Monday, June 15, 2009

Free kibbles

Holy crap! Barron's, that iconic financial rag that arguably surpasses even the WSJ, calls for the abolition of the Fed based on the the Austrian theory of the business cycle! This will probably go nowhere in the short term, but it's astounding and providential in the long term. America is not a nation of morons. As I've long contended, only America's voters are overwhelmingly moronic. The vast majority of Americans support freedom, but neither of the two parties ever give us that choice. This might be earth shattering in an almost invisible way.

Robert Murphy predicts our economy will be horrible for a decade, but he suggests the character will be more like 70s stagflation, but much worse, than 30 depression. But I think this analysis is too optimistic. Murphy doesn't include the effects of Social Security going broke during this decade or of Medicare going broke in a similar time frame.

Mises scholar explains that socialized medicine is a license for the government to kill people. Canada is seizing shipments of an unlicensed and therefore inexpensive cancer drug, and as a result Canada cancer patients are dying. Socialized medicine gives government agents, health care cops, the power of life or death over every citizen. That's insane.

Security forces shoot protesters at pro-challenger rally in Iran. Obama troubled by Iran violence. Woop-te-do. That and a buck fifty will get you a Starbucks quality coffee at McDonald's. I'm troubled by Obama.

American children spend less time in school than children elsewhere. That's not our education problem. Our education problem is the government monopoly on our schools. But I'm sure government will jump on this as an excuse to indoctrinate children for longer. But more homework isn't a bad idea.

Yesterday I lamented that Democrats are losing the issues to Republicans before Republicans made any changes, but House majority leader John Boehner supplies a shred of hope:
"“We’re digging ourselves out of a deep hole,” he admitted. “We took it in the shorts with Bush-Cheney,
the Iraq War, and by sacrificing fiscal responsibility to hold power.”"
Not to mention a host of other anti-freedom initiatives. I hope this message gets through to all Republicans.

Some of the Uighurs are kicking back in Albanian and drinking Tom Collins's. I bet these guys are in the news at some time in the future in a bad way.

Apparently North Korea's last nuclear test was only big enough to destroy three or four square miles of downtown Los Angeles, not 10 to 20. I feel so much better. I guess a silly little threat like NK isn't worth Obama's precious time at all.

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