Monday, June 29, 2009

Free kibbles

As wrong and dishonest as Krugman is in his field of expertise, supposedly economics, I'm not surprised he's equally wrong and dishonest about global warming.

Mises scholar explains the double standard and foolishness of legislating against bigotry. Can you imagine laws forcing customers to shop at stores owned by people of a specific ethnicity? The key to reducing bigotry (it will never go away) is to stop reinforcing it with stupid laws and let the market work. The market is a harsh punisher of bigots.

The names of the Republicans who voted for the tax and trade bill and estimates of the damage the bill would wreak if it became law. Because the bill punishes domestic energy production but not overseas energy production, domestic oil companies would have to shut down plants and move overseas.

Pharaoh Obama wants the Senate to pass oppressive global warming legislation only after it passes oppressive health care legislation. Otherwise he'll strike his staff on the ground twice and send the people scurrying for cover. Notice the common theme?

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