsing the US.

Obama refused to help his brother in Kenya who lived on "less than a dollar month".

Larry Kudlow doesn't get it.
"The disconnect between Washington and the rest of the country has never been greater. Why can't the political class in the District of Columbia produce a fiscal product that voters, taxpayers and investors are willing to consume?
According to The Washington Post, voters want smaller government and fewer government services by a large 58 percent to 38 percent margin. Pollster Scott Rasmussen reveals that 61 percent of voters believe tax cuts help the economy, that 59 percent think tax cuts are a better job-creation tool than increased government spending and that another 59 percent believe higher deficits hurt the economy.

Rasmussen also reports that a full 83 percent of Americans blame the deficit on the unwillingness of politicians to cut government spending. And get this: In a whopper of a poll result, The New York Times reports that 75 percent of Americans dislike Congress.

This is why there's a political revolt out there. Washington just doesn't get it."
Congress gets it, Larry. They just don't care.


The women of the View bust Glen Beck for lying about a tiny detail of story about when they ran into him on Amtrak. Granted, it's the kind of meaningless lie that good storytellers do all the time, that's why I'm not a good storyteller, but it was a lie and Beck admitted it. The funnier part is the big deal the women made about it. Beck's an entertainer. Busting him for this is like busting Charlton Heston for pretending to be Moses. But the real story here is that we're subsidizing Glen Beck, Barbara Walters and Whoopi Goldberg to ride Amtrak.


Barbara Boxer wrote a novel? Isn't she supposed to be working for the people of California? Aren't taxpayers paying her salary? Every time one of these aristocrats runs for an office while continuing to hold his or her current office, he makes a mockery of our system. They don't do squat other than rob us blind, and they have other people do that work for them.

Genome of 5,000 year old Greenland man sequenced. So Greenland was pretty warm 5,000 years before SUVs created global warming.

Chile spells country name wrong on coins. We like to think omnipotent government can centrally plan our lives. At least some people were fired. In the US, that'd win somebody a promotion.

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