Monday, February 01, 2010

Free kibbles


To combat the imaginary threat of cyber-warfare turning into real warfare, one-world-government agent proposes licensing people to use the internet. It's far to dangerous to allow people to speak to the world without getting permission from our angelic overseers. Obama wishes he had thought of that first.


Secession has become a central issue in the campaign for state offices in Vermont.
"According to a 2007 poll, they have support from at least 13% of state voters. The campaign slogan, Naylor told me, is "Imagine Free Vermont.""
It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. I hope it garners enough support to make the establishment's certain claims of meaninglessness blatantly phony. Why would people have hoped that Obama would end the wars when he made it perfectly clear he intended to escalate the war in Afghanistan. These people were hoping he was lying. It's bad enough that out politicians are liars, but some people are hoping they're lying.
"With 20 or so mostly middle-aged attendees looking on, the candidates each stood at the podium to deliver a remarkably unified message: The U.S. government, they said, was an immoral enterprise — engaged in imperial wars, propping up corrupt bankers and supersized corporations, crushing small businessmen, plundering the tax-base for corporate welfare, snooping on the private lives of citizens — and they wanted no more part of it. "The gods of the empire," Steele told the room, "are not the gods of Vermont.""
You have to love that. Unfortunately they want to centrally plan Vermont to their specifications, not embrace freedom. Trading one central government for another is worthless. We need freedom.


Independent watchdog in the Treasury Department (that seems kind of hard to believe) says that the government bailouts have ensured we'll face a worse economic crisis in the future.""Even if TARP saved our financial system from driving off a cliff back in 2008, absent meaningful reform, we are still driving on the same winding mountain road, but this time in a faster car," Barofsky wrote."This guy has some stones. I bet you he doesn't keep his job.


After trying to convince people he was fiscally responsible, Obama proposes $3.8 trillion budget. It would be funny if it wasn't so destructive.

Another consequence of government debt is foreign countries can manipulate our debt and create crises. Shouldn't Hank Paulson be in jail?


Cato identifies education spending as the vote-buying method of choice to recover from the Massachusetts debacle.
"The proposal is expected to include a $3 billion increase for No Child Left Behind-authorized programs; $1 billion for some sort of incentive to overhaul NCLB (it’s not clear how the president can offer Congress extra money to act, but I’m sure there are details to come); a $1.35 billion extension of the stimulus-funded Race to the Top fund; and a $17 billion increase in Pell Grant funding. In other words, education appears slated — as I feared it would — to be the administration’s post-Massachusetts, big vote bribe.
At least in education, it’s not all that hard to predict what politicians will do and the failure that will come of it. But all the ”investing in our children” rhetoric can be emotionally powerful, making it hard to rally against the pols before they strike again."
Obama has brought a new of transparency to Washington - he's the most transparent liar and politician and I can remember. Maybe that's what he was talking about.

Entry level college students failing basic grammar. That's what all the education spending on the government school monopoly is doing for us.


Like Dr. Frankenstein, Democrats seek to animate Son of Obamacare from the corpse of Obamacare.
"Many have concluded that the only hope for resuscitating the healthcare legislation is to push the issue off the front page and give lawmakers time to work out a new compromise and shift public perception of the bill."
As if backroom deals worked so well the first time. This is far scarier than Frankenstein because Republicans are guaranteed to fall for this. It's not genetically possible for them to stand on principle. Like plants opening to the sun, they can't help but compromise away our freedom in order to seize power for themselves when the opportunity arises. All Democrats have to do is toss some bones to Republicans, and we'll all pay the price. And Republicans will wonder why their new-found popularity disappeared overnight. If Brown is one of the compromisers, and he almost certainly will be, hopefully the people of Massachusetts will recall him.


Tea Party movement resists attempts of Republican establishment to take it over. I hope that resistance succeeds. Go away Jeb Bush.

Sarah Palin "generously" donates to Rand Paul's campaign, but she has yet to publicly endorse him. She understands the grassroots anger at the Republican establishment, and she understands her appeal is from standing apart from that establishment. Rand Paul is savvy enough to publicize her donation as an endorsement, which could put him over the top. Apparently Palin doesn't want to go public about supporting a freedom lover yet. She's playing her cards close to the vest. Maybe this is why: Pro-lifers attack pro-life Ron Paul because he won't support centralizing power forbidding abortions in the federal government.

Obama is recruiting high school students, having them read rules for radicals, then sending the out to brainwash others. This guy is sick and twisted.

Republicans hoping to win Obama's old Senate seat. That would be poetic justice.


Another Obama story being covered up by the mainsteam media. This one about no-bid contracts to favored donors. You remember hearing about those during the Bush administration? Apparently Obama cancelled the contract. Good for him for fixing that mistake.


I hope that swine flu epidemic didn't kill millions around you like government tried to make us think it would. It turns out humans didn't get that flu from swine. Swine got it from humans.
"What this means is that most people came down with the common cold, not the flu. Out of a population of 310 million, an estimated 55 million (~18%) were stricken with the H1N1 pandemic flu. Three years ago this writer predicted, in future flu outbreaks, in order to push vaccines upon the public, that derelict health authorities would intentionally confuse the public into thinking a pandemic was underway based upon symptoms caused by the common cold, not the flu.
Among influenza viruses, Type A triple reassortant H1N1 pandemic strain dominated, and for unknown reasons, the seasonal flu vanished. Yet the Centers For Disease Control still continues to suggest vaccination against both H1N1 pandemic strain and seasonal flu."
Government bureaucrats and their vaccination producing corporate partners need to eat caviar and lobster while driving their Ferraris just like the rest of us.

Rent control is destroying New York. It is a natural law of economics that when you fix the price of something below the market price, you get a shortage of it. Politicians can no more break that law than they can break the law of gravity.

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