Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Free kibbles


Power hungry mayor thinks he can declare martial law when it snows.

The secession movement is gaining steam.

I don't think that passion comes from liberty, but liberty feeds passion. Government crushes it.


Lord Geithner says the US will never lose its AAA credit rating. If he's so smart, why didn't he pay his taxes?


This helps to get a handle on the debt that collapsing America.
"To understand the immensity of one trillion dollars, one would have had to start spending $1 million daily soon after Rome was founded and continue for 2,738 years until today."
It's easy to go numb when these huge numbers are tossed out. This provides some useful perspective. But our problem is not foreign wars. If it wasn't for the welfare state, the US could afford to wage all the wars we're waging and more. Not that that's a good thing, but the welfare state is our bigger financial burden. Social Security and Medicare are our biggest financial problems. Virtually all domestic spending and every regulation, mandate and ban is welfare. Of course all our overseas military is just another welfare program. NATO is a welfare program for Europe. Troops in Japan are a welfare program for Japan. Troops in South Korea are a welfare program for South Korea. Troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc. are welfare programs for those countries. Troops in South America are welfare programs for South America. It's all welfare.
"Military spending gobbles up 19% of federal spending..."
It's kind of hard to make the case that military spending is bankrupting the US when it's only 19 percent of the budget.

Social Security is the same pyramid scheme as Madoff's but because we're forced to enter into it against our will, it's more evil.

I don't think the VAT tax is inevitable. If government tries to force it down our throats, it might trigger the pitchforks and torches.

Obama's new stimulus, not called a jobs bill, is as bad as his old stimulus, but smaller.

Suffering shrinking private sector wages while government wages are exploding will lead to a tax revolt.

Democrats introduces legislation to bail out labor union pension plans.

Graphs show powerful correlation between government spending and unemployment. That's probably because aristocrats spend more whenever unemployment goes up. Of course, it never creates jobs, it kills them.

Slide show shows how your income tax dollars are spent. Social Security and Medicare aren't in this.

Crony capitalism - government handing out our money to politically connected or politically correct businesses - is thriving.


Picture of a grade school student answering a question on a smart-board. Her answer says "the government owns all businesses"

Students rewarded for creating the best census cheer.


In celebration of the bloggers who cracked the great global warming fraud. There are no investigative reporters any more. All the mainstream media does is regurgitate stories. Bloggers now fill that role.
"It was not Private Eye, or the BBC or the News of the World, but a retired electrical engineer in Northampton, David Holland, whose freedom-of-information requests caused the Climategate scientists to break the law, according to the Information Commissioner. By contrast, it has so far attracted little attention that the leaked emails of Climategate include messages from reporters obsequiously seeking ammunition against the sceptics. Other emails have shown reporters meekly changing headlines to suit green activists, or being threatened with ostracism for even reporting the existence of a sceptical angle: ‘Your reportage is very worrisome to most climate scientists,’ one normally alarmist reporter was told last year when he slipped briefly off message. ‘I sense that you are about to experience the “Big Cutoff” from those of us who believe we can no longer trust you, me included.’"
Today's reporters are more a part of government's propaganda machine then ever instead of the watchdogs they were never that good at being. Thank goodness for bloggers.
"Mcintyre’s forensic dissection of the Consensus papers puts cosy scientific peer review to shame. Digging deep into data and computer programs, he has found myriad mistakes in both the statistical technique and the data used to make the famous hockey stick graph, which purported to show that recent temperatures were unprecedented in level and rate of change. But he has also uncovered a mistake in data that conveniently prevented 1934 being warmer than 1998 in America; the splicing together of the records of two Antarctic weather stations as if they were one; the smoothing of sea-level rise in a way that conveniently concealed its recent deceleration; the use of a Swedish lake sediment series upside down so it showed recent warming instead of cooling; and most recently the reliance of an attempt to resuscitate the hockey stick on a ludicrously small sub-sample of just 12 Siberian larch trees. That last one came about when Montford spotted that a scientist who had been refusing McIntyre access to data for ten years had published in a journal with a strict policy of archiving data. Montford tipped off McIntyre, who asked the journal to force the scientist to release the data, which he eventually did."
Great list of all the different instances of fraud McIntyre has personally uncovered. No wonder the frauds hate him. The world should make him a saint. Without McIntyre's work for no pay, Al Gore would have achieved some version of his one world government oppression agenda, and we'd be even more screwed than we already are.

Despite all the scandals proving the fraud, it's premature to consider the global warming fraud dead. This movement is still backed by every power-hungry politician on the planet who continue to funnel billions of taxpayer dollars into it every year. If we blink, they'll force their agenda on us while we aren't looking.

Mainstream NASA climate scientist, not a skeptic, says there's no scientific evidence global warming is caused by man.
"There is no scientific merit to be found in the [IPCC] Executive Summary. The presentation sounds like something put together by Greenpeace activists and their legal department. The points being made are made arbitrarily with legal sounding caveats without having established any foundation or basis in fact. The Executive Summary seems to be a political statement that is only designed to annoy greenhouse skeptics. Wasn’t the IPCC Assessment Report intended to be a scientific document that would merit solid backing from the climate science community – instead of forcing many climate scientists into having to agree with greenhouse skeptic criticisms that this is indeed a report with a clear and obvious political agenda. Attribution can not happen until understanding has been clearly demonstrated. Once the facts of climate change have been established and understood, attribution will become self-evident to all. The Executive Summary as it stands is beyond redemption and should simply be deleted."
We know that. I'm glad he knows that.

Obama administration official advocates swat teams to ensure energy efficient retrofits in neighborhood homes. You can't make this stuff up.

Glowing review of new LED lights.


250 Americans have been exonerated by DNA tests, and that's with almost no prosecutors investigating past convictions.
"It's notable that in one of the few jurisdictions where the district attorney is actively seeking out wrongful convictions—Dallas County, Texas—the county by itself has seen more exonerations than all but a handful of individual states. If prosecutors in other jurisdictions were to follow Dallas D.A. Craig Watkins' lead, that 250 figure would be significantly higher."
Prosecutors know they convict innocent people regularly, especially for rape, and they have no interest in reviewing those cases and freeing the innocent. All they care about are convictions, not justice.


Hillary Clinton says a nuclear armed Iran and North Korea aren't as much a threat to the US as al Qaeda. On the one hand, they aren't likely to attack us while al Qaeda is determined to attack us. On the other hand, while the chances of them attacking us are small, they aren't zero, and if they attack us it will be with a nuclear weapon. I consider that a bigger threat. If we lost a US city to a nuclear missile or terrorist attack, what semblance of freedom we have left would go up in nuclear smoke. Al Qaeda can't destroy America. Only a nuclear attack and our government can do that.

Further, al Qaeda isn't that hard a problem to deal with. All we need to do is work with their natural enemies, mainstream Muslims, to reduce the threat from al Qaeda. The reason al Qaeda looks so hard to defeat is our policies have turned mainstream Muslims against us instead of against al Qaeda.


Billboard with goofy picture of Bush saying, "Miss me yet?". How funny.

John Boehner illustrates he's constitutionally illiterate. I thought he did that every day.

Now Boehner wants to compromise on Obama's tax hike panel. We're already over 90 percent of the way to a totalitarian state, and Republicans and Democrats continue to "compromise" us the rest of the way. They win. We lose. I don't call that compromise at all. Compromise would be moving back towards freedom.

Ron Paul supporter catching up to Kay Bailey Hutchinson in Texas Republican governor's primary. Hutchinson thought she would do well running to the left of Perry. What a misjudgment that was.

Boorts has a theory about why Obama talks about himself so much:
"It is no wonder that Barack Obama talks about himself so much in his speeches. He realizes that the people do not want to hear about his policies, because his policies are not what got him elected. He was elected based on his personality and charisma. Unfortunately, you cannot charm the economy into growing. (The older you get the harder it is to charm things into growing, you know)."
While all that may be true, I don't think Obama is capable of not talking about himself regardless.

Nancy Pelosi's right hand man John Murtha died.

A majority of Democrats view socialism in a positive light. Imagine that.


Fantastic quote from Burt Prelutsky from the L.A. Times.
"Frankly, I don't know what it is about California, but we seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office. I'm not bragging, you understand, but no other state, including Maine, even comes close. When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington, we're number one. There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, and Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on 'Macbeth'. The three of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab. You don't know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words."
How true is that?


Pharoah Obama, continuing to promote the myth that government is the solution to every individual's problem, creates childhood obesity task force. You can bet more oppression will come out of this. Sure enough Obama wants to ban sugary foods and drinks from vending machines. I must have missed "the power to dictate contents of vending machines" in the Constitution.

Muslim bus driver in Britain stops bus and prays in the middle of the isle for five minutes. The bus driver is not fired. British school teacher fired because he would not tolerate his Muslim students calling the 9/11 hijackers heroes. Great Britain is being colonized out from under the Britons.

A way smarter idea for charitable fundraising, but it's probably illegal.

I don't understand this argument about judicial restraint.
"Every major proponent of judicial restraint has emphasized that the courts should defer to the will of the people and their representatives, and therefore vote to uphold the vast majority of duly-enacted laws."
That's baloney. That would mean the Constitution is irrelevant. It would mean that government had unlimited power. It would mean the rule of law was meaningless. It would mean living under a tyranny of the majority. The obligation of the Court is to apply the law to conflicts in front of it, and the highest law of the land is the Constitution. The Court has the responsibility to declare any law that contradicts the plane language of the Constitution as null and void. I've never heard anybody make this argument. Majorities can only rule on the few, limited powers the Constitution assigns to the government. Judicial activism is making new law. The Citizens United case enforced the highest law of the land - the Constitution - it didn't make new law.

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